Custom Query (2349 matches)


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Results (1101 - 1200 of 2349)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1656 should be idempotent Dimitar Misev defect major 9.5 petascope
#1657 Merge rasdaman-geo-migration.jar into rasdaman.war? Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.6 petascope
#1658 petascope demo coverages should not be prefixed test_* Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.5 undecided
#1659 Tomcat warning about "jar not loaded" Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.5 petascope
#1660 petascope log improvements Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.5 petascope
#1662 petascope should not download sqlite, h2, and further drivers Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.5 petascope
#1663 rasodmg and raslib should be installed to $RMANHOME/include Dimitar Misev defect major 9.5 build system
#1665 ncdump errors in systemtest log Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.5 systemtest
#1666 Too many petascope/secore properties backup files Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.5 build system
#1667 petascope and SELinux on CentOS Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.7 petascope
#1668 curtain queries bbell feature major 10.0 qlparser
#1670 RasdaPy_Cannot release connection to server by database.close() Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.5 rasdapy
#1671 RasdaPy_Update collection query should be executed as update query Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.5 rasdapy
#1672 RasdaPy_Wrong avg_cells() for collection with multiple bands (RGBSet) defect major 9.5 rasdapy
#1673 RasdaPy_Exception should return error message from rasql enhancement major 9.5 rasdapy
#1674 RasdaPy_Error parsing result from array constants defect major 9.5 rasdapy
#1675 python rasql client using rasdapy Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.6 systemtest
#1676 rasdapy: arrays have wrong dimension and wrong sdom Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.5 applications
#1677 RasdaPy_Error parsing result from count_cells() defect major 9.5 rasdapy
#1678 RasdaPy_Error parsing result from bit() defect major 9.5 rasdapy
#1679 RasdaPy_Support for other parameters (-f, --mddomain, --mddtype) besides --query? enhancement major 9.5 rasdapy
#1680 RasdaPy_Add source code from github to rasdaman's repository Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.5 rasdapy
#1681 install pdf docs by default Dimitar Misev defect major 10.0 manuals_and_examples
#1682 RasdaPy_Cannot parse the result from sdom() Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.5 rasdapy
#1683 Generate error messages for rasj, rasdapy from errtxts file Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.5 build system
#1684 Segfault with output --formated Dimitar Misev defect major 9.5 rasserver
#1685 RasdaPy_Create some other types which corresponds to rasql Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.5 rasdapy
#1686 WCST_Import Support silence option Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.6 wcst_import
#1687 Server killed with condenser count_cells Dimitar Misev defect major 9.7 rasql
#1688 Segfault with multiple 2 MDD domains on 3 bands collections Dimitar Misev defect major Future rasql
#1691 throw proper exception on invalid hostname in rasmgr.conf Dimitar Misev defect major 9.7 rasserver
#1692 WCPS polygon clipping with explicit CRS Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.6 petascope
#1693 Petascope_migration for petascopedb version < 9.5 will not run if SECORE is not running Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.5 petascope
#1694 WSClient_Set default URL to request GetCapabilities correctly Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.5 wcsclient
#1695 WSClient_Add text boxes for subsettingCrs, outputCrs and clip on WCS GetCoverage tab Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.5 wcsclient
#1696 rasql_clip with Multipolygon bbell defect major 9.6 rasql
#1697 security for secore admin pages Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.5 secore
#1698 RasdaPy_Support query with insert into values from file and mdddomain, mddtype Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.5 rasdapy
#1699 Rasql_removes /tmp/rasdaman.*.aux.xml after encoding result is done Dimitar Misev enhancement major 9.7 conversion
#1700 rasdaman should accept GetCapabilities requests without a version parameter Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.5 petascope
#1701 WCPS should automatically detect 2D transposed data and apply a transpose operation Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.6 petascope
#1702 Petascope_Wrong coefficients for irregular time axis when trimming Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.5 petascope
#1704 Rasql_Segfault from a condenser with mismatching sdom dkamov defect major 9.7 qlparser
#1705 Rasql_Remove the additional break line for composite output bbell defect major 9.5 rasql
#1706 unexpected null values behavior in condensers Dimitar Misev defect major 9.6 qlparser
#1707 ALTER COLLECTION statement to update the type of a collection Dimitar Misev defect major 9.6 qlparser
#1708 Rasql_Round float number should have a consistent length for fractional part bbell defect major 9.6 rasql
#1709 WCST_Import error with mock:true for map_mosaic recipe Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.6 wcst_import
#1711 avg_cells on area that incompletely intersects physical tiles is wrong Dimitar Misev defect major 9.6 qlparser
#1713 WSClient_Add POST request to WCS GetCoverage besides default GET request Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.6 wcsclient
#1716 rasql fails if http_proxy env var is set Dimitar Misev defect major 9.6 rasql
#1718 cmake should properly support -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Dimitar Misev defect major 9.6 build system
#1720 Petascope_Fix null error when enconding WCPS coverage constructor in netCDF Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.6 petascope
#1721 Add a test that makes concurrent WCS/WCPS requests Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.6 systemtest
#1722 Fix for multiple rasdaman installations Dimitar Misev defect major 9.6 bin
#1723 Petascope_Error when clipping LineString with coverage's alias with "$" Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.6 petascope
#1724 test_wcps: ./ --drop does not work Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.6 systemtest
#1726 pygrib / netcdf should not be required by wcst_import by default Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.6 wcst_import
#1727 Log4j add date to log files Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.6 applications
#1730 QGIS_Plugin_Check WCPS plugin can work with QGIS 3.x dkamov task major 9.8 third party
#1731 Update Clients wiki page Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.6 wiki
#1732 Petascope_Change rasdaman/admin to rasdaman/ows/admin to update service identification, service provider Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.6 petascope
#1733 WCST_Import supports getting metadata from axes, bands automatically from netCDF Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.7 wcst_import
#1734 WCST_Import error from Numpy with metadata "auto" Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.6 wcst_import
#1738 Petascope_Fix the problem with comparison of coefficients from WCST_Import Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.6 petascope
#1740 wcst_import: options should be optional Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.7 wcst_import
#1743 Petascope cannot run compiled with OpenJDK 10 Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.6 petascope
#1745 Petascope_WCPS supports encode format case insensitive Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.6 petascope
#1746 WMS client - Allow users select style to be applied on WebWorldWind globe Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.7 wcsclient
#1747 WSClient_WCS_ProcessCoverage tab add WebWorldWind widget to display the 2D png output from WCPS request Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.6 wcsclient
#1748 WSClient_Display WMS overview image as WMSLayer in WebWorldWind Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.6 wcsclient
#1749 WSClient_Cannot GetCapabilities for WMS from different end point Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.6 wcsclient
#1750 WCPS ANTLR4 parsing error reporting enhancement Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.7 petascope
#1751 WCPS_Error with axis iterator when it should be coverage iterator Vlad Merticariu defect major 9.7 petascope
#1752 WMS style fragments problem with subsetting Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.6 petascope
#1753 Petascope_Allow cross origin requests to different controllers than main controller Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.6 petascope
#1755 Petascope_WMS should do extend before scaling for GetMap request result Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.6 petascope
#1758 WSClient_Add admin tab to manage petascope Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.7 wcsclient
#1760 restructuring some clipping code bbell defect major 9.7 clipping
#1761 Problem creating struct type dkamov defect major 9.7 qlparser
#1762 Petascope struct type management problem Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.7 petascope
#1763 Attach null values to an mdd expression Dimitar Misev enhancement major 9.7 qlparser
#1764 Test web interfaces should read properties file for petascope/secore configurations Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.7 systemtest
#1765 WCPS_Output of CrsTransform() should update all relate metadata from input crs Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.7 petascope
#1766 WebWorldWind in the wcs-client cannot work offline Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.8 wcsclient
#1767 Rasql_project() sdom of grid bounds should be shifted by -1 Dimitar Misev defect major 9.7 rasql
#1768 wcs client changes Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.7 wcsclient
#1769 crs url should not be hardcoded in petascopedb Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.7 petascope
#1770 Petascope_Rasql error message lost from invalid WCPS query Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.7 petascope
#1771 Petascope should recognize GDAL complex types Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.8 petascope
#1772 Rasql_Cannot subset from output of projection() Dimitar Misev defect major 9.7 server
#1776 Rasql_Overlay 2 collections with different bands error bbell defect major 9.7 rasserver
#1779 compiling rasdaman with g++ 8.1 fails Dimitar Misev defect major 9.7 build system
#1782 WSClient_View 3D+ WMS layers on WebWorldWind as 2D+ layers Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.7 wcsclient
#1783 WCS client headers should not have border right bciurezu defect major wcsclient
#1784 Coverage extra metadata should be displayed in the DescribeCoverage tab bciurezu defect major wcsclient
#1785 password input should be of type password bciurezu defect major 9.7 wcsclient
#1786 WSClient - Add range sliders for dimension axes of 3D+ WMS layers for WMS GetMap request accordingly bciurezu enhancement major 9.7 wcsclient
#1793 CMake doesn't properly update pom.xml when is changed Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.7 build system
#1794 wcst_import test is inconsistent with other systemtests Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.7 systemtest
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Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.