Changes between Version 145 and Version 146 of Versions

Jul 13, 2018, 7:25:26 AM (7 years ago)
Dimitar Misev


  • Versions

    v145 v146  
    1515 - reintroduced support for pyramid creation for WMS ([wiki:WCSTImportGuide#Imagepyramids docs])
    1616 - support for ingestion of ''spatially overlapping'' data with wcst_import
     17 - wcst_import can automatically ingest netcdf variable metadata
    1718 - allow expressions in WCPS subsets on grid axes
    1819* WS client:
    2324 - allow ''floating-point'' null values
    2425 - dynamic null values specification in queries for any array expression ([ more info])
    25  - clip() supports corridors ([wiki:Clipping#Corridors docs])
     26 - clip() supports continuous and discrete corridors ([wiki:Clipping#Corridors docs])
     27 - clip() supports general expressions as point coordinates, instead of just literals
    2628 - on updates, null value areas from the source array will not overwrite the target array ([ more info])
    2729 - the UPDATE clause allows specifying source collections in a FROM clause ([ more info])
    3133 - acos/asin/atan are alias functions for arccos/arcsin/arctan
    3234 - fixed compilation with g++ 8.1 and installation on Debian buster
     36=== v9.7.0-beta2 ===
     38Addressed tickets between v9.7.0-beta1 and v9.7.0-beta2:
     40git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.7.0-beta1..v9.7.0-beta2 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
     42* changeset:c81dc7fa | ticket:1224 - Replace signal with sigaction (Dragi Kamov)
     43* changeset:30731ff5 | ticket:1440 - The systemtest should test compiling example C++ (Dragi Kamov)
     44* changeset:84ea81e7 | ticket:1543 - rasmgr segfaults when started with port < 1024 (Dragi Kamov)
     45* changeset:43be64ff | ticket:1563 - problem with type assignment while outputting to csv/json from a switch/case query with varying data types in each case (Dragi Kamov)
     46* changeset:117cc6c7 | ticket:1704 - Rasql_Segfault from a condenser with mismatching sdom (Dragi Kamov)
     47* changeset:5bfad4da | ticket:1719 - rasdaman should throw an error when importing array with wrong type (Dragi Kamov)
     48* changeset:6f3d81da | ticket:1733 - WCST_Import supports bands, variables metadata from netCDF file automatically (Bang Pham Huu)
     49* changeset:c2cc8c8f | ticket:1784 - WCS Client dropdown Extra metadata (Bogdan Ciurezu)
     50* changeset:0c49dbef | ticket:1785 - WCS Client Admin tab password input is of type password (Bogdan Ciurezu)
     51* changeset:62b01f49 | ticket:1795 - WCST_Import loads supported recipes manually and load user custom recipes automatically from $RMANHOME/share/rasdaman/wcst_import/recipes_custom (Bang Pham Huu)
     52* changeset:8434366f | ticket:1803 - discrete corridors in rasql (Brennan Bell)
     53* changeset:621e2edc | ticket:1804 - Range constructor with scale fails fixed (Dragi Kamov)
     54* changeset:3a957245 | ticket:1805 - WCPS imageCRSdomain should return axes' grid domains in Rasdaman order not geo CRS order (Bang Pham Huu)
     55* changeset:65348d51 | ticket:1806 - support clipping operations on general expressions (Brennan Bell)
     56* changeset:737d9c05 | ticket:1807 - WCPS update coverage's axes' metadata after scale/extend operators() accordingly (Bang Pham Huu)
     57* changeset:0ead59f8 | ticket:1808 - WCST_Import should send encoded URL to Petascope (Bang Pham Huu)
     58* changeset:79e02788 | ticket:1809 - System test reduces size of test cases services for Petascope (Bang Pham Huu)
     59* changeset:9907d249 | ticket:1810 - Petascope loads WSClient in Iframe should not rely only prefix /rasdaman in URL (Bang Pham Huu)
     60* changeset:dcc2bed1 | ticket:1811 - Error from WCPS should contain root exception if it exists (Bang Pham Huu)
     61* changeset:6693baf7 | ticket:1812 - Petascope should not ask SECORE for CRSs comparison (Bang Pham Huu)
     62* changeset:363f7a07 | ticket:1813 - C++ example doesn't compile (Dragi Kamov)
     63* changeset:1ed94ba9 | ticket:1814 - CMake should unpack/build in the build directory for Petascope, SECORE, GRPC (Bang Pham Huu)
     64* changeset:eb10f55c | ticket:1815 - WSClient - scroll to output console's bottom in WCS ProcessCoverages tab when a new WCPS query's result is added (Bang Pham Huu)
     65* changeset:22591763 | ticket:1816 - Add test java examples from manuals and examples folder in system test (Bang Pham Huu)
     66* changeset:d24733d7 | ticket:1821 - WCS GetCoverage in gml returns incorrect sequenceRule (Bang Pham Huu)
     67* changeset:68f7cdeb | ticket:1822 - Petascope throws exception when clipping on a 0D coverage instead of null exception (Bang Pham Huu)
     68* changeset:b9e85935 | ticket:1826 - add -DENABLE_ASAN cmake option, insert data with multiple tiles in the systemtest (Dimitar Misev)
    3471=== v9.7.0-beta1 ===