Custom Query (2799 matches)


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Results (801 - 900 of 2799)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#954 WCST should keep the order of the input offset vectors Dimitar Misev defect major 9.1 undecided
#955 WMS layers created from WCS coverage have incorrect bbox Dimitar Misev defect major 9.1 undecided
#956 Ruggedize wcst_import based on the feedback from its alpha release Alex Dumitru defect major 9.1 undecided
#957 Add configure generated files to git ignore Alex Dumitru defect major 9.1 undecided
#958 script doesn't work for sqlite Dimitar Misev defect major 9.1 build system
#959 HSQLDB: alternative backend for petascope Dimitar Misev enhancement major 10.0 petascope
#960 embed jetty with petascope Dimitar Misev enhancement major 10.0 petascope
#962 Irregular axis subset limits are pushed to the axis bounds when no slice is intersected. Vlad Merticariu defect major 9.2 petascope
#963 wcst_import should not print all files collected Dimitar Misev defect major 9.1.x applications
#964 wcst_import should throw proper errors Dimitar Misev defect major 9.1.x applications
#965 wcst_import should handle float null values Alex Dumitru defect major 9.1.x applications
#966 int null value not supported? Vlad Merticariu defect major 9.1.x petascope
#967 Bands of target coverage do not match input coverage Alex Dumitru defect major 9.1.x applications
#968 wcst_import recipes should allow custom field names Dimitar Misev defect major 9.1.x applications
#969 Deleting coverage when there is only one in petascopedb fails Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.1.x petascope
#970 select query while inserting data bug Dimitar Misev defect major 9.1.x reladminif
#972 WCPS1.5_aggregated condense fails when subsetting outside coverage bounds Bang Pham Huu defect major 10.0 qlparser
#973 induced condense doesn't seem to consider nulls Vlad Merticariu defect major 10.0 qlparser
#974 WCPS 2_induced aggregation in WCPS doesn't preserve axis names Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.4 petascope
#976 validation of nil values in petascope is incorrect Dimitar Misev defect major 9.1.x petascope
#977 rasdaman fails to install properly when --prefix is not specified Dimitar Misev defect major 9.1.x build system
#978 should check for user permissions Dimitar Misev defect major 9.1.x build system
#979 Support for GridCoverage in WCST Vlad Merticariu defect major petascope
#980 Change default data type for coverages to Float32 Vlad Merticariu enhancement major 9.1.x petascope
#981 trying to recreate RASBASE should throw a proper error Dimitar Misev defect major 9.1.x reladminif
#983 wcst_import: invalid input files should not cause error maybe Alex Dumitru defect major 9.1.x applications
#985 WCS extract recipe Alex Dumitru defect major applications
#988 Read time error with Petascope when embedded with Jetty Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.2 petascope
#989 WCST Import improvements Alex Dumitru defect major undecided
#990 invalid struct selector should throw proper error Vlad Zamfir defect major 9.1.x qlparser
#991 marray iterator syntax not properly supported Vlad Zamfir defect major 9.1.x qlparser
#995 WMS should update metadata on WCS-T updates Alex Dumitru defect major undecided
#996 Jetty does not start when rasdaman is configured with --with-wardir Bang Pham Huu defect major undecided
#1002 Issues with C++-Api and rasnet George Merticariu defect major rasnet
#1004 rasdl should check for instances before deleting a type Dimitar Misev defect major rasdl
#1005 wcps parser does not work for date ranges when the result is 3D Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.2 petascope
#1006 Fix error handling in the new protocol Alex Toader defect major undecided
#1007 precision in floating point operations Dimitar Misev defect major 9.1.x qlparser
#1008 Continuous integration framework Andrei Badoi defect major 9.2 undecided
#1009 Could not clone rasdaman from rasdaman.git Dimitar Misev defect major 9.1.x network
#1010 rasbase gets corrupted when doing reads and updates at the same time Dimitar Misev defect major undecided
#1011 support floating point null values Vlad Merticariu enhancement major undecided
#1012 support ingestion of data between slices on an irregular axis Vlad Merticariu enhancement major undecided
#1013 png format in WCS Alex Dumitru defect major petascope
#1015 failing to ingest irregular timeseries slice leaves metadata db inconsistent Vlad Merticariu defect major petascope
#1016 rasdaman support for GRIB format Dimitar Misev enhancement major 9.2 conversion
#1017 enhanced NetCDF support in the decode function Dimitar Misev enhancement major 9.2 undecided
#1018 Wrong subset Y with mages without georeferenced Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.2 petascope
#1019 ingesting dataset without nil values results in exception Alex Dumitru defect major petascope
#1021 Recognize if an image is geo-referenced or not with GDAL Vlad Merticariu defect major 9.2 petascope
#1023 Rasdaman cannot be installed Dimitar Misev defect major undecided
#1024 Petascope ingestion of non-geo-referenced images Vlad Merticariu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1025 Patchmanager support for new branching system George Merticariu defect major 9.2 patch_manager
#1027 rasdl could not delete base/marray/settype from RASBASE Dimitar Misev defect major 9.1.x undecided
#1028 rasdaman does not compile with --enable-debug George Merticariu defect major undecided
#1030 WCST-import tried to import empty coverage when "subset_correction" is false with geo-referenced image Alex Dumitru defect major 9.1.x petascope
#1031 configure does not check if sqllite3 is installed. Dimitar Misev defect major 9.2 build system
#1032 parallel query not working George Merticariu defect major undecided
#1033 eassylogging prints message in console in stead of log file Vlad Zamfir defect major undecided
#1034 Test RASBASE durability Dimitar Misev defect major 9.1.x rasserver
#1035 Build error in sqlglobals Dimitar Misev defect major 9.1.x reladminif
#1036 tiff produces invalid file Dimitar Misev defect major 9.1.x conversion
#1037 collect rasdaman download statistics Vlad Zamfir enhancement major wiki
#1038 switch java compilation to maven George Merticariu defect major 9.1.x java
#1039 WCS server should advertise all the supported coverage formats. Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.2 applications
#1041 in the new protocol should show an error if nothing needs stopping Alex Toader defect major undecided
#1043 WCS Client improvements Alex Toader defect major undecided
#1044 Infinite reconnection tries if server not running Alex Toader defect major rasnet
#1045 rasnet compilation not working with --enable-strict George Merticariu defect major undecided
#1046 start_rasdaman messages Alex Dumitru defect major 9.1.x undecided
#1047 Easylogging header is missing in installation Alex Toader defect major 9.1.x build system
#1048 eassylogging log format Vlad Zamfir defect major 9.1.x rasserver
#1049 subsetting in rasdaman is inconsistent apercov defect major 10.0 qlparser
#1051 does not work Dimitar Misev defect major undecided
#1053 Lock manager inspection Dimitar Misev defect major tilemgr
#1054 rasnet: running directql without specifying connection George Merticariu defect major 9.1.x rasnet
#1055 fix bug when inserting a new coverage id that is the same name as an existing rasdaman collection Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.2 petascope
#1056 Petascopedb is not identical in some tables between imported by wcst_import and testcase_services ( Dimitar Misev defect major systemtest
#1057 RNP protocol work not correctly in Centos 7 gmerticariu, defect major rasnet
#1058 rasnet: installation modifies java source files? George Merticariu defect major 9.1.x rasnet
#1060 Common interface for extracting specific structures from decode files Alex Dumitru defect major 9.3 conversion
#1061 rasmgr behavior when a client requests a server, but not server is available. Alex Toader feature major 9.2 rasmgr
#1062 Compilation fails with --with-default-basedb=postgresql Alex Toader defect major undecided
#1063 WCS-Client could not load user interface Alex Toader defect major 9.1.x petascope
#1064 wcst_import extract recipe fails Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope
#1066 Add autoreconf command to installation guide Peter Baumann defect major 9.1.x manuals_and_examples
#1067 WCS-Client mixing coverage information when "Describe Coverage" Alex Toader defect major 9.1.x petascope
#1068 install rasimport connection file on make install Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.1.x rasgeo
#1069 rasimport and wcst_import should not compile/install on --disable-java Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.1.x build system
#1070 rasnet error handling needs improvement Alex Toader defect major 9.1.x rasnet
#1071 rasj.jar is not installed on make install Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.1.x java
#1072 Coverage metadata is invalid should not show the Javascript code Alex Toader defect major 9.1.x petascope
#1076 Service health check is invalid Alex Toader defect major undecided
#1077 Rasdaman protocol benchmark Dimitar Misev defect major Future rasnet
#1078 WCS-Client GetCoverage does not regards to subset parameters Alex Toader defect major 9.2 undecided
#1079 WCS GetCoverage error when encode in application/gml+xml Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.2 petascope
#1081 Use git submodules to manage 3rd party dependencies that are not included in the distro repository Alex Toader enhancement major 9.2 undecided
#1082 Petascope is in wrong directory Alex Dumitru defect major 9.2 petascope
#1083 Update secore's EPSG database Dimitar Misev defect major 9.1.x secore
#1084 WCS-Client should display the errors from the server Alex Toader defect major undecided
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