Custom Query (17 matches)


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Status: closed (17 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1492 Petascope_UploadFileHandler from WCST_import uses filePaths in rasql query Bang Pham Huu enhancement critical development fixed
#1569 Ingestion with wcst_import is slow in the systemtest Bang Pham Huu defect critical development fixed
#1455 wcst_import should detect the null values Bang Pham Huu defect major development fixed
#1485 WCST_Import Wrong time coefficients in aggregated times netcdf file Bang Pham Huu defect major development fixed
#1498 wcst_import nil_value is nan and has error Bang Pham Huu defect major development fixed
#1503 WCST_Import_Support directPositions when pixelIsPoint:false Bang Pham Huu defect major development fixed
#1504 WCST_Import_Support directPositions for gribb file Bang Pham Huu defect major development fixed
#1507 WCST_Import_Evaluate ranges's metadata in GRIB/netcdf file Bang Pham Huu defect major development fixed
#1518 WCST_Import check the evaluation expressions metadata result in ingredient file Bang Pham Huu defect major development fixed
#1522 Petascope_Error when WCST_import ingredient file defined crs_resolver with prepending space Bang Pham Huu defect major development fixed
#1524 WCST_Import validation takes long time with multiple files Bang Pham Huu defect major development fixed
#1525 WCST_Import sort the files by datetime when possible defect major development fixed
#1528 wcst_import should preserve all metadata from netcdf Bang Pham Huu defect major development fixed
#1536 WCST_Import netCDF regular axis's resolution is calculated internally Bang Pham Huu defect major development fixed
#1540 WCST_Import Fix error from gdal too many files open Bang Pham Huu defect major development fixed
#1564 WCST_Import InsertCoverage with first datetime slice as bound on old recipes Bang Pham Huu defect major development fixed
#1566 wcst_import should support python statements Vlad Merticariu defect major development fixed
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.