Changes between Version 475 and Version 476 of Versions

Jan 16, 2024, 2:00:15 PM (13 months ago)
Dimitar Misev


  • Versions

    v475 v476  
    2828- `"tiling"` is a required setting in ingredients file
    2929- `"skip": "files_that_fail_to_open"` option to skip files which cannot analyze by wcst_import
     31=== Upgrading
     33The sections below contain instructions on how to upgrade the software installation from a previous version to stable rasdaman v10.3.
     35==== From v10.2
     37To upgrade from the previous stable version v10.2 to stable v10.3:
     391. Update the repository metadata with `sudo apt update`
     402. Stop rasdaman with `sudo service rasdaman stop`; make sure that the processes are really stopped: if `ps aux | grep -E 'ras(mgr|server)'` returns any processes, stop them with `pkill -9 -f 'ras(mgr|server)'`
     413. Install the new rasdaman version with `sudo apt install rasdaman`
     43==== From testing
     45To upgrade from the testing repository to stable v10.3:
     471. Change the testing package repository to the stable one in `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/rasdaman.list`
     482. Stop rasdaman with `sudo service rasdaman stop`; make sure that the processes are really stopped: if `ps aux | grep -E 'ras(mgr|server)'` returns any processes, stop them with `pkill -9 -f 'ras(mgr|server)'`
     493. Remove the current rasdaman package with `sudo apt remove rasdaman`; this is required because the stable package has the same version but a lower iteration number than the testing one
     504. Install the new rasdaman version with `sudo apt install rasdaman`
     52==== From previous Ubuntu version
     54Check our [ migration guide] for hints on how to upgrade your Ubuntu OS, or migrate your installation from one machine to another.
    3156== Version 10.2.15 (2024-01-12)