Version 26 (modified by 16 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
How-To and FAQ
- Q: Using automake I get an error message "directory should not contain /" - what can I do?
A: Probably you have an outdated automake version installed, we have seen such problems with 1.7.9. Upgrade to at least 1.10.1.
- Q: While installing rasdaman I find out, during ./configure, that some further packages are required. Can you give a summary of these?
A: Besides the standard ones which should be available on any vanilla Linux, it is this list: g++ 4.x, make, git-core, autoconf, libtool, gawk, flex, bison, libreadline-dev, postgresql 8.3.x, libecpg-dev, sun-java6-jdk, libtiff-dev, libjpeg-dev, libhdf4g-dev, libpng12-dev, libnetpbm10-dev, libopenssl-devel.
- Q: Having done all the above, ./configure complains about missing curses although ncurses is there.
A: You have run into a bug in the ncurses package; in /usr/lib, manually create symlinks libcurses.a → libncurses.a and →
- Q: configure complains that some required files, like install-sh, cannot be found.
A: retry configure after running
automake --add-missing
- Q: I get a link error, function ECPGget_connection cannot be found.
A: What appears to have happened is that in PostgreSQL 8.3.0 they removed ECPGget_connection and they have reintroduced it by 8.3.7. So PostgreSQL versions 8.3.0 up to (but excluding) 8.3.7 cannot be used.
- Q: When running the script "", I get the following cryptic error message:
Creating base RASBASE...Warning/error in AdminIf Connect:
A: Please login as the user owning the postgresql processes, and run the same command. Use only that user for further work with rasdaman. If you use Ubuntu and installed postgres with apt-get, then you should probably login as user postgres. ( The problem is that the database does not allow the rasdaman tools full access, under they run under the administrative user that launched the server process. )
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