Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#331 closed feature

WMS to support publication of slices of a coverage — at Initial Version

Reported by: Piero Campalani Owned by: abeccati
Priority: major Milestone: Future
Component: petascope Version: 8.4
Keywords: wms slice time Cc:
Complexity: Medium


The WMS service in rasdaman could allow the publication of 2D slices of coverages as WMS layers. More generally, it could allow any RasQL operation that outputs a 2D array to be applied a priori to a coverage before it is published as WMS layer.

The enhancement request is rooted in rasdaman-users::"visualization of sliced 3D coverage using WMS", specifically for enabling the publication of a 2D map inside a 3D cube spatiotemporal collection of maps.

Amongst the ideas that arose in the discussion, one possible way to implement such enhancement could be:

  • add a further field in petascopedb::ps_layers to store an optional replacement for the layer label in the RasQL request yielded by Petascope WMS (see Java method petascope.wms.RequestConverter.buildFullImgExp(...)), e.g. rasql_coll:
    petascopedb=# SELECT, ps_styles.rasqlop, ps_layers.rasql_coll 
    petascopedb-# FROM ps_layers, ps_styles 
    petascopedb-# WHERE ps_styles.layerid=ps_layers.layerid;
        name   |         rasqlop          |    rasql_coll
      standard |  standard * {1c, 1c, 1c} |  img[6,*:*,*:*]
    (1 row)
  • If ps_layers.rasql_coll <> NULL then Petascope would replace all the labels of the collection in the RasQL query with the rasql_coll string, so that for instance:
      extend( img0[0:630,700:1120],[0:630,700:1331] ),
    would turn to:
      extend( (img[6,*:*,*:*])[0:630,700:1120], [0:630,700:1331] ),
  • last and not least, the WMS import utilities [WmsImportTools] in <rasdaman>/applications/rasgeo/wms-import/utilities/ would need to allow the configuration of such new field in the database, as well as to properly select the data in rasdaman for the definition of the WMS metadata (bbox, etc.) and the creation of the pyramid collections.

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