Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#1482 closed defect

Problems with etc/rasmgr.auth — at Initial Version

Reported by: Dimitar Misev Owned by: Dimitar Misev
Priority: major Milestone: 9.7
Component: rascontrol Version: development
Keywords: Cc: Peter Baumann, Vlad Merticariu
Complexity: Medium


There are several issues with this file:

  • it is not documented anywhere
  • rasserver does not throw an error if it doesn't have write access to $RMANHOME/etc
  • the behavior with the new rasmgr is unintuitive: when you change a rasdaman user (e.g. new password for rasguest), this file gets written to $RMANHOME/etc/rasmgr.auth.713f3f57-bd3b-4211-ada6-bf88b49f81f1 or some similarly random bits appended. To make it effective, it needs to be renamed to $RMANHOME/etc/rasmgr.auth (as I figured out with some guesswork). I think what it should rather do is, make a backup of an existing rasmgr.auth, and then write the new rasmgr.auth.

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