Custom Query (57 matches)


Show under each result:

Resolution: fixed (50 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#209 Range constructor in rasql Bidesh Thapaliya enhancement critical qlparser 8.3
#589 WCPS cast precedence Vlad Merticariu defect critical petascope development
#927 struct literal in an marray causes segfault Dimitar Misev defect critical qlparser development
#614 Fix Processing WCS extension Alex Dumitru feature major petascope development
#712 Communication Protocol change Alex Dumitru defect major rasnet development
#812 Segfault with long case queries Vlad Merticariu defect major qlparser development
#822 WCPS 1.5 implementation Alex Dumitru enhancement major petascope development
#827 WCPS systemtests bugs Alex Dumitru defect major systemtest development
#835 Change WCST KVP parsing Vlad Merticariu enhancement major petascope development
#838 Benchmark output regulated by RMANCLIENTOPT Peter Baumann defect major manuals_and_examples development
#843 Implement WCS-T [Insert + Delete] Vlad Merticariu feature major petascope development
#848 directql fails on insert operation Bidesh Thapaliya defect major applications development
#849 directql does not work with input files Dimitar Misev defect major applications development
#860 Port null values support from rasdaman enterprise Peter Baumann feature major qlparser development
#862 Implement WMS 1.3 Alex Dumitru feature major petascope development
#863 decode doesn't import ushort tiff properly George Merticariu defect major qlparser development
#864 extend WCS clinet with InsertCoverage and DeleteCoverage Vlad Merticariu enhancement major applications development
#866 wcs client needs licence headers Alex Toader defect major applications development
#868 gcc optimization flags Dimitar Misev defect major build system development
#870 wcs client transaction extension seems unavailabe Vlad Merticariu defect major applications development
#871 WCPS 2.0 system tests check Vlad Merticariu defect major petascope development
#872 WMS 1.3 patch followup Alex Dumitru defect major petascope development
#873 WCS client should be default view for petascope Alex Dumitru defect major petascope development
#881 Rasdaman fails to compile with --enable-debug George Merticariu defect major rasnet development
#884 SQLite linking issue on Ubuntu George Merticariu defect major build system development
#891 Random error in netcdf converter Dimitar Misev defect major conversion development
#898 WMS fails to load service table Alex Dumitru defect major petascope development
#902 Traffic light example query for CASE fails Bidesh Thapaliya defect major qlparser development
#916 RasdlError class should not have errno member jzhang defect major rasdl development
#918 Develop utility to insert georeferenced datasets via WCST Alex Dumitru feature major applications development
#933 make fails on first run, missing oql.h Dimitar Misev defect major build system development
#935 rasdaman dir created by RPMs should have proper permissions Dimitar Misev defect major RPM development
#939 Check compilation against GDAL 2.0 Vlad Zamfir task major conversion development
#940 WCS-T should use new type management Vlad Merticariu enhancement major petascope development
#945 Use sqlite by default as a RASBASE backend Dimitar Misev feature major build system development
#951 deprecate wms-import tools Dimitar Misev task major build system development
#952 DeleteCoverage doesn't delete rasdaman collection Vlad Merticariu defect major petascope development
#953 Update clause should support data coming from the decode operation Dimitar Misev defect major undecided development
#954 WCST should keep the order of the input offset vectors Dimitar Misev defect major undecided development
#955 WMS layers created from WCS coverage have incorrect bbox Dimitar Misev defect major undecided development
#956 Ruggedize wcst_import based on the feedback from its alpha release Alex Dumitru defect major undecided development
#957 Add configure generated files to git ignore Alex Dumitru defect major undecided development
#958 script doesn't work for sqlite Dimitar Misev defect major build system development
#842 rasql should throw a proper exception on empty file bismaili defect minor applications development
#844 WCST typing of coverages Vlad Merticariu defect minor undecided development
#857 user friendly client for Web Coverage Service Alex Toader enhancement minor applications development
#869 unused jars in petascope Dimitar Misev defect minor petascope development
#894 fix typos and hiccups in QL Guide Peter Baumann defect minor manuals_and_examples development
#923 Change the location of the authentication file Dimitar Misev task minor rasmgr development
#911 rasgeo should support filestorage Dimitar Misev task trivial rasgeo development

Resolution: invalid (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#890 rasimport segfault when reading image information Dimitar Misev defect major rasgeo development
#917 Deleting coverage from petascope fails Alex Dumitru defect major petascope development
#831 Enable rasimport to only populate petascope metadata Dimitar Misev defect minor rasgeo development

Resolution: wontfix (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#900 Access restriction to updates in WCS client Vlad Merticariu defect critical applications development

Resolution: duplicate (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#846 WCST systemtests require more than 1 request Vlad Merticariu enhancement major systemtest development
#851 Make petascope independent from Tomcat bismaili defect major petascope development
#924 wcst_import should support relative paths Alex Dumitru defect minor applications development
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.