Custom Query (2799 matches)


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Results (2701 - 2799 of 2799)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1581 rasdaman update fails Bang Pham Huu defect critical 9.5 build system
#1620 Petascope_WMS requests are slow in version 9.5 Bang Pham Huu defect critical 9.5 petascope
#1650 removing a client shouldn't close the database connection Dimitar Misev defect critical 9.5 servercomm
#1652 Petascope documentation update Bang Pham Huu defect critical 9.5 wiki
#1664 SECORE I/O errors Bang Pham Huu defect critical 9.5 secore
#1714 Petascope_Catch error loading gdal_java native library and throw exception about restarting tomcat Bang Pham Huu defect critical 9.6 petascope
#1725 rasserver parameter syncing Dimitar Misev defect critical 10.0 rasserver
#1728 Petascope_Cannot load GDAL JNI on Centos 7 with SELinux enabled Bang Pham Huu defect critical 9.6 petascope
#1736 RasJ_Cannot send query with metadata containing ampersand (&) from Petascope to rasservers Dimitar Misev defect critical 9.6 rasserver
#1739 subsetting by nonintersecting sdom crashes rasserver Dimitar Misev defect critical 9.6 qlparser
#1744 Petascope_Support map mosaic with overlapping tiles Bang Pham Huu defect critical 9.7 petascope
#1754 Random data in polygon and linestring clipping bbell defect critical 9.6 qlparser
#1757 Petascope WMS Image Pyramid on XY geo-referenced axes Bang Pham Huu enhancement critical 9.7 petascope
#1759 FROM clause in UPDATE statement bbell enhancement critical 9.7 qlparser
#1773 Petascope_URL for ows:HTTP from WCS/WMS GetCapabilities should be set properly Bang Pham Huu defect critical 9.7 petascope
#1774 installation update via fails Dimitar Misev defect critical Future build system
#1781 Rasmgr was killed after multiple error queries Dimitar Misev defect critical 9.7 rasserver
#1787 liquibase lock issue on petascopedb Bang Pham Huu defect critical 9.7 petascope
#1788 gdal-java not found on Debian Testing Bang Pham Huu defect critical 9.7 build system
#1789 WCPS_Fit output geo bounds from WCPS trimming should regard to negative grid origin Bang Pham Huu defect critical 9.7 petascope
#1790 Petascope supports GDAL_JAVA version 2.x Bang Pham Huu defect critical 9.7 petascope
#1802 wcst_import should report an error on invalid option ahambasan defect critical 9.7 wcst_import
#1805 scale with imageCrsDomain returns wrong rasdaman axis order Bang Pham Huu defect critical 9.7 petascope
#1806 clip operations with general expressions in the point lists bbell defect critical 9.7 qlparser
#1817 Create set type with nan null values segfaults on debian buster Dimitar Misev defect critical 9.7 rasserver
#1839 Petascope_WMS should not use extend before scaling when generating Rasql query Bang Pham Huu defect critical 9.7 petascope
#1850 rasdapy fails on any query resulting in more than 4MB data ahambasan defect critical 9.7 rasdapy
#1943 UnsatisfiedLinkError with gdal-java Bang Pham Huu defect critical 9.7 petascope
#1964 Support collected files removal during validation/import Bang Pham Huu enhancement critical 9.8 wcst_import
#1999 Adapt petascope to use new project() function Bang Pham Huu defect critical 9.8 petascope
#2001 sentinel2 doesn't work (MultiImporter) Bang Pham Huu defect critical 9.8 wcst_import
#2013 petascope-core.jar is not built properly Bang Pham Huu defect critical 9.8 petascope
#2039 throw error if resolution is specified and axis is irregular Bang Pham Huu defect critical 9.8 wcst_import
#2091 Update with null values doesn't work for float / short / octet Dimitar Misev defect critical 9.8 qlparser
#2144 On Ubuntu 18.04 gdal jar should be version 2.x Dimitar Misev defect critical 9.8 petascope
#2158 systemtest fails on Ubuntu 18.04 Bang Pham Huu defect critical 10.0 systemtest
#2169 petascope fails to build on Ubuntu 18.04 Bang Pham Huu defect critical 10.0 petascope
#2178 rasj fails downloading array result on 32-bit systems Dimitar Misev defect critical 10.0 servercomm
#2183 Memory leak in range constructor + case statement apercov defect critical 10.0 qlparser
#2189 WCPS - SubsettingCRS does not work Bang Pham Huu defect critical 10.0 petascope
#2198 Catch and ignore coverage exceptions on GetCapabilities Bang Pham Huu enhancement critical 10.0 petascope
#2202 document switch in WCPS Vlad Merticariu task critical 10.0 doc
#2205 make unit-check segfaults Dimitar Misev defect critical 10.0 systemtest
#2213 rasql: multiple marray variables not evaluated properly Dimitar Misev defect critical 10.0 rasql
#2229 Document examples to use WMS with clients and WSClient introduction Bang Pham Huu task critical 10.0 wcsclient
#2272 wcst_import cannot handle /vsis3 paths Bang Pham Huu defect critical 10.0 wcst_import
#2278 support gdal /vsi* in wcst_import and petascope Bang Pham Huu defect critical 10.0 petascope
#2283 test_web_interfaces and wcs hooks test needs to be updated Bang Pham Huu defect critical 10.0 systemtest
#2317 segfault during mdd insertion when the mdd type is not a domain type Dimitar Misev defect critical 10.0 qlparser
#2329 does not report errors Bang Pham Huu defect critical 10.0 applications
#2365 Petascope - Missing update downscaled levels for collections Bang Pham Huu defect critical 10.0 petascope
#2405 wrong import of gdal in wcst_import? Dimitar Misev defect critical 10.0 wcst_import
#2428 configuration files should be readable only by owner/group Bang Pham Huu defect critical 10.0 bin
#2448 problem with configuring H2 Bang Pham Huu defect critical 10.0 build system
#2465 Petascope should run with caches as background threads Bang Pham Huu enhancement critical 10.0 petascope
#2480 systemtest fails on centos 7 nightly package Bang Pham Huu defect critical 10.0 systemtest
#2491 rasdaman logs should not be world-readable Bang Pham Huu defect critical 10.0 rasserver
#2494 SECORE - try to create /opt/rasdaman/data/secoredb folders Bang Pham Huu enhancement critical 10.0 secore
#2495 Petascope - write the request besides the time to process the request in Bang Pham Huu enhancement critical 10.0 petascope
#2505 rename APIs for non-standard HTTP requests for petascope, wcst_import and wsclient Bang Pham Huu enhancement critical 10.0 petascope
#2542 missing details in documentation Bang Pham Huu enhancement critical 10.0 doc
#2555 petascope - Default WMS style changed behavior Bang Pham Huu enhancement critical 10.0 petascope
#2559 WCPS - fix FROM clause for coverage loops in aliases Bang Pham Huu defect critical 10.0 petascope
#2570 petascope - wsclient failed to show Bang Pham Huu defect critical 10.0 petascope
#2571 wcst_import object has no attribute evaluator_slice Bang Pham Huu defect critical 10.0 wcst_import
#2580 wcst_import wrong error cannot create resume file Bang Pham Huu defect critical 10.0 wcst_import
#2644 Petascope - FIX - Update coverage doesn't update associated WMS layer Bang Pham Huu defect critical 10.1 undecided
#2675 FIX - WMS with WCPS style of a layer with pyramids selects wrong collection name in the rasql FROM clause Bang Pham Huu defect critical 10.1 petascope
#2728 FIX - scale on 3D base coverage with pyramid returns wrong result if expression specified in LET clause Bang Pham Huu defect critical 10.2 petascope
#2744 FIX - WMS returns wrong result for coverage has geo extents less than its pyramid Bang Pham Huu defect critical 10.2 undecided
#2749 FIX - WMS GetMap on different layers with different extents / resolutions are wrong Bang Pham Huu defect critical 10.2 petascope
#2834 FIX - resolution column in axis_extent table must be in String not BigDecimal Bang Pham Huu defect critical petascope
#105 bug with multiband TIFF files Dimitar Misev defect blocker conversion
#185 HDF4 should be optional for compilation of rasdaman Alireza defect blocker raslib
#189 rasimport: Segmentation fault (core dumped) defect blocker 8.4 rasgeo
#247 WCPS domain() returns empty Piero Campalani defect blocker 8.4 petascope
#354 Experimental copy of petascope while patchmanager gets upgraded Dimitar Misev task blocker build system
#376 Aggregation operations in petascope don't work on multiband covs abeccati defect blocker 9.0 petascope
#381 SECORE fails because of different GML namespaces Dimitar Misev defect blocker 8.4.2 secore
#402 E-mail verification broken after password reset attempt Heinrich Stamerjohanns defect blocker undecided
#433 relese 8.5beta1 does not build for packaging Piero Campalani defect blocker undecided
#505 Performance leak for timestamp to numeric coordinate conversion Piero Campalani defect blocker Future petascope
#567 HTML documentation needs to be integrated Peter Baumann defect blocker 9.0 manuals_and_examples
#638 CSV encoding problem with multiband collections uagha defect blocker 9.0 conversion
#668 Migration starts on new petascopedb Piero Campalani defect blocker 9.0 petascope
#745 Petascope to serve GML in JPEG2000 files Piero Campalani feature blocker 9.0.x petascope
#791 is not created Dimitar Misev defect blocker undecided
#792 is not created Dimitar Misev defect blocker undecided
#948 WCS client does not work Alex Toader defect blocker 9.2 raswct
#1020 fails with ImportError Alex Dumitru defect blocker 9.1.x applications
#1075 easylogging configuration in rasql leads to segfault Alex Toader defect blocker undecided
#1112 grpc use Dimitar Misev defect blocker 9.2 undecided
#1388 Rasql_Memory leak with swith case expression bbell defect blocker 9.4 rasserver
#1438 systemtest broken on Ubuntu 14.04 Bang Pham Huu defect blocker 9.3 systemtest
#1595 Tiles on the filesystem are executable defect blocker 9.6 relblobif
#1797 rasdapy prints binary data in an exception message Bang Pham Huu defect blocker 9.7 rasdapy
#1993 Document RAS_INSTALL_PATH env var Vlad Merticariu defect blocker 10.0 doc
#2112 and, must work with /bin/sh Bang Pham Huu enhancement blocker 9.8 bin
#2470 petascope - add SECORE as embedded inside petascope Bang Pham Huu enhancement blocker 10.0 petascope
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.