Version 29 (modified by 10 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
OSGeo Live
Rasdaman is part of OSGeo Live.
For running rasdaman from OSGeo Live, see this quickstart.
OSGeo Incubation Process
The rasdaman community project is being incubated by OSGeo. This page provides information pertaining to this process and its timeline, in particular: the Incubation checklist page OSGeoIncubationChecklist.
- To our great surprise we discovered, when visiting the rasdaman OpenHub page, that now OSGeo is set as project owner. This is obviously wrong as rasdaman is run by rasdaman GmbH and Jacobs University jointly. We have contacted the OpenHub operator and hope for correction of this Coup d'Etat asap.
- A kind request on clarifying rules and procedures of incubation voting remains unanswered:
- what is the status of votes cast?
- what is the committee's approach when quorum is not reached?
- voting commenced on Oct 16 so closed by Oct 29 midnight (10 biz days), Jody decided to cancel after that period (Oct 30); this puzzles me.
- where are the procedures laid down so that I can learn these details? Could not find anything on 1.
- Jody Garnett decides to "lets table this motion and continue with discussion". No official voting statistics is published, but personal counting says that from the currently listed 22 OSGeo incubation committee members only 4 appear active - no one else participated in voting nor discussion.
- Surprisingly, Jody Garnett states for OSGeo that "Even for OSGeo projects a PSC is not required" - something which has been stated as a must-have for rasdaman to obtain incubation.
- Our mentor, Bruce Bannerman, moves on the incubation list to graduate rasdaman from OSGeo incubation. Jody Garnett sets a voting period of 10 work days, hence ending on 2014-oct-30.
- Following our status inquiry, mentor of "very poor time" - need to wait "a few weeks" (at least)
- Next requirements issued, implemented on wiki pages and checklist.
- Last requirements implemented on wiki pages.
- Code provenance inspection has been completed, see the code provenance review. Waiting for assessment.
- The rasdaman community project is accepted for incubation by OSGeo.
Attachments (4)
(29.0 KB
) - added by 15 years ago.
Incubator Application Questionnaire, 2010-mar-28
(6.8 KB
) - added by 12 years ago.
OSGeo Incubation logo
(57.4 KB
) - added by 10 years ago.
OSGeo falsely and silently claims rasdaman while it is still in incubation
(244.3 KB
) - added by 8 years ago.
Suggestions to improve OSGeo
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