Version 44 (modified by 8 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
OSGeo Live
Rasdaman is part of OSGeo Live. For running rasdaman from OSGeo Live, see this quickstart.
OSGeo Incubation
The rasdaman community project has been being incubated by OSGeo for over 6 years, until finally a majority of the incubation committee voted for not accepting rasdaman. The sole reason being that the Project Steering Committee (PSC) is not open enough to accept anybody, irrespective of having sufficient knowledge about rasdaman and Array Databases. This would lead to decisions made by a group whose composition and skills remain unclear, and not on merely scientific and technological insight as the rasdaman project has adopted since its inception many years ago, having led to the acknowledged technology position rasdaman has today. Comparative governance models can be found, e.g., with the Linux kernel.
In short: OSGeo imposes a "design by committee" approach whereas rasdaman successfully pursues "design by science and innovation".
This page provides information pertaining to this process and its timeline, in particular: the Incubation checklist page OSGeoIncubationChecklist.
- at the RDA Plenary Peter Baumann presents suggestions for improvement of OSGeo, based on his many-years experience and being OSGeo Charter Member
- mail exchange between Jody Garnett and Peter Baumann:
Jody- thank you for informing us, and for your friendly invitation. However, we somewhat need to recover from this traumatic 6-years experience culminating with the recent derogative treatment and bashing of the open-source rasdaman community project by some, which went unintercepted "by OSGeo" (in times even fed, actually). Maybe at a later time we will reconsider. best, Peter On 05/25/2016 10:08 PM, Jody Garnett wrote: > Peter: > > Are you interested in submitting Rasdaman as an OSGeo community project? > > Your project more than meets the requirements, and we would like to be sure > Rasdaman continues to remain part of OSGeo. The role of community projects > in our foundation is a work in progress and would be shaped in part by what > you wish to accomplish. The community projects are currently listed on the > website, and have distinct branding available for use on your > website and on the OSGeo live distribution. > -- > Jody Garnett
- mail by Jody Garnett to the OSGeo Board: The incubation committee has passed the following motion: "The Rasdaman Project is to be removed from the OSGeo Incubation process."
- Today is the 6th anniversary of entering incubation. We are waiting and hoping that OSGeo will finalize incubation in the near future.
- rasdaman, by coincidence, finds out that on OpenHub project ownership has been changed from "rasdaman GmbH" to "OSGeo", without any consent nor information. Approaching OSGeo Board as well as the Code of Conduct (CoC) Committee we get responses like "c'mon, it's not that bad" and "the Code of Conduct only applies to issues of sexism". The CoC list denies posting: "Non-members are not allowed to post". Only after severe intervention this is remedied. Attitude is like "suspect that this is an accident … we should assume innocence" (Cameron Shorter).
- Our mentor finds new tasks for us: This is something that we'll need to work on before we put Rasdaman up for graduation again. I'm still buried in my priority task, so I have not had time to look at incubation issues yet. Sorry.
- excerpt from mail exchange on incubation list concerning the Jenkins-based regression testing environment of rasdaman:
... >> OK, this test wiki you reference is a good start, but I notice it is still in draft state, with "TBD" and "TODO" text in it. >> This would need to be complete before I'd consider rasdaman is ready to complete incubation. > > Hm, are really all graduated projects without any TBDs etc? I found TBDs on, and 455 TODOs on PostGIS. How would you think about that in comparison? > Work anyway will progress in due course and depending on project situation, it's in our own vest interest. Some TBDs are more important than others. OSGeo is a stamp of quality, and a core component of quality is to have established testing. As an incubation committee member, I'd vote -1 on incubating a project that has TBDs in their quality processes. ...
- A kind request on clarifying rules and procedures of incubation voting remains unanswered:
- what is the status of votes cast?
- what is the committee's approach when quorum is not reached?
- voting commenced on Oct 16 so closed by Oct 29 midnight (10 biz days), Jody decided to cancel after that period (Oct 30); this puzzles me.
- where are the procedures laid down so that I can learn these details? Could not find anything on 1.
- Jody Garnett decides to "lets table this motion and continue with discussion". No official voting statistics is published, but personal counting says that from the currently listed 22 OSGeo incubation committee members only 4 appear active - no one else participated in voting nor discussion.
- Surprisingly, Jody Garnett states for OSGeo that "Even for OSGeo projects a PSC is not required" - something which has been stated as a must-have for rasdaman to obtain incubation.
- Our mentor moves on the incubation list to graduate rasdaman from OSGeo incubation. Jody Garnett sets a voting period of 10 work days, hence ending on 2014-oct-30.
- Following our status inquiry, mentor of "very poor time" - need to wait "a few weeks" (at least)
- Next requirements issued, implemented on wiki pages and checklist.
- Last requirements implemented on wiki pages.
- Code provenance inspection has been completed, see the code provenance review. Waiting for assessment.
- The rasdaman community project is accepted for incubation by OSGeo.
Attachments (4)
(29.0 KB
) - added by 15 years ago.
Incubator Application Questionnaire, 2010-mar-28
(6.8 KB
) - added by 12 years ago.
OSGeo Incubation logo
(57.4 KB
) - added by 10 years ago.
OSGeo falsely and silently claims rasdaman while it is still in incubation
(244.3 KB
) - added by 8 years ago.
Suggestions to improve OSGeo
Download all attachments as: .zip