Changes between Version 90 and Version 91 of Versions

Aug 8, 2016, 11:09:04 AM (9 years ago)
Dimitar Misev


  • Versions

    v90 v91  
    88Alternative ways of obtaining rasdaman are listed in the [wiki:Download] area.
    10 == Version 9.2.x ==
     10== Version 9.3 ==
     12'''Major changes:'''
     13* Support for importing GRIB data ingestion ([wiki:Dev/GribFormat more info])
     14* Better support for NetCDF data export, integrated with petascope ([wiki:Dev/NetcdfFormat more info]
     15* addvanced JSON-style format-parameters support in encode/decode ([wiki:CommonFormatsInterface more info])
     16* WCSTImport support a general coverage recipe that can be used with complex formats like GRIB or NetCDF ([wiki:WCSTImportGuide/GeneralRecipe more info])
     17 * ''Note:'' rasimport is deprecated in favor of WCSTImport, and will be removed in the next version of rasdaman
     18* WCPS uses a brand new and improved parser and implementation by default
     19* CRS reprojection is now available in both WCS and WCPS
     20* critical memory leak happening during data ingestion has been fixed
     22''Development changes:''
     23* CMake can be used as an alternative to build rasdaman ([wiki:InstallFromSource/cmake more info])
     24 * ''Note:'' this will become default in the next version of rasdaman and autotools will be removed
     25* rasdaman is compiled with -std=c++11 by default now; gcc 4.8 or higher is required
     27Addressed tickets between v9.2.1 and v9.3.0-beta1:
     29git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.2.1..v9.3.0-beta1 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
     31* changeset:ab3cfcd | ticket:406 - Missing space between minus error in WCPS (BangPH)
     32* changeset:39b474c | ticket:1016 - implement inv_grib for importing GRIB data into rasdaman (Dimitar Misev)
     33* changeset:5da7aaa | ticket:1060 - common format parameters for the decode/encode functions (Dimitar Misev)
     34* changeset:9eb5909 | ticket:1060 - fix compilation when --with-netcdf/--with-grib is not specified (Dimitar Misev)
     35* changeset:b0693d2 | ticket:1060 - use json format params directly in the converters (Dimitar Misev)
     36* changeset:69bc57f | ticket:1188 - Make WCPS 1.5 ready (BangPH)
     37* changeset:5297b5c | ticket:1208 - change to WCPS1.5 in test wcps and update correct test cases for ticket 1208, 1210 and 1238, also remove all the unfixed test cases when waiting for other patch. (BangPH)
     38* changeset:82c5315 | ticket:1208 - Revert "ticket:1208 - change to WCPS1.5 in test wcps and update correct test cases for ticket 1208, 1210 and 1238, also remove all the unfixed test cases when waiting for other patch." (Dimitar Misev)
     39* changeset:cee7780 | ticket:1223 and ticket:1271 Allow WMS to generate nodata pixels for bounding boxes that cover areas outside the domain of the layer. Allow WCS to download georef data that has a CRS containing a custom axis name. resubmit (Alex Dumitru)
     40* changeset:c867322 | ticket:1237 - Fixed csv floating point precision (Rubin Deliallisi)
     41* changeset:74d9400 | ticket:1254 - Add license header for WCPS packages (BangPH)
     42* changeset:a17c871 | ticket:1260 - WCPS1.0 encode without quotes and WCST_Import with axis label in time CRS (BangPH)
     43* changeset:ff604df | ticket:1262 - Missing "+" sign when encoding from Petascope's console. (BangPH)
     44* changeset:d703cf7 | ticket:1264 - remove --with-pic, introduce --disable-pic, resubmit (Dimitar Misev)
     45* changeset:0015085 | ticket:1266 - generate javadoc for rasj (Dimitar Misev)
     46* changeset:a9427b9 | ticket:1275 - refactor gdal logic to the conversion module (Dimitar Misev)
     47* changeset:57107c1 | ticket:1277 - Added CMake build system for rasdaman. The build system enables faster compilation times, better IDE support and better tooling support moving forward. (Alexandru Toader, George Merticariu)
     48* changeset:d6c43ae | ticket:1282 - fix type checking for scalars in range constructor (Dimitar Misev)
     49* changeset:329c0bc | ticket:1283 - fix min/max on structs, resubmit (Dimitar Misev)
     50* changeset:614b8ae | ticket:1286 - fix segfault when inserting binary data from java (Dimitar Misev)
     51* changeset:9294c43 | ticket:1290 - fix compilation on gcc 5.3.1 (Dimitar Misev)
     52* changeset:2030ea4 | ticket:1291 - renaming rasserver log files (Sulav Timilsina)
     53* changeset:ff4f8d4 | ticket:1294 - port crs reprojection functionality (Dimitar Misev)
     54* changeset:2f3405f | ticket:1298 - CRS projection() in WMS 1.3 (BangPH)
     55* changeset:e234994 | ticket:1301 - Plus sign is lost in WMS rasql fragment (BangPH)
     56* changeset:9337f24 | ticket:1314 added parameter for disabling wcst in (Vlad Merticariu)
     57* changeset:6e3e044 | ticket:1317 + ticket:1351 + ticket:1352 wcst_import support for GRIB and NetCDF files, general coverage recipe and metadata collection (Alex Dumitru)
     58* changeset:37aea4b | ticket:1321 - add support for json format options in netcdf encode, refactor and add tests (Dimitar Misev)
     59* changeset:bd3e2f8 | ticket:1321 - check if ncdump is on the path, fix test oracle (Dimitar Misev)
     60* changeset:79e9442 | ticket:1323 - support json decode/encode (Dimitar Misev)
     61* changeset:91ddfe9 | ticket:1343 - fixed multiple slices error (George Merticariu)
     62* changeset:0eeeb75 | ticket:1344 - Add support multiversion EPSG databases in SECORE (BangPH)
     63* changeset:e8236fa | ticket:1345 - Change wcst_import wcst_extract recipe from kahluah to local (BangPH)
     64* changeset:5bca0e6 | ticket:1346 - compile with -std=c++11 by default (Dimitar Misev)
     65* changeset:640ea71 | ticket:1349 - added required header file (George Merticariu)
     66* changeset:538e148 | ticket:1350 - Petascope_WCS generate crsTransform invalid axis name (BangPH)
     67* changeset:9935772 | ticket:1355 - added generated files to .gitignore (George Merticariu)
     68* changeset:d4540d3 | ticket:1356 added grib and netcdf support in wcst (Vlad Merticariu)
     69* changeset:23a294e | ticket:1356 changed CrsComputer resolution computation for axes of width 1, and removed extra computation for index axes (Vlad Merticariu)
     70* changeset:4e07adb | ticket:1356 changed Index axes handling to behave like regular axes, and left CRS:1 for 1 to 1 mapping (Vlad Merticariu)
     71* changeset:efe007d | ticket:1360 WCSTImport should generate gml files for each slice (Alex Dumitru)
     72* changeset:6efe6f9 | ticket:1363 added netcdf support in wcps (Vlad Merticariu)
     73* changeset:448e119 | ticket:1371 - Only add needed band and support netCDF export with switch case (BangPH)
     74* changeset:e1ca584 | ticket:1372 - fix memory leak when ingesting data (Dimitar Misev)
     77== Version 9.2 ==
    1279'''Major new changes:'''
    310 == Version 9.1.x ==
     377== Version 9.1 ==
    312379Major new features:
    526 == Version 9.0.x ==
     593== Version 9.0 ==
    527594 * For download and installation check the ([wiki:RasdamanQuickInstall debian]) [wiki:Install installation] and [wiki:RasdamanReleaseProcess release process] guides.