Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #2775, comment 5

Dec 21, 2023, 6:46:26 AM (14 months ago)
Bang Pham Huu


  • Ticket #2775, comment 5

    initial v1  
    1 DM will implement a function with signature:
     1DM will implement a function in `` with signature:
    3 def generate_tiling(dimension: int,
    4                     spatial_axes: list[int],
    5                     band_count: int,
    6                     cell_size: int,
    7                     chunk_size: list[int] = None)
     3def generate_tiling(number_of_axes: int,
     4                    spatial_axes_grid_indices: list[int],
     5                    band_base_type_sizes: list[int],
     6                    chunk_sizes_from_file: list[int] = None):
     7    """
     8    Generate a rasdaman aligned tiling scheme based on the provided parameters before importing a created coverage
     10    @param number_of_axes the coverage's number of axes, e.g. 3 (time, lat, long axes)
     11    @param spatial_axes_grid_indices a list of grid indices (0-based) of the spatial X/Y axes (e.g. Long, Lat axes in TIFF file);
     12                                     note: set to None if coverage has no X/Y spatial axes
     13    @param band_base_type_sizes a list of sizes in bytes of the datacube bands
     14    @param chunk_sizes_from_file an optional chunk specification read from
     15    one of the input files; when the input file is chunked, e.g. netcdf or tiff (note: set to None if file is GRIB format),
     16    this parameter should be set as a list of sizes for each axis. If a tiff file
     17    has 512x512 Block size, this parameter would be a list [512,512].
     18    @return if the tiling can be determined, a string specifying the tiling, e.g.
     19    "aligned [0:0,0:511,0:511] tile size 4194304". If the tiling cannot be
     20    determined, None is returned.
     21    """
     22    '''
     23    TODO: This function should be filled in next release to generate proper tiling if possible
     24    '''
     25    return None