Datacube Management and Analytics
- easy, flexible, scalable, standards-based -


rasdaman ("raster data manager") allows management and analytics of massive multidimensional arrays ("data­cubes") such as sensor, image, simulation, and statistics data appearing in domains like Earth, Space, and Life sciences. In particular its flexibility, performance, scal­ability, and support for open standards make rasdaman stand out.

From simple map services up to complex analytics, ras­da­man provides the whole spectrum of functionality on spatio-temporal raster data - on regular and irregular grids, accessible through your well-known clients, from Leaflet over NASA WorldWind and QGIS to R and Python.

Actionable datacubes, provided by the inventors who pioneered Array Databases and datacubes. Much has happened since then - see the latest news for what is going on lately in the rasdaman and standardization universe!


  • Domain-independent Array DBMS for flexible raster data management and analytics
  • Datacube queries through domain-neutral ISO SQL/MDA and geo-specific WCPS
  • Geospatial standards support out of the box with the latest OGC / ISO / INSPIRE standards, including WCS, WCPS, WMS, WMTS
  • Automated data import through a powerful, flexible ETL suite
  • 100+ data formats for import and export, from JSON and XML over GeoTIFF to NetCDF.
  • Tunable tiling schemes for squeezing maximum performance on a variety of data access patterns
  • Easy deployment with Debian packages through stable, testing, and nightly repositories
  • Comprehensive documentation

Next Level:
rasdaman enterprise

Open-source rasdaman community is a fork and subset of proprietary rasdaman enterprise. With rasdaman enter­prise, a series of enabling features are provided additionally, including:

  • location-transparent federation
  • green computing
  • rocket-fast query engine
  • server-side code extensibility
  • AI integration
  • in-situ data registration
  • pixel-exact security
  • ...and more.

Contact us for a demo or test licence!

Try rasdaman

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Try rasdaman

It's easy! Just go to the datacube playground. Or download Debian packages, or - of course - the source code. For each option, there is ample documentation available, as well as professional support, including dedicated mailing lists. To cite rasdaman please use !

Awards & Recognition

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Worldwide Recognition

Independent experts unanimously attested that rasdaman "significantly transforms the way scientists access and use data in a way that hitherto was not possible". A series of international innovation awards recognizes rasdaman's lead in datacube analytics. US CIO Review has picked rasdaman into their list of Most Promising Big Data Technologies.


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The rasdaman team proudly contributes to the open-source community - rasdaman is OSGeo community project and part of the OSGeo Live DVD of particularly recommended open-source geo tools.

Big Data Standards

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Makers of Big Data Standards

Based on its unparalleled experience the rasdaman team is leading Big Datacube standardization in OGC, ISO, and INSPIRE, often chairing the working groups. The rasdaman query language forms the blueprint for the ISO Array SQL and OGC/ISO/INSPIRE WCPS datacube analytics standards.

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