Custom Query (2349 matches)


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Results (2101 - 2200 of 2349)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#317 WCPS1.5_WCPS and complex numbers Alex Dumitru defect minor 9.3 petascope
#333 2Gb file limit Heinrich Stamerjohanns defect minor 9.0 rasserver
#336 "delete from collection" fails Dimitar Misev defect minor qlparser
#338 test configuration does not work with configure --prefix Kinga Lipskoch enhancement minor systemtest
#345 Petascope WMS error message files are not included in the WAR file Piero Campalani defect minor petascope
#356 SECORE does not report exception when an invalid parameter name is set on a non-parametrized CRS Dimitar Misev defect minor 9.0 secore
#358 a CRS:1 subset out of coverage bounds on the temporal axis is not managed correctly Piero Campalani defect minor Future qlparser
#368 expand/format parameters should not be allowed in CCRS Bang Pham Huu defect minor 9.2 secore
#374 Document pow()/power() function Peter Baumann enhancement minor 9.2 qlparser
#375 vertical EPSG CRSs missing in SECORE Piero Campalani defect minor Future secore
#377 WCPS doesn't consider axis labels in scale operation Piero Campalani defect minor 9.0 petascope
#385 Illegal optional parameter read as flattening option mrusu defect minor 9.0 secore
#389 SECORE exception when mandatory parameter is missing mrusu enhancement minor 9.0 secore
#392 "compile" is a reserved Makefile target name with automake Dimitar Misev defect minor build system
#393 Version number in is still stuck at 8.3.1 instead of 8.4.x Dimitar Misev defect minor undecided
#416 directql fails to execute update queries Dimitar Misev defect minor 8.4.4 applications
#418 delete from collection only deletes one element from collection Dimitar Misev defect minor qlparser
#421 Duplicate dependency to antlrworks library Piero Campalani enhancement minor petascope
#428 WMS getCapability empty response if no service defined Nikolche Kolev defect minor petascope
#429 remove Check for the PGDATA structure in rasdaman init script Nikolche Kolev defect minor undecided
#432 verify WCS extension list in capabilities document Piero Campalani task minor 9.0 petascope
#434 Cast doesn't work for constant mddExpr Bidesh Thapaliya defect minor 9.0.x qlparser
#463 C++ example build errors if libhdf4-alt-dev is installed Peter Baumann defect minor manuals_and_examples
#464 Update logging facade SLF4J to 1.7.5 or above Bidesh Thapaliya enhancement minor 9.0.x petascope
#466 StringUtil: check on contenttype used by urlDecode() method is too specific abeccati enhancement minor petascope
#474 Trimmed URIs Piero Campalani defect minor 9.0 secore
#476 Null values not shown in coverage description Piero Campalani question minor 9.0 petascope
#483 editorial improvement of Piero Campalani enhancement minor 9.0 petascope
#484 systemtest import functions not to rely on database IDs Piero Campalani defect minor 9.0 systemtest
#486 Patch Manager to handle newline in header line Dimitar Misev enhancement minor Future patch_manager
#489 remove generated files from version control Dimitar Misev task minor 9.0 undecided
#490 rasmgr startup output corrupted Veranika Liaukevich defect minor 9.0.x rasmgr
#493 Complex constructor doesn't accept integers Veranika Liaukevich defect minor 9.0 qlparser
#496 Trac to accept git-bundles Piero Campalani feature minor 9.0 undecided
#498 Oracles for WCS requests on Multipoint coverages Alireza defect minor 9.0 systemtest
#500 Use String constants for Multipoint PostGIS requests Piero Campalani defect minor Future petascope
#503 not to duplicate import statements Bang Pham Huu enhancement minor 9.2 undecided
#513 Import functions in systemtest Dimitar Misev enhancement minor Future systemtest
#515 UoM code for pure numbers Piero Campalani defect minor 9.0 undecided
#518 KEY_ constants should be public in ConfigurationManager Piero Campalani defect minor 9.0 petascope
#519 Do not hardwire kahlua host in petascopedb init Piero Campalani defect minor 9.0 petascope
#529 systemtests for server errors with wget Piero Campalani defect minor Future systemtest
#532 Trailing white spaces Dimitar Misev defect minor Future undecided
#534 to use configured PostgreSQL port Dimitar Misev defect minor 9.0 undecided
#535 WCPS convertTopixelIndices() function needs refactoring Piero Campalani defect minor 9.0.x petascope
#536 Licence headers need update uadhikari defect minor 9.0.x undecided
#541 Remove psycopg dependency in systemtest Alireza defect minor 9.0.x systemtest
#546 rasdaman version in Piero Campalani defect minor 9.0 petascope
#548 Allow compilation with debug symbols only Dimitar Misev enhancement minor 9.0 build system
#549 Enable getting rasdaman version in a select query Peter Baumann enhancement minor 9.0 manuals_and_examples
#550 SECORE to ignore GML xmlsd during equality checks Bang Pham Huu defect minor 9.0.x secore
#564 Wrong results from 'or' and 'xor' operators Veranika Liaukevich defect minor catalogmgr
#570 UoM for multipoint domainSet Piero Campalani defect minor 9.0 petascope
#571 Create a Bbox object for multipoint coverages Alireza defect minor 9.0.x petascope
#576 Missing check on sdom response uagha defect minor 9.0.x petascope
#579 header comment in GML response Piero Campalani defect minor 9.0.x petascope
#588 Casting problems with RasQL's CSV encoding Veranika Liaukevich defect minor 9.0.x conversion
#592 Cast to bool in RasQL Veranika Liaukevich defect minor 9.0.x qlparser
#594 Add .lo and .hi selections in domain( ) and imagecrsdomain( ) WCPS functions Piero Campalani feature minor Future petascope
#605 Wrong bounds of mr and rgb systemtest coverages Piero Campalani defect minor 8.5.3 systemtest
#606 WCS 2.0 link broken Peter Baumann defect minor manuals_and_examples
#607 Scaling extension for XML requests to be inside wcs:Extension Piero Campalani defect minor 9.0 petascope
#615 list rasmgr constraint in Installation Guide Peter Baumann defect minor manuals_and_examples
#620 header logo has wrong link Dimitar Misev defect minor Future undecided
#642 make check/clean for the systemtest has a bug Bidesh Thapaliya defect minor 9.0.x build system
#646 Integer division and modulo operations Veranika Liaukevich enhancement minor qlparser
#647 Improve detection of northing-first CRS during petascopedb migration Piero Campalani enhancement minor 9.0 applications
#649 Dynamic output grid coverage type Piero Campalani defect minor 9.0 petascope
#653 Dev documentation on Petascope classes Bang Pham Huu task minor Future wiki
#658 Silent division by zero Veranika Liaukevich defect minor 9.0.x catalogmgr
#662 Petascope XMLDescribeCoverageSchemaTest fails Piero Campalani defect minor 9.0 petascope
#665 Fix existing Petascope JUnit tests Bang Pham Huu defect minor 9.2 petascope
#669 WCS format extensions should be merged into one class Sulav Timilsina enhancement minor 9.3 petascope
#678 Evaluate the use of gml:EnvelopeWithTimePeriod when time axes are present Peter Baumann enhancement minor 9.2 petascope
#682 Wrong bbox when irregular axis is trimmed and subset bounds do not coincide with a point Piero Campalani defect minor 9.0.x petascope
#694 Testdata is wrongly dropped on every run Alireza enhancement minor 9.0.x systemtest
#697 .deps/insertppm.Po: No such file or directory fxavier defect minor 9.0.x applications
#699 Update script for petascopedb to handle user interrupts Piero Campalani defect minor 9.0.x petascope
#701 File extension is unknown when using encode() uadhikari defect minor Future qlparser
#703 Typos in user interface Peter Baumann defect minor Future undecided
#705 Web service endpoints not mentioned in Installation Guide Peter Baumann defect minor 9.2 manuals_and_examples
#707 log file output too verbose Veranika Liaukevich defect minor wiki
#713 petascope doesn't close database connections Dimitar Misev defect minor 9.0.x petascope
#718 ps_service_provider table is missing a contact_fascimile column Piero Campalani defect minor petascope
#719 ps_service_provider has column contact_instructions but values is not output in WCS GetCapabilities response Piero Campalani defect minor 9.0.x petascope
#720 ps_service_provider has column contact_role that should be constrained against a dictionary of values Piero Campalani enhancement minor 9.0.x petascope
#726 remove debug output from log Peter Baumann defect minor server
#736 WCS test 42 failing Piero Campalani defect minor 9.0.x petascope
#740 purpose of ps_servicelayer table in petascope9 Peter Baumann question minor manuals_and_examples
#744 Enable GML in JPEG2000 encoding in rasdaman Piero Campalani feature minor 9.0.x conversion
#748 Wrong ranges for float/double min/max in ps_intervals Piero Campalani defect minor 9.0.x petascope
#749 publish directql Vlad Merticariu enhancement minor applications
#753 rasql should check for write permissions uadhikari defect minor 9.0.x applications
#759 WCPS encode behaviour dependent on capitalisation of format specifier uadhikari defect minor 9.0.x petascope
#760 Support grid coverages Piero Campalani defect minor 9.0.x petascope
#761 Licenses for petascope libs Piero Campalani task minor 9.0.x petascope
#765 WCS 2.0 Capabilities document validation fail Piero Campalani defect minor 9.0.x petascope
#768 Implement the WCS interpolation extension Piero Campalani task minor 9.0.x petascope
#770 Add Index 4D/5D CRS Piero Campalani task minor 9.0.x secore
#771 RPC server should be disabled by default Dimitar Misev defect minor 9.0.x rasserver
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.