Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#1335 closed defect

Rasql_Range constructor error in 3D coverages — at Initial Version

Reported by: Bang Pham Huu Owned by: Dimitar Misev
Priority: major Milestone: 9.4
Component: rasql Version: development
Keywords: Cc: Dimitar Misev
Complexity: Medium


tyrol_6 is a 3D coverage with time axis and multi bands.

with Rasql from WCPS 1.0 like

for c in (tyrol_6) return encode({
red:  (c.swir2)[ansi("2015-06-01")];
green: (c.nir)[ansi("2015-06-17")];
blue: ( [ansi("2015-06-01")]}, "png")
select encode(((((c).5) [*:*,*:*,0]) * {1c,0c,0c} 
+ (((c).3) [*:*,*:*,1]) * {0c,1c,0c}
+ (((c).2) [*:*,*:*,0]) * {0c,0c,1c}), 
"PNG") from tyrol_6 AS c where oid(c)=113153

but with the new Range constructor syntax, it cannot run

select encode({ 
(c.5) [*:*, *:*, 0], 
(c.3) [*:*, *:*, 1], 
(c.4) [*:*, *:*, 0] },
 "png") from tyrol_6 as c

with error

Executing retrieval query...rasdaman error 0: Internal server error.
aborting transaction...E0530 09:37:23.696225185    9757 
cp_client_posix.c:171]     failed to connect to 'ipv4:': socket error: connection refused

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