
Version 14 (modified by Peter Baumann, 10 years ago) ( diff )


rasdaman can interface with a large and increasing number of tools. Some clients allow direct query submission, such as rasql and directql. For rapid development of browser clients the raswct toolkit is provided.

Geo tools supported include OpenLayers, QGIS, ncWMS, THREDDS, GDAL, MapServer, !ArcGIS; soon: GeoServer. Geo standards supported are OGC WMS, WCS, WCPS, and WPS; hence, all clients conforming to these standards can additionally be used for interfacing. All geo semantics is implemented through the petascope component (source) which is implemented as a Java application layer offering OGC Web services.

rasdaman clients

  • rasql is a command-line utility for sending queries and saving results in local files. It is part of the rasdaman package.
  • raswct is the rasdaman Web Client Toolkit which allows, by way of input and output widgets, to easily compose a Web client. Simple versions need only HTML, but advanced interfaces can be created. One example for the use of raswct is
  • rview is a deprecated visual query interface for desktop use (executable). It is still part of the rasdaman package, but not maintained any longer. [executable: ]
  • directql is not strictly a client, but a rasdaman server linked directly with the rasql utility (see above). This simplifies debugging for developers. (source )

WCS clients


This plugin enables the direct download, processing, integration and usage of Coverages from an OGC compliant WCPS 1.0 enabled servers within the QGIS software (v2.0+ supported). The plugin has been submitted to the official QGIS plugin repository and is pending approval; in the meantime it can be installed manually:

  • get the rasdaman source tree:
    git clone git://
  • the plugin can be found in directory rasdaman/applications/qgis-wcps
  • copy the qgis-wcps/QgsWcpsClient1 directory to your 'qgis-python-plugin directory', usually located in $HOME/.qgis2/python/plugins:
    $ mkdir -p $HOME/.qgis2/python/plugins/
    $ cp -r rasdaman/applications/qgis-wcps/QgsWcpsClient1 $HOME/.qgis2/python/plugins/
  • now you can start QGIS and access the QgsWcpsClient1 plug-in via the Qgis Menu → Plugins → WcpsClient1 → WCPS 1.0 Client


documentation tbd


documentation tbd


documentation tbd


documentation tbd


documentation tbd


documentation tbd

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