

Open tickets


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Opened by me

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Closed tickets


Memory Leaks
TRACE debug doesn't work
Decode operation crashes server when the file contains 0 bands
csv output of scalars is wrong
random behaviour in condense of structs
Rasql_Range constructor error in 3D coverages and binary expression of ranges
Rasql_Throw exception when incompatible casting
Petascope_Create correct base type with range fields when create collection
Rasql_Using only the first set types if have multiple same structure types
Rasql_Memory leak with swith case expression
Rasql_Wrong transposition between X and Y axis when encode in netcdf
cleanup warnings in rasnet
encode to format "tiff" doesn't work
Rasql_Nodata values are missing when encoding
Parallel transactions on client side broken
Rasql_Cannot encode 0D coverage in JSON format
Rasql_Inconsistent result from coverage condenser/constructor (or convertor)
transpose function not checking indices
Rasql_Nilvalue (nodata) value missing from netCDF metadata and a overflow value for tiff nodata
csv output of multidimensional data is missing outer parens
data ingestion with directql has a segfault
'select' higher-dimensional data than the dimension of a stored Array does not throw an exception
with debug parameters, rasdaman experiences a few extra memory leaks
make unit-check fails to compile and run unit tests
tests fail during make unit-check
Rasql_Null values are not counted
pow() doesn't work for negative values
data corruption on ingestion
rasmgr could not open rasmgr.auth
DROP TYPE should throw an error for type in use
rasserver crashes or hangs indefinitely when applying min_cells and max_cells to structs with multiple data type sizes
encode to csv and json outputs rounded values for float and double, but not always
building a struct of struct types (as user defined types) should throw an exception for the time being
implement polygon clipping
dbinfo prints the oid in scientific notation
should rasdaman have sdom intersection?
CSV has incorrect syntax in 1D
binary & unary ops: type validity can be extended
regular tiling doesn't work with negative indices?
subspace queries with normal vectors that have 0 as the last component sometimes return incorrect results
shapefile support in rasdaman
residual oracle files in test_select
compile with -DENABLE_STRICT on Ubuntu 16.04
update source tree to compile under newer versions of gcc
curtain queries
rasql_clip with Multipolygon
Rasql_Remove the additional break line for composite output
Rasql_Round float number should have a consistent length for fractional part
Clipping should support parsing LineStringZ/M/ZM
Polygon clipping test -- test update on a polygonal region.
Random data in polygon and linestring clipping
FROM clause in UPDATE statement
restructuring some clipping code
Rasql_Overlay 2 collections with different bands error
implement a solution for track-line queries
introduce support for discrete trackline queries in rasql
clip operations with general expressions in the point lists
memory deallocation ambiguity in clipping handler
make unit-check to patch manager
Rasql_Server killed with corridor without discrete parameter
Rasql_corridor query hangs server up
Rasql_Segfault by mismatch domain extend after scaling
update rasql clipping docs


Dynamic re-tiling of arrays
Rasql_Error when overlay with range constructor
Rasql_Range constructor does not regard specific scalar values
The systemtest should test compiling example C++
Support gperftools in rasserver
Ingesting data that doesn't fit in RAM should report a proper error
stddev / var condensers
systemtest oracle files are 65MB
Rasql_Read query from a file when it is too long for bash
RASQL_GRIB updates existing collection is really slow
Fix make clean to remove log files properly
petascope and SELinux on CentOS
Segfault with output --formated
Server killed with condenser count_cells
Segfault with multiple 2 MDD domains on 3 bands collections
WCPS polygon clipping with explicit CRS
Rasql_removes /tmp/rasdaman.*.aux.xml after encoding result is done
RasdaPy_avg_cells() doesn't work on multiband collection
FROM clause in UPDATE statement
Attach null values to an mdd expression
Rasql_Cannot subset from output of projection()
range constructor with scale fails
WCST_Import Change message text to install netCDF4 when it imissing
WCS_GetCoverage in GML fix sequenceRule element
WCPS_Support clip() with curtain on 3D+ coverage with WKT linestring and polygon
Add option to enable AddressSanitizer on compilation
WCPS_Support clip() with corridor on 3D+ coverage by polygon/linestring

Opened by me

transpose function not checking indices
Fix the mischecking xml output in system tests and refactor the checking process
csv output of multidimensional data is missing outer parens
data ingestion with directql has a segfault
'select' higher-dimensional data than the dimension of a stored Array does not throw an exception
with debug parameters, rasdaman experiences a few extra memory leaks
make unit-check fails to compile and run unit tests
tests fail during make unit-check
unit tests for tiling
rasserver log error reporting not always informative
data corruption on ingestion
support for inf in rasdaman
rasserver crashes or hangs indefinitely when applying min_cells and max_cells to structs with multiple data type sizes
encode to csv and json outputs rounded values for float and double, but not always
Rename test wcs, wcps queries, oracles files to be consistent
building a struct of struct types (as user defined types) should throw an exception for the time being
problem with type assignment while outputting to csv/json from a switch/case query with varying data types in each case
implement polygon clipping
dbinfo prints the oid in scientific notation
rasdaman does not compile with -DENABLE_STRICT=ON and -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release or _DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
should rasdaman have sdom intersection?
binary & unary ops: type validity can be extended
subspace queries with normal vectors that have 0 as the last component sometimes return incorrect results
shapefile support in rasdaman
residual oracle files in test_select
update source tree to compile under newer versions of gcc
optimize polygon clipping
curtain queries
subsetting by nonintersecting sdom crashes rasserver
Polygon clipping test -- test update on a polygonal region.
Exception for length of collection name overflow
restructuring some clipping code
implement a solution for track-line queries
introduce support for discrete trackline queries in rasql
clip operations with general expressions in the point lists
memory deallocation ambiguity in clipping handler
make unit-check to patch manager

Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on Aug 15, 2018, 4:51:45 AM
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