Custom Query (2799 matches)


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Results (2601 - 2700 of 2799)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#816 WCPS precedence rules issue Vlad Merticariu defect minor petascope
#826 Port ES partners' clients to raswct Vlad Merticariu defect minor Future undecided
#831 Enable rasimport to only populate petascope metadata Dimitar Misev defect minor 9.1 rasgeo
#842 rasql should throw a proper exception on empty file bismaili defect minor 9.1 applications
#844 WCST typing of coverages Vlad Merticariu defect minor 9.1 undecided
#850 Compilation for Clang Veranika Liaukevich defect minor undecided
#857 user friendly client for Web Coverage Service Alex Toader enhancement minor 9.1 applications
#865 wcs client errors should not be literals Alex Toader defect minor Future applications
#867 wcs client needs cleanup Alex Toader defect minor Future applications
#869 unused jars in petascope Dimitar Misev defect minor 9.1 petascope
#875 properties files get unduly modified by installation procedure Bang Pham Huu defect minor 9.1.x build system
#894 fix typos and hiccups in QL Guide Peter Baumann defect minor 9.1 manuals_and_examples
#895 Improve WCS client documentation Alex Toader enhancement minor applications
#901 Trac UI - wrong highlight George Merticariu defect minor 9.2 undecided
#909 *.proto files should not be compiled if there is no modification Alex Dumitru defect minor rasnet
#920 error handling of WCS client inconsistent Alex Toader defect minor 9.2 applications
#922 Autoconf warns about non-POSIX extensions in makefiles Veranika Liaukevich enhancement minor build system
#923 Change the location of the authentication file Dimitar Misev task minor 9.1 rasmgr
#924 wcst_import should support relative paths Alex Dumitru defect minor 9.1 applications
#926 Clean up rasnet code and add developer documentation Alex Toader enhancement minor rasnet
#931 packages page outdated Dimitar Misev defect minor wiki
#942 header files should be installed in include/rasdaman subdir Dimitar Misev enhancement minor 10.0 build system
#949 WCS client uses SCALEFACTOR even when not set Alex Toader defect minor Future undecided
#971 wcst_import should report time/speed Bang Pham Huu enhancement minor 9.5 applications
#986 WCST should work with file names containing spaces Vlad Merticariu defect minor petascope
#992 Memory Leaks bbell defect minor Future raslib
#993 Compiling error with gcc 5.2.1 and Werror Dimitar Misev defect minor conversion
#994 Secore gnomomic CRS missing and errors with add/update CRS Bang Pham Huu enhancement minor 9.2 secore
#997 Remove getpass from the code Dimitar Misev enhancement minor Future rascontrol
#998 Introduce option for choosing the algorithm used for encrypting passwords in rascontrol Alex Toader enhancement minor 9.1.x rascontrol
#999 rasmgr.auth should not be saved in HOME Alex Toader defect minor rasmgr
#1000 petascope service identification and provider should be configurable in a file Bang Pham Huu defect minor 9.2 petascope
#1001 rasdaman database creation script has cryptic error msg Dimitar Misev enhancement minor undecided
#1026 WCST-Import need escape special characters in file name (not only space) Bang Pham Huu defect minor petascope
#1029 wcst_import: more meaningful type names Bang Pham Huu enhancement minor 9.5 petascope
#1042 New protocol testing Alex Dumitru task minor undecided
#1074 sqlite database missing - error: "no such table RAS_COUTERS" Dimitar Misev defect minor rasserver
#1080 WCPS parser ignores error case when encode coverage regularly Alex Dumitru defect minor 9.3 petascope
#1093 SECORE support validating GML when update or insert definition Bang Pham Huu enhancement minor 9.2 secore
#1094 update doc set version number to v9.2 Peter Baumann task minor manuals_and_examples
#1097 Sort comments inside ticket not work defect minor 9.2 wiki
#1109 Some SECORE definitions are invalid Bang Pham Huu defect minor 9.2 secore
#1115 rasql type management syntax George Merticariu defect minor 9.2 qlparser
#1123 gawk required? Dimitar Misev defect minor 9.2 wiki
#1136 sometimes creates malformed queries George Merticariu defect minor rasodmg
#1138 configure syntax divergent Dimitar Misev defect minor Future build system
#1141 An error when collection name starts with number in rasql Peter Baumann defect minor 9.2 manuals_and_examples
#1143 WCST Import should write the result of the ingestion to a log file Bang Pham Huu defect minor 9.5 petascope
#1146 should check RASBASE directory exists first Alex Toader defect minor 9.2 rasserver
#1156 Petascope internal error when run wcst_import in batch import defect minor 9.2 petascope
#1159 language issue with petascope Bang Pham Huu defect minor 9.2 build system
#1161 diverging file name conventions Dimitar Misev defect minor 10.0 undecided
#1166 concentrating default values Dimitar Misev defect minor Future build system
#1172 grpc adjustments Alex Toader defect minor Future rasnet
#1173 suppress 3rd party warnings Alex Toader defect minor Future build system
#1175 rasql create type is not preserving the axis names dkamov defect minor Future undecided
#1183 error request should return content instead of empty in system test Dimitar Misev defect minor Future systemtest
#1186 should have proper exit code Bang Pham Huu defect minor 10.0 rasserver
#1189 Log permission in custom_script of system_test Bang Pham Huu defect minor 9.2 systemtest
#1199 WCST_Import error index out of range with recipe "wcs_extract" defect minor 10.0 wcst_import
#1212 WCPS_Inconsistence when trimming at upper geo-referenced axis defect minor 10.0 petascope
#1213 WCPS1.5_Throw correct exception when interval is not valid Bang Pham Huu defect minor 10.0 petascope
#1222 Rasql_Throw server GRPC exception when spatial domains are incompatible defect minor 9.3 conversion
#1224 Replace signal with sigaction dkamov enhancement minor 9.7 undecided
#1227 Rasql_should throw appropriate exception if encode in unsupported format defect minor 9.3 rasql
#1230 Rasql_Error when scale axis to a slicing point Bang Pham Huu defect minor 10.0 petascope
#1249 Compilation error on master Alex Toader defect minor 9.2 rasnet
#1251 API should use more defaults Dimitar Misev defect minor Future rasodmg
#1254 WCPS1.5_Add license header in WCPS2 packages Bang Pham Huu defect minor 10.0 petascope
#1255 WCPS1.5_Handle devide (/) operator in interval. defect minor 9.3 petascope
#1256 Decode operation crashes server when the file contains 0 bands bbell defect minor 10.0 qlparser
#1261 Rasj does not support return complex number from WCPS Alex Dumitru defect minor 10.0 java
#1264 switch default use of -fPIC Dimitar Misev enhancement minor 9.2 build system
#1269 csv output of scalars is wrong bbell defect minor 9.4 rasql
#1281 strip Dimitar Misev enhancement minor 10.0 build system
#1288 Installer should use the latest epel version on CentOS Alex Dumitru defect minor build system
#1289 rasql should print oid upon insert Dimitar Misev enhancement minor 10.0 rasql
#1299 Query data size should be present in the rasdaman log Dimitar Misev enhancement minor 9.3 rasnet
#1306 DeleteCoverage should remove the relevant layer from WMS Bang Pham Huu defect minor 9.3 petascope
#1319 WCPS_crsTransform() throw correct exception in case of GDAL error with projection. enhancement minor 9.3 petascope
#1328 log file too verbose Dimitar Misev defect minor 9.3 rasserver
#1336 WCST should throw an error or rename the rasdaman collection when coverage name contains a "-" Vlad Merticariu defect minor 10.0 petascope
#1377 WCST_Import_Import success without deployed Petascope defect minor 9.3 wcst_import
#1451 Petacope_Refactoring AbstractFormatExtension to mantainable methods defect minor 10.0 petascope
#1473 Rasql_Check jpeg2000 values consistently defect minor 10.0 rasql
#1486 maven warning on building Petascope Bang Pham Huu defect minor 10.0 build system
#1499 Slow database-connection from Java Dimitar Misev defect minor 9.4 java
#1505 csv output of multidimensional data is missing outer parens bbell defect minor Future conversion
#1511 with debug parameters, rasdaman experiences a few extra memory leaks bbell defect minor undecided
#1520 petascope version needs to be updated Bang Pham Huu defect minor 9.4 petascope
#1526 Put the crs variable to netCDF output defect minor 10.0 rasql
#1539 WCST_Import Progress bar with wrong slice number Bang Pham Huu defect minor 10.0 wcst_import
#1543 rasmgr segfaults when started with port < 1024 dkamov defect minor 10.0 rasmgr
#1544 Ingesting data that doesn't fit in RAM should report a proper error defect minor 10.0 rasserver
#1548 rasmgr could not open rasmgr.auth bbell defect minor 9.4 rasmgr
#1549 support for inf in rasdaman dkamov enhancement minor 9.7 qlparser
#1561 building a struct of struct types (as user defined types) should throw an exception for the time being bbell defect minor Future qlparser
#1571 systemtest oracle files are 65MB Bang Pham Huu enhancement minor Future systemtest
#1572 dbinfo prints the oid in scientific notation bbell defect minor qlparser
#1573 rasdaman does not compile with -DENABLE_STRICT=ON and -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release or _DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug apercov defect minor 10.0 debug
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.