Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#1257 closed defect

SECORE_Separte Rasdaman CRSs definition from userdb — at Version 8

Reported by: Vlad Merticariu Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: 9.3
Component: secore Version: development
Keywords: Cc: Dimitar Misev, Bang Pham Huu
Complexity: Medium

Description (last modified by Bang Pham Huu)

By default, SECORE deploy with EPSGdb and userdb which contains Rasdaman CRSs (like TimeCrs, IndexND,…). When user want to add their CRSs, they can add/update via webpage. However, these new CRSs are not updated to usedb file but stored as changes by BaseX.

The problem is when Rasdaman want to add some new CRSs (e.g: Alex just added some CRSs from PlanetServer on opengis by webpage (not by update the userdb file)), to active these CRSs, user need to clean the old changes from BaseX, then SECORE will recreate new cache. This will lead to remove the user definitions explicitly.

So, to make this problem will not affect in future:

+ It will need to separate Rasdaman CRS from userdb to another file, such as: rasdamandb.

+ It will backup all the user defined CRSs from SECORE to userdb file (this is a tricky problem as need to know which CRSs were added/updated on their SECORE and read changes from BaseX).

+ Add a feature to save changes from BaseX for rasdamandb, userdb to GML files (so when add/update on these db by webpage, will not need to do it again by manually editing GML file).

Change History (10)

by Vlad Merticariu, 9 years ago

Attachment: UnixTime_old.xml added

by Vlad Merticariu, 9 years ago

Attachment: UnixTime.xml added

comment:1 by Vlad Merticariu, 9 years ago

Cc: Dimitar Misev Bang Pham Huu added

comment:2 by Bang Pham Huu, 9 years ago

The problem will appear in Enterprise but not in rasdaman Community.

comment:3 by Dimitar Misev, 9 years ago

Same with the TemporalDatum, looks like some problem with the substition when flattening definitions.

comment:4 by Dimitar Misev, 9 years ago

I'm guessing Bang the upgrade issue comes from your recent secore patches. Do you maybe have a suggestion how to best perform the upgrade automatically?

Currently the fix is to remove webapps/secoredb and restart tomcat so that secore's database is recreated from scratch.

Last edited 9 years ago by Dimitar Misev (previous) (diff)

comment:5 by Bang Pham Huu, 9 years ago

The workaround like Dimitar has shown will delete all the users definition CRS as XQuery will store these information in secoredb.

Last edited 9 years ago by Bang Pham Huu (previous) (diff)

comment:6 by Dimitar Misev, 9 years ago

Priority: majorminor

Ok let's keep this ticket on hold, if someone else comes up with an issue we can think about it again.

comment:7 by Bang Pham Huu, 9 years ago

The problem with this ticket is because of in another ticket I've modified the userdb (although it is called userdb but actually all the existing CRSs here belonged to Rasdaman, like Index2D, 3D,…). And then when user update from old version of SECORE to this version has this change, it has been conflict and Dimitar proposed to remove the secoredb as it will reload the new version of SECORE.

So to avoid this problem again (e.g: in userdb, Rasdaman add some other CRSs) and user already added some CRSs in userdb, and we cannot tell user to remove their SECORE for this purpose. So I propose a solution for avoiding this problem:

+ Current userdb renamed to rasdamandb as they are parametered CRSs which was added from Rasdaman.
+ Create a empty: userdb for the purpose of user (add/modify the CRSs).

Then the imported CRSs by users will not be affect by any changes from EPSG or Rasdaman db. Wait for Dimitar's answer.

comment:8 by Bang Pham Huu, 8 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Milestone: 10.0
Priority: minormajor
Summary: UnixTime crs contains an extra TimeCS tag in secoreSECORE_Separte Rasdaman CRSs definition from userdb
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