Custom Query (24 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#794 complex constructor doesn't work with rasj accepted apercov minor 10.0 java
#1180 brush up generated API documentation new Dimitar Misev minor Future undecided
#378 Interest tiling does not work for 3D+ assigned Dimitar Misev major 11.0 qlparser
#480 Aligned tiling does not work in general nD with partial updates new Dimitar Misev major 11.0 qlparser
#1103 Tiling behavior new Peter Baumann major 11.0 rasodmg
#1195 delete from collection slow for big collections new Dimitar Misev major Future relblobif
#1253 Tiling size doesn't always work for aligned tiling new major 11.0 rasodmg
#1854 add missing coverage documentation assigned Vlad Merticariu major 10.0 wiki
#1922 netcdf preserve file metadata assigned Dimitar Misev major 11.0 wcst_import
#1935 Implement support for 64-bit int base types assigned Dimitar Misev major 11.0 raslib
#2371 slow marray query on small subset new major 10.0 qlparser
#2374 check if distributed query processing is supported in rasnet new major 10.0 rasmgr
#2377 rasql - segfault with avg_cells and decode() 2D file with multiple bands assigned Dimitar Misev major 10.0 server
#2380 rasql - cannot subset a collection via decode() operator assigned Dimitar Misev major 10.0 rasserver
#2392 rasql - wrong result with scale assigned Dimitar Misev major 10.0 rasserver
#2601 Parser conflict resolve - intLitExp & floatLitExp assigned Dimitar Misev major 10.0 qlparser
#2602 Parser conflict resolve - scalarLit assigned Dimitar Misev major 10.0 qlparser
#2603 Parser conflict resolve - mintervalExp & namedMintervalExp2 assigned Dimitar Misev major 10.0 qlparser
#2750 FIX - rasql OVERLAY returns incorrect results reopened mrodionych@… major 10.2 server
#2766 FIX - rasql - overlay returns incorrect result when combining multiple time slices assigned Dimitar Misev major 10.2 server
#2772 wcs_extract recipe fails when partitioning_scheme is smaller than coverage raster size assigned Bang Pham Huu major 10.2 wcst_import
#2783 RASQL error when requesting time interval that is not aligned with coverage time grid assigned Bang Pham Huu major 10.2 petascope
#2821 FIX - condense return incorrect result for mosaic TIFF files assigned Dimitar Misev major rasserver
#2843 FIX - petascope should use rasdaman_user to query when authentication_type is empty assigned Bang Pham Huu major petascope
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.