Version 22 (modified by 11 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
This page lists the OSGeo graduation checklist status for rasdaman as per OSGeo graduation checklist; comments and discussion are welcome on the rasdaman-users mailing list (rasdaman-users _@
Activities management
Overall process coordination: A. Beccati - a.beccati .at jacobs-university .dot de.
Open activities have been listed at the beginning of the checklist sections they belong to, using the following format:
(Task owner - email-address .at mail-domain .dot top-level-domain): Task to be performed/coordinated
- list of actions to be performed
- List of links to relevant material to perform tasks
- DUE BY estimate-date-of-completion
- list of tasks that we need to get completed for incubation
At this stage, all activities are closed and no open activities are remaining.
Icon legend and media attribution
Waiting for verification. From
OK. From
Warning Note. From
Not met, yet. From
Assigned and ongoing. From
Copyright and License
We need to ensure that the project owns or otherwise has obtained the ability to release the project code by completing the following steps:
All project source code is available under an Open Source license.
Project documentation is available under an open license (Eg. Creative Commons)
The project code, documentation and data has been adequately vetted to assure it is all properly licensed, and a copyright notice included.
- Code Provenance Review:
The project maintains a list of all copyright holders identified in the Provenance Review Document
List holders here? (PB: Listing all would require somebody watching commits, it would be more or less up to date and more or less accurate - so seems like an extra burden without creating additional information content. All contributors are automatically listed here: )
All code contributors have agreed to abide by the project's license policy, and this agreement has been documented and archived
- Code contribution agreement: . *. In particular, from the contribution agreement: "Any contribution we make available under any license will also be made available under a suitable FSF (Free Software Foundation) or OSI (Open Source Initiative) approved license"
The project has code under configuration management.
- Rasdaman git repository is established at git://
The project uses an issue tracker and keeps the status of the issue tracker up to date
- Trac is used for that purpose and is constantly updated as issues are addressed. Ticket list is at
The project has documented its management processes. NOTE: This is typically done within a Developers Guide or Project Management Plan.
(looks like duplicate of "Open" item 1.c) The project has a suitable open governance policy ensuring decisions are made, documented and adhered to in a public manner. Note: This typically means a Project Management Committee has been established with a process for adding new members. A robust Project Management Committee will typically draw upon developers, users and key stakeholders from multiple organisations as there will be a greater variety of technical visions and the project is more resilient to a sponsor leaving.
- developers are actively solicited to have technical discussion directly through the dev list. Based on these improvements it seems we can keep with the overall regime for now.
(duplicate of Open item 1.b) The project uses public communication channels for decision making to maintain transparency. E.g. archived email list(s), archived IRC channel(s), public issue tracker.
The project has user documentation:
- Including sufficient detail to guide a new user through performing the core functionality provided by the application.
The project has developer documentation:
- Including checkout and build instructions.
- Including commented code, ideally published for developer use. NOTE: Examples: javadocs for Java applications, or Sphinx documentation for Python applications.
- Providing sufficient detail for an experienced programmer to contribute patches or a new module in accordance with the project's programming conventions.
Release Procedure
(A.Beccati - a.beccati .at jacobs-university .dot de): setting up Release Line and semantic versioning adoption
- Review and finalize with devs:
- Selected portions of the systemtest (mainly OGC services) are being improved with oracle based output validation (e.g. #363, #404)
In order to maintain a consistent level of quality, the project should follow defined release and testing processes.
The project follows a defined release process: (patch revision in place, release policy review ongoing)
- All patches submitted to the repository undergo review before being applied to the code base
- Milestones and tickets are used to prepare releases
- Releases adopt semantic versioning (starting from 8.4.0)
- Systemtests are to be run by developers before submitting patches (automated test after patch application under work).
- Formal process under review at
The project follows a documented testing process. NOTE: Ideally, this includes both automated and manual testing. Ideally this includes documented conformance to set quality goals, such as reporting Percentage Code Coverage of Unit Tests
- Release and regression testing has been improved, also with respect to its documentation on the wiki which is still work in progress but already gives the overall picture of the project's test method with systemtests. We encourage users to download forthcoming betas and run these tests on their environment to see it rasdaman can be successfully run there.
- README documents and wiki pages provide test system description and information
Release and testing processes provide sufficient detail for an experienced programmer to follow.
- Release process makes use of the project trac roadmap feature, paired with the ticket manager. The latter has been extended to support "feature" tickets to ease tracking high-level features and assign them to release milestones. Testing system has been documented on wiki.
OSGeo Committees and Community
The OSGeo Foundation is made up of a number of committees, projects and local chapters. This section gathers up information these groups have requested from OSGeo projects. These expectations are not mandatory requirements before graduation, but a project should be prepared to address them in order to be considered a good OSGeo citizen.
The OSGeo Board holds ultimate responsibility for all OSGeo activities. The Board requests:
A project provide a Project Officer as a contact point: (Note: the template at OSGeo states "contract point", mistake?)
- The Project Officer should be listed at Officers and Board of Directors and Contacts
- This person is established when the incubation committee recommends the project for graduation
- Your community can change the project officer as needed. Note: Add an agenda item to the next board meeting so they can recognize the change of officer.
Access to OSGeo's Marketing_Committee and associated Marketing_Pipeline is one of the key benefits of joining the OSGeo foundation. The Marketing Committee requests:
(All material is available since rasdaman is already included in OSGeo Live) Marketing artefacts have been created about the project in line with the incubation criteria listed in the OSGeo Marketing Committee's Marketing Artefacts. This lists the documentation requirements for OSGeo-Live. Marketing Artefacts include:
- Ideally, stable version(s) of executable applications are bundled with appropriate distributions. Note: In most cases, this will at least include OSGeo-Live, but may also include DebianGIS, UbuntuGIS, and/or osgeo4w, ms4w, etc.)
Projects do not exist in isolation; and are expected to communicate and collaborate on key issues.
(A. Beccati - a.beccati .at jacobs-university .dot de ) Project Steering Committee; Consider definition of a PSC to define project direction and overall desired (and undesired) features to better direct development efforts by volunteer contributors.
- we have actively been soliciting technical discussion directly through the dev list, puling dev'ers from bilateral communication to the list. Based on these improvements it seems we can keep with the overall regime for now.
- we double checked the registration policy to the project trac and mailing lists and verified that these are open for registration although the lists are currently hosted on google groups hence their registration procedure has to be followed
- Open: projects are expected to function in an open and public manner and include:
Open source license(s): GPL for server, LGPL for client components (various other for dependency packages)
Open communication channels:
- rasdaman-dev list:!forum/rasdaman-dev
- rasdaman-user list:!forum/rasdaman-usersras
- issue tracker (trac):
Open decision making process: Feature table is maintained on wiki, new features can be openly discussed on the mailing lists.
- Active and healthy community:
The project should have a community of developers and users who actively collaborate and support each other in a healthy way.
List committers here? Would a link to oholo be sufficient?
Long term viability of the project is demonstrated by showing participation and direction from multiple developers, who come from multiple organisations.
As of early December 2012 five organizations are actively participating in code development:
- Jacobs University Bremen -
- Rasdaman -
- EOX IT Services -
- Landcare Research New Zeland -
- Università degli Studi di Ferrara -
The System Administration Committee is available to help infrastructure and facilities. Information for this committee is collected as part of the Project Status Template.
- The following should be set up:
A domain name (note: optional, not required by OSGeo)
- A project may optionally request SAC help to make use of:
OSGeo issue tracker : not needed
OSGeo mailing list : not needed
OSGeo svn : not needed : not needed