Opened 2 weeks ago

Last modified 2 weeks ago

#2848 closed enhancement

FIX - rasql queries logged in should contain the request id as well — at Version 1

Reported by: Bang Pham Huu Owned by: Bang Pham Huu
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: petascope Version: 10.4
Keywords: Cc: Dimitar Misev
Complexity: Medium

Description (last modified by Bang Pham Huu)

Currently, in petascope.log, it only logs rasql queries separately, e.g.

Executing rasql query rasql-2639 with user unauthenticated: SELECT ENCODE((  ( scale( scale( ( ( sqrt( POW(c0[14129,2,0:408,0:376].0, 2.0) + POW(c0[14129,2,0:408,0:376].1, 2.0) ) ) ), [0:725, 0:668] )  [213:469, 157:412], [0:255, 0:255] ) )  ), "png", "{\"colorMap\":{\"type\":\"intervals\",\"colorTable\":{\"0\" ...

It is hard to know from which petascope request received from client this rasql query was generated.

So it should be changed to add the information about the request id to petascope like below (with counter starting with 1 increased for each request = a ThreadLocal):

Executing rasql query req-57434-1 with user unauthenticated

In case the query is not generated from client request, but by petascope internally, then petascope log as below:

Executing rasql query internal-1 from internal with user rasadmin

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Bang Pham Huu, 2 weeks ago

Description: modified (diff)
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