Changes between Version 110 and Version 111 of Versions

Aug 10, 2017, 10:24:04 AM (8 years ago)
Dimitar Misev


  • Versions

    v110 v111  
    2020 * ''Note:'' the key-value pair format parameters style is deprecated.
    2121* WCS/WCPS support exporting array results in JSON format ("application/json").
     23=== v9.4.2 ===
     25Addressed tickets between v9.4.1 and v9.4.2:
     27git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.4.1..v9.4.2 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
     29* changeset:74499ec | ticket:1335 - transient structs interact more flexibly and correctly with unary and binary ops (Brennan Bell)
     30* changeset:23c0988 | ticket:1509 - Throw excpetion when dimension of query and MDD do not match. (JHalili)
     31* changeset:1ae3d08 | ticket:1557 - addition of stddev / var condensers (Mihail Tarigradschi)
     32* changeset:a2dcd9a | ticket:1566 added support for python statements in wcst_import (Vlad Merticariu)
     33* changeset:f136395 | ticket:1569 - Reduce time for analyzing netCDF file in wcst_import and displaying progress bar (Bang Pham Huu)
     34* changeset:cc17ff8 | ticket:1569 - Reduce time for ingesting Grib file in wcst_import (Bang Pham Huu)
     35* changeset:b032ae2 | ticket:1574 - WCS-Client error with library when displaying a lot of coverages with GetCapabilities (Bang Pham Huu)
     36* changeset:01543da | ticket:1577 - modified output of 1-D csv to be standards-conformant and adjusted the corresponding system tests (Brennan Bell)
     37* changeset:cab9314 | ticket:1585 - Raswct sends raw POST WCPS request to Petascope (Bang Pham Huu)
     38* changeset:2be36da | ticket:1587 - WCST_Import error when a CRS axisDirection has the same name for both X, Y (Bang Pham Huu)
     39* changeset:daab8e2 | ticket:1590 - WCST_Import_Specification of unit of measurement (uom) for a coverage (Bang Pham Huu)
     40* changeset:dc3353e | ticket:1598 - Petascope supports delete coverage with error metadata (Bang Pham Huu)
     41* changeset:e2d6686 | ticket:875 - Add the check if old setting folder existed in script (Bang Pham Huu)
     42* changeset:5e47fb1 | ticket:893 - Addition of 'is null' and 'is not null' operations (Mihail Tarigradschi)