Opened 12 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#335 closed defect (fixed)

Coverage iterator not translated properly to rasql on WCPS trimmings

Reported by: ungarj Owned by: Dimitar Misev
Priority: critical Milestone: 9.0
Component: petascope Version: 8.4
Keywords: coverage iterator condense construct Cc: Dirk Daems, Peter Baumann
Complexity: Medium

Description (last modified by ungarj)

Just found out that some of the WCPS queries in our WCPS Tutorial cause an error now though having worked in earlier versions.

It seems after some testing the last version the queries worked was rasdaman 8.3.1-3.

Not sure whether it's relevant but the only queries affected (just tested our example queries though) are the ones with 1D output.

catalina.out indicates the "Specified domain does not intersect with spatial domain of MDD."

Example Query:

for c in (FSC_Scandinavia)
      coverage temp
        $pt t(150190:150200)
      values (count(c[t($pt)]=30)) / (count(c[t($pt)]!=0)) * 100,

The two files attached contain the tomcat output of the same query running with rasdaman 8.3.1-3 and 8.4.0-rc2.2.

Maybe I'm missing a schema or a syntax change. Do you have any idea what could be wrong here?

Thanks, Joachim

Attachments (2)

8.3.1-3.log (48.5 KB ) - added by ungarj 12 years ago.
catalina.out with rasdaman 8.3.1-3
8.4.0.rc2.log (52.6 KB ) - added by ungarj 12 years ago.
catalina.out with rasdaman 8.4.0-rc2

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (20)

by ungarj, 12 years ago

Attachment: 8.3.1-3.log added

catalina.out with rasdaman 8.3.1-3

by ungarj, 12 years ago

Attachment: 8.4.0.rc2.log added

catalina.out with rasdaman 8.4.0-rc2

comment:1 by abeccati, 12 years ago

Component: DEBpetascope
Milestone: 8.4
Owner: changed from Dimitar Misev to abeccati

comment:2 by ungarj, 12 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:3 by Dimitar Misev, 12 years ago

Owner: changed from abeccati to Alireza
Status: newassigned

Yes indeed, the coverage expression is not properly translated to rasql. Alireza can you look at this?


select csv(marray i_i in [150190:150200] values ((count_cells((((c) [*:*,*:*,i_i[0]])=(30))))/(count_cells((((c) [*:*,*:*,i_i[0]])!=(0)))))*(100)) from FSC_Scandinavia AS c

New (notice the iterator variable is not used, only a 0 is used instead:

select csv(marray i_i in [150190:150200] values ((count_cells((((c) [*:*,*:*,0])=(30))))/(count_cells((((c) [*:*,*:*,0])!=(0)))))*(100)) from FSC_Scandinavia AS c

comment:4 by abeccati, 12 years ago


comment:5 by Dirk Daems, 12 years ago

I can confirm that we are experiencing the same problem: iterator variables are not replaced but a zero is used when transforming the WCPS query into a RASQL query.

comment:6 by Dimitar Misev, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

comment:7 by Dimitar Misev, 12 years ago

Cc: Dirk Daems added
Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

New bug discovered by dirk:

I have a 3 dimensional (t,x,y) coverage NDVI_SPOT_VGT.
The temporal resolution on axis t is a dekad, which is about 10 days. Each month has 3 dekads so one year has 36 dekads.

When I execute query:

for c in (NDVI_SPOT_VGT)
return encode(
  coverage averagesOverTime
    over $T t(0:10)
      values ( avg(c[x(15:20),y(0:5),t(2+$T*36)] ) ),

it is translated into RASQL command:

select csv(marray i_i in [0:10] values avg_cells((c) [(2)+((i_i[0])*(36)),3696:4256,3696:4256])) from NDVI_SPOT_VGT AS c

This seems to be OK.
But when I specify a range for the time axis (t) as well:

for c in (NDVI_SPOT_VGT)
return encode(
  coverage averagesOverTime
    over $T t(0:10)
      values ( avg(c[x(15:20),y(0:5),t(2+$T*36:4+$T*36)] ) ),

it is translated into RASQL command:

select csv(marray i_i in [0:10] values avg_cells(c[0:0,3696:4256,3696:4256])) from NDVI_SPOT_VGT AS c

So the range specified for axis t (2+$T*36:4+$T*36) is mapped to 0:0 which looks like a bug to me.
Is this a known issue?

comment:8 by Dimitar Misev, 12 years ago

Summary: WCPS queries fail after updateWCPS coverage iterator not translated properly to rasql

comment:9 by Piero Campalani, 12 years ago

Keywords: coverage iterator condense construct added
Summary: WCPS coverage iterator not translated properly to rasqlCoverage iterator not translated properly to rasql on WCPS trimmings

Some more info can be found as well in #360 (closed as duplicate).

comment:10 by Dimitar Misev, 12 years ago

Dirk, can you test this query again?

in reply to:  10 comment:11 by Dirk Daems, 12 years ago

Replying to dmisev:

Dirk, can you test this query again?


Just tested with the code I fetched from the git repository yesterday, but the problem remains.


comment:12 by Alireza, 12 years ago

DimensionIntervalElement does not handle non-numeric variables, it takes a ScalarExpr which resolve to a NumericScalarExpression from which it takes the numeric value "dvalue".
Setting `transformedCoordinates' to false works in case of GRID_CRS slice but but not in this case. Moreover slicing with an arithmetic operation involving a variable reference doesn't work either. This patch deserves a more comprehensive solution on Dimension* to admit a non-numeric outcome in the subset

comment:13 by Piero Campalani, 12 years ago

transformedCoordinates is meant to differentiate between values already converted for RasQL, or not.
So, setting transformedCoordinates to false as in changeset:63a177a works for this specific case but doesn't make much sense to me :)

comment:14 by Dimitar Misev, 12 years ago

Milestone: 8.59.0

So what's the conclusion, Piero/Alireza? How do we proceed?

comment:15 by Dimitar Misev, 11 years ago

Cc: Peter Baumann added
Owner: changed from Alireza to Dimitar Misev
Status: reopenedassigned

I'll take over the ticket, but I need details on where did you stuck last time (let's sync next week).

comment:16 by Dimitar Misev, 11 years ago

Priority: majorcritical

comment:17 by Dimitar Misev, 11 years ago

I submitted patch that fixes it. All WCPS/WCS tests pass so it's good. I had to change the lo/hi in DimensionIntervalElement from BigInteger to String in order to get this working. This also fixed the test for #371 actually, which was only partially correct in the rasql translation.

comment:18 by Dimitar Misev, 11 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
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