Opened 8 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#1602 closed defect (fixed)

add correct lat/lon to pixel index transformation in WCPS

Reported by: Vlad Merticariu Owned by: Bang Pham Huu
Priority: major Milestone: 9.5
Component: petascope Version: development
Keywords: Cc: Dimitar Misev
Complexity: Medium

Description (last modified by Bang Pham Huu)

The translation in Petascope for WCPS from geo indices to grid indices are not completely correct. Also, to make it correct, the most important value for coverage's axes are resolutions. They must be set almost correct from ingredient file to be imported by wcst_import, (e.g: the correct resolution is: 0.46666666666666666, then the input resolution should be: 0.46666666666666, not 0.466666).

It was validated from Oliver's test script in python: which will not return the diffecent between the python formula and WCPS imageCrsdomain for translating from geo indices to grid indices.

Use a subset of to test if the pixel indices obtained by petascope when translating Lat / Lon values are correct.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Bang Pham Huu, 7 years ago

Cc: Dimitar Misev added

I added a comment in as it needs to make sure Petascope is running correctly from Olly's test, before I can add this to system test.

comment:2 by Bang Pham Huu, 7 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
Summary: add correct lat/lon to pixel index transformation testadd correct lat/lon to pixel index transformation in WCPS
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