Version 58 (modified by 11 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Version History & Preconfectioned Download
This page lists rasdaman versions, together with the change history. Starting with version 8.2 we provide summaries of the main changes done with each roll-out.
Alternative ways of obtaining rasdaman are listed in the Download area.
Version 9.0.x
- For download and installation check the (debian) installation and release process guides.
Changes and new features
Array DMBS- tile ids are now stored as long int in the database rather than double.
- note: this is a backwards incompatible change over
rasdaman 8.x
, i.e.
is run, the database (RASBASE) will be converted to the new format and will be only readable byrasdaman 9+
- note: this is a backwards incompatible change over
- new
'select version()'
query in RasQL, to return the currently installed version of rasdaman - enhanced logging: catch segfaults in the
server and print stacktraces in the log (only works if--without-debug-symbols
has not been specified at./configure
) - fine-grained locking of tiles in
, allowing parallel ingestion for example
- tile ids are now stored as long int in the database rather than double.
- Petascope Web servlet
- the
[PetascopeDevGuide metadata database schema] has been completely redesigned to work in cooperation with SECORE and to better follow the GMLCOV model, extending support for CRS-aligned irregularly gridded coverages.- note: Petascope 9.0 is incompatible with the old
schema, and requires upgrade (''
) - the upgrade supports both migration of existing coverages and restore of pre-upgrade db snapshot
- some first stored procedures are available for devs and advanced users
- note: Petascope 9.0 is incompatible with the old
- servlet path has been changed to
, etc., and thewar
file deployed in Tomcat is now rasdaman.war - Full OGC WCS 2.0 Core compliance for coverages with rectified/referenceable grid and multipoint geometries.
- WC*S subsets now support asterisks
and ISO8601 timestamps. - support for Index CRSs for unreferenced nD datasets
- support for compound CRS index, spatial, temporal, or spatio-temporal, with 1+ temporal axes
- support for CRS slicing (interim
notation). - WCS service and service provider metadata is moved from Java templates to the database.
- GML/GMLCOV coverage metadata is richer and more flexible: many GML fields are configurable in the database.
- fixes in GML encoding for coverages (especially CRS and grid axis orders)
- minimum bounding box is returned
- configurable OWS metadata enablement
- configurable SWE metadata (NIL values, allowed intervals, label, description, definition URI)
- handling of coverage points' sample spaces (point is area on regular axes, point is point on irregular axes)
- CRS coordinates to follow the axis order defined in its definition
- fix domainSet/rangeSet point order agreement
- safe decoupling of WC*S coverages and
collections: one coverage is represented by a single marray - initial support for [MultiPointCoverages multipoint coverages] (to enable this feature PostGIS 2.0+ is required, otherwise it will be disabled.
- fix WCS scaling, range subsetting and processing extensions.
- the
- rasgeo component
- revised rasimport/raserase working with the new 9.0
schema (thanks to Alex Herzig) and supporting irregular series of images (see also the [RasgeoUserGuide user guide])
- revised rasimport/raserase working with the new 9.0
- SECORE resolver
- [SecoreUserGuide SECORE] only supports URLs now, URN support is removed as OGC URNs have been deprecated for a long time already.
- note: this is an incompatible change, so an existing SECORE database must be removed (rm -rf $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/secoredb/*), so that a new database containing only URL identifiers can be initialized.
- two separate dictionaries of definitions: the EPSG and a user-defined one, now containing a first set of Index and Temporal CRS definitions.
- [SecoreUserGuide SECORE] only supports URLs now, URN support is removed as OGC URNs have been deprecated for a long time already.
- miscellanea
- more powerful systemtests, with oracles support, known failures skip and scripting.
Quick upgrade guide (for rasdaman 8.x)
$ rm -rf $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/secoredb
$ autoreconf -fi && ./configure [...] && make clean && make && make install
- edit and update Petascope (
) and rasgeo ($HOME/.rasdaman/rasconnect
) configuration files (note that rasconnect has two new parameters, see the example configuration) $
NOTE for PostgreSQL < 9.1 users : migration of existing coverages in petascopedb
assumes backslashes are treated literally in string literals. While this is the default behavior in versions ≥ 9.1 of PostgreSQL, this must be manually set in prior versions (see #675). Hence, before executing
you should run:
petascopedb=# ALTER ROLE petauser SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
(The problem has been addressed already in the development branch and will be available in rasdaman v9.0.1)
No results
- #5
- Partial update through rasj fails
- #169
- rasimport to be synchronized with incoming new petascopedb schema
- #188
- URN-based identifiers recognized but not translated to URL in the definition
- #222
- WCS/WCPS axes to be requested by NAME, not by TYPE
- #233
- Some wrong definitions are silently ignored
- #267
- Tiling with rasimport
- #270
- Deprecate old servlets in petascope
- #276
- time handling with SECORE and temporal CRS
- #280
- SECORE works only at /def
- #307
- external names should use rasdaman, not petascope
- #326
- segmentation fault on insert
- #327
- lock manager for rasdaman
- #332
- Support for time in GML coverage output
- #333
- 2Gb file limit
- #335
- Coverage iterator not translated properly to rasql on WCPS trimmings
- #356
- SECORE does not report exception when an invalid parameter name is set on a non-parametrized CRS
- #357
- Implement `pow()' WCPS function
- #369
- Systemtest support for SECORE
- #376
- Aggregation operations in petascope don't work on multiband covs
- #377
- WCPS doesn't consider axis labels in scale operation
- #382
- Automated database updates in SECORE
- #385
- Illegal optional parameter read as flattening option
- #386
- Error when a Parametrized CRS targets a CRS via URN
- #387
- Query on coverages with different domains is unusable
- #389
- SECORE exception when mandatory parameter is missing
- #390
- Compound CRSs with a parametrized CRS
- #391
- Missing new line in CCRS output
- #407
- WCPS parsing error with scalar * coverage expression
- #417
- tile cache should be more robust
- #419
- document tile cache in inst-guide.doc
- #431
- Update supported base DB to postgres 9.0+
- #432
- verify WCS extension list in capabilities document
- #448
- WCS 2.0 exception code
- #458
- Test engine for tickets
- #459
- WCS GetCoverage broken
- #460
- establish documentation for 9.0
- #470
- support asterisk in trim operation
- #473
- Add textual comparison to systemtests (WCS et al)
- #474
- Trimmed URIs
- #475
- Coverage iterator over double/date intervals
- #476
- Null values not shown in coverage description
- #477
- nodata should be 0 by default
- #478
- WCPS switch tests fail
- #479
- Handling of NaN values in rasql
- #482
- Point query on non-materialized data should return 0
- #483
- editorial improvement of
- #484
- systemtest import functions not to rely on database IDs
- #487
- Configuration manager does not include admin credentials
- #489
- remove generated files from version control
- #492
- inv_tiff fails with rasj
- #493
- Complex constructor doesn't accept integers
- #494
- feature_PetascopeSecore to me merged
- #496
- Trac to accept git-bundles
- #498
- Oracles for WCS requests on Multipoint coverages
- #499
- Import script for Multipoint test dataset to use common systemtest configuration
- #508
- UML schema for Petascope
- #512
- PostGIS requirement, moved on branch feature_Multipoint
- #515
- UoM code for pure numbers
- #518
- KEY_ constants should be public in ConfigurationManager
- #519
- Do not hardwire kahlua host in petascopedb init
- #522
- HTTP code of WC*S exceptions to be properly set by Petacope
- #523
- Exception to be thrown on bogus medatype in a WCS request
- #524
- Petascope to throw exception on duplicate WCS subsets
- #525
- WCPS exceptions for invalid subsettings not to get lost
- #526
- Error when petascopedb is not updated to ps9
- #528
- release rasdaman 9.0.0-beta1
- #530
- WMS utilities to be re-synchronized with new petascopedb schema
- #531
- Wrong geo-metadata for mean_summer_airtemp
- #533
- Strings in subsets
- #534
- to use configured PostgreSQL port
- #537
- "Add a new entry at this level" functionality does not show up anymore
- #538
- Revert BaseX.jar to pre 7 version
- #539
- Add required OGC CRS defs in SECORE for systemtests
- #540
- gml:description in ParametrizedCRS definition
- #544
- WC*S tests with geo binary output encoding fail
- #545
- List of SECORE hosts in
- #546
- rasdaman version in
- #547
- encode fails for multiband of any type > char
- #548
- Allow compilation with debug symbols only
- #549
- Enable getting rasdaman version in a select query
- #551
- WCPS responses do not add EOL at the end of the response
- #552
- PostGIS queries
- #553
- SECORE should not hardcode the host in the def identifiers
- #556
- SECORE HTTP exit codes for exception reports not to be 200
- #558
- WCS range extensions XML parser to expect rangeSubset as root
- #559
- SECORE to reject queries with almost valid code
- #560
- gmlcov:metadata not following XMLSD of coverage description
- #561
- WCS XML POST body not to be prepended by "request="
- #562
- Throw exception when required parameter is missing in a WCS request
- #563
- SOAP always return 200 exit code
- #565
- Coverage description template for non-gridded coverages to be established
- #566
- UoM for range quantities not to be used as UoM for CRS axes in MultiPoint coverages
- #567
- HTML documentation needs to be integrated
- #568
- NullPointerException when axis does not exist in CRS definition
- #569
- Missing namespace for referenceable grids in CoverageDescription
- #570
- UoM for multipoint domainSet
- #572
- Fix GML for referenceable grids
- #573
- SWE metadata from database not to be ignored
- #574
- Smoother migration from 8.5 to 9.0
- #575
- Check for dblink installation
- #578
- rasdl fails on CentOS 6.4
- #583
- Add patchmanager code to the rasdaman repo
- #604
- Envelope bounds with Index CRSs
- #607
- Scaling extension for XML requests to be inside wcs:Extension
- #616
- petascope Makefile fails to find rasj.jar
- #619
- secore not found during install
- #623
- Memory leak in lockmgr
- #625
- target tiles still locked after commit
- #631
- Duplicate code for coordinates to grid indexes conversion
- #634
- Implement the Processing Coverage extension
- #638
- CSV encoding problem with multiband collections
- #639
- Time subset conversion to account for offset vector
- #645
- Improve
- #647
- Improve detection of northing-first CRS during petascopedb migration
- #648
- Migrate origin to centre of sample-space
- #649
- Dynamic output grid coverage type
- #662
- Petascope XMLDescribeCoverageSchemaTest fails
- #668
- Migration starts on new petascopedb
Patch Version 9.0.1
List generated with:
$ git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.0.0..v9.0.1 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:e806a26 | ticket:15 - fix test (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:e8c027d | ticket:169 - add comments to rasgeo's config file (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:db096ba | ticket:242 - OIDs are returned from INSERTs. (Heinrich Stamerjohanns)
- changeset:d5eca14 | ticket:281 - 0D coverage for referenceable grids too. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:56fcac8 | ticket:292 - 1)added tests for decode function; 2)removed gdal parameters from decode; 3) reverted encode function to initial state (George Merticariu)
- changeset:49a003b | ticket:292 - added decode functionality (George Merticariu)
- changeset:663dab7 | ticket:292 - fixed tests (George Merticariu)
- changeset:8852d1d | ticket:292 - follow up- fixed tests (George Merticariu)
- changeset:f926d12 | ticket:325 - handle segfaults in rasimport and raserase (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:b67033b | ticket:412 - Check bison or byacc for presence (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:09dd2a9 | ticket:507 - Remove wildcard from regular file test in (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:0ff494f | ticket:542 - Function calls in complex constructor (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:8b717f0 | ticket:543 - Condensing over complex numbers (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:6434f7d | ticket:543 - Fix types comparison (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:2d86fb9 | ticket:567 - Drop spurious SchemaSpy files for old ps9_ tables. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:40cd00d | ticket:571 - Create a Bbox object for multipoint coverages (Alireza RM)
- changeset:889bdc0 | ticket:579 - Update license headers for Java source files and add utility for automatic (re)update. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:30850fc | ticket:621 - lockmgr: Adapts the documentation of the whole code after removing clientId. (Kinga Lipskoch)
- changeset:596ceb0 | ticket:621 - lockmgr: Removes attribute clientId from table, code, and queries. (Kinga Lipskoch)
- changeset:7487a46 | ticket:621 - lockmgr: Removes "IF EXISTS" from update4.sql and sets the updatenumber to 5. (Kinga Lipskoch)
- changeset:9c3fa78 | ticket:630 - properly set rw lock when lockmgr is disabled (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:5cb4af1 | ticket:671 - Check flex for presence (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:648d171 | ticket:672 - Fix WMS path in WMS import tools. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:8f46ab0 | ticket:673 - CSV conversion for complex numbers (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:e910167 | ticket:673 - Fix broken tests of CSV conversion (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:e3c9915 | ticket:673 - Test for complex number CSV conversion (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:3f5338b | ticket:674 - Fix literal concatenation when constructing query for gmlcov metadata migration. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:4816e4b | ticket:675 - Explicitly set PostgreSQL standard_conforming_strings variable before updating petascopedb. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:514eab4 | ticket:676 - Fix root document reference for UoM parsing. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:0da1d6f | ticket:677 - Remove supported authorities from CRS URI validity check. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:d529f93 | ticket:681 - Fetching coefficients on irregular untrimmed axis. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:53768e7 | ticket:682 - Fix minimal bounding box on irregular axes. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:bdd8887 | ticket:684 - add test (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:ae69314 | ticket:685 - fix initialization in RPM installations (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:2aaa6d7 | ticket:686 - Drop duplicate (wrong) check on index min-max consistency and add test. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:dd33a59 | ticket:687 - Fix timestamp to numeric time coordinate conversion on vectors with norm different from 1 and add new irr_cube_2 test dataset. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:45e47d6 | ticket:688 - Declare proper tuple and coordinate separators in coverage range values. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:7147230 | ticket:693 - C++ examples fail to compile (fix on master) (fxavier)
- changeset:8896f99 | ticket:695 - PostGIS version can also be quoted in some distributions. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:7a689ff | ticket:696 - fix WCS multipoint oracles (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:c9a7ac2 | ticket:696 - WCPS multipoint tests are randomly failing (Alireza RM)
- changeset:57cedf5 | ticket:698 - Synchronize Petascope demo insertion and add feedback. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:ce6a813 | ticket:699 - Interrupt signal handlers while updating petascopedb. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:fb8da58 | ticket:700 - Row-major values order in CSV conversion (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:2d36820 | ticket:700 - updated 12.2 (Peter BaumanN)
- changeset:70106dc | ticket:703 - Typo in (Piero Campalani)
Patch Version 9.0.2
List generated with:
$ git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.0.1..v9.0.2 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:bf090d3 | ticket:119 - add conversion test (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:4383ed3 | ticket:119 - Casting with user-defined types (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:2e04a99 | ticket:119 - Correct typenames in debug output (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:25c1e83 | ticket:210 - fix compilation with gcc < 4.7 (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:251db02 | ticket:210 - Fix null pointer dereference (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:8f9e654 | ticket:210 - Make FROM clause optional (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:2bd2188 | ticket:255 - Area of Interest tiling bug fix (Utkrist Adhikari)
- changeset:6df01d6 | ticket:292 added decode test with gdal parameters (George Merticariu)
- changeset:13aa2d8 | ticket:292 Added gdal parameters support for decode function (George Merticariu)
- changeset:fa9205b | ticket:292 - Fix broken HDF test (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:b977b6a | ticket:313 - report properly error when GDAL fails to open a file (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:dfd1bc5 | ticket:417 - more robust blob reading (master) (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:7a5c1c5 | ticket:53 - Select on external files (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:94d163d | ticket:542 - Revert part of previous changes, return complex constants (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:a8d9e4e | ticket:546 - Fix rasdaman version extraction from Petascope (involuntarily disabled in changeset:2988467). (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:0f4cec0 | ticket:557 - Change CRS for Parksmall coverage. (Alireza RM)
- changeset:adb33ce | ticket:591 - bugfix:Mapping a cast boolean to bool RasQL (Utkrist Adhikari)
- changeset:95c39fd | ticket:613 - Supported interpolation types to be declared inside wcs:Extension element. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:a4535fe | ticket:621 lockmgr: optimizes locking by introducing bulk locking. (Kinga Lipskoch)
- changeset:f1a4d0b | ticket:639 - Fixing conversion to indexes with regular fractional time spacing. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:b7279e9 | ticket:689 - deactivating tin import script, work on it continues (Alireza RM)
- changeset:2a5ea88 | ticket:689 - Importing BGS sample tin data into postgis (Alireza RM)
- changeset:e83ae3f | ticket:694 - Testdata is wrongly dropped on every run for multipoint (Alireza RM)
- changeset:147d278 | ticket:697 - create target directory before copying files (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:6649726 | ticket:697 - create target directory before copying files (fix for RPM building) (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:841ad47 | ticket:697 - .deps/insertppm.Po: No such file or directory - Disregard Previous Patch of same ticket (Xavier)
- changeset:82f7b71 | ticket:700 - Add GML coverage function to account for column-major linear sequence rule in rasdaman CSV encoding. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:5583a21 | ticket:700 - completing documenting of decode/encode (Peter BaumanN)
- changeset:22a923c | ticket:700 - CSV conversion in encode function (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:2670ca0 | ticket:700 - Missing oracle for WCS test #42. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:615cea3 | ticket:705 - Web service endpoints not mentioned in Installation Guide (Peter BaumanN)
- changeset:45fc2e8 | ticket:706 - Specify type structure when fetching GMArrays (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:50d6dc9 | ticket:707 - Add missing error messages (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:f6b7917 | ticket:707 - Do not report allocated OIDs (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:fcb187f | ticket:707 - Don't report exceptions twice (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:053b4fe | ticket:707 - Hide debug output in StorageLayout (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:621622a | ticket:707 - Hide redundant 'request' log entries, benchmark timers (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:e857ba5 | ticket:707 - Report query execution times in benchmark mode (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:461266b | ticket:710 - rasgeo: support for NaN values when writing raster attribute tables (Alexander Herzig)
- changeset:216edb0 | ticket:713 - fix database connection leaks in petascope (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:0ddfb78 | ticket:713 - update postgres JDBC driver (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:a7bd735 | ticket:714 - fix output URN substitution in secore (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:77edd64 | ticket:724 - Access to elements and type of RasStructure (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:916db85 | ticket:728 - rasgeo: fixed EPSG detection and simple —crs-uri checks (Alexander Herzig)
- changeset:2a0a0cc | ticket:738 - fix compile with bison 3 (Georg Semmler)
- changeset:292c971 | ticket:743 - Default nodata value removed and test cases modified accordingly (Utkrist Adhikari)
- changeset:ec20d72 | ticket:743 - fix oracles for wcs tiff tests due to changed nodata handling (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:acdce7f | ticket:744 - Add support for JP2OpenJPEG format for the encode RasQL function; add conversion test. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:3e95f40 | ticket:745 - Petascope to support OGC GMLJP2 extension (as JPEG2000 + multipart/related). (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:e6cf821 | ticket:745 - Skip WCS GMLJP2 tests if GDAL version requirements are not met. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:517ac66 | ticket:746 - Fix ANSI date datum: 1601-01-01 is date 1. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:aad98a4 | ticket:747 - Fix unary minus parsing (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:3ae1c74 | ticket:748 - Fix floating point bounds in petascopedb. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:3f664c2 | ticket:748 - Properly handle large numerical representations. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:087f71c | ticket:749 - install directql in $RMANHOME/bin (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:c00e4fa | ticket:750 - chech if secore urls is set in (Badoiu Simona Andreea)
- changeset:2f98be6 | ticket:751 - fix compilation on CentOS (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:2781be3 | ticket:751 - substitute readline with libedit in rascontrol (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:8976a2b | ticket:753 - Added check against failure of fwrite (Utkrist Adhikari)
- changeset:3b3d341 | ticket:753 - File write permission seg fault bug fix (Utkrist Adhikari)
- changeset:5eed225 | ticket:755 - Resolving type structures by type names (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:a519796 | ticket:756 | ticket:785 - Fixes to range field subsetting: WC*S services to use coverage band names; throw IllegalFieldSequence exception; update GetCoverage range type. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:9a07f4e | ticket:757 - Return all structure arrays (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:ad7c669 | ticket:759 - WCPS encode behaviour on capitalisation of format specifier: bug fix (Utkrist Adhikari)
- changeset:1b57f46 | ticket:760 - support grid coverages (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:30c21ef | ticket:760 | ticket:770 - Automatically assign IndexCRS to GridCoverage datasets; add tests. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:8126415 | ticket:761 - include license for several petascope dependencies, remove redundant activation.jar (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:75530d4 | ticket:764 - add a 1D double coverage to the petascope systemtest (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:a8777cb | ticket:765 - Valid toy OWS metadata in systemtest. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:127e80c | ticket:766 - comment out security constraints in secore by default (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:3a64fb4 | ticket:768 - WCS Interpolation extension. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:55b9f0a | ticket:771 - disable RPC server in rasmgr.conf by default (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:bf18e01 | ticket:772 hinted that inv_csv() is not available (Peter BaumanN)
- changeset:d824c6d | ticket:773 - WCPS scaling not to ignore 1-cell trim operations. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:5d16411 | ticket:776 - Do not use BigDecimal strict divide method on scalesize parameter handling. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:81d7fca | ticket:776 | ticket:786 - Fixes to WCS Scaling extension: adjust GMLCOV metadata; scaling on georeferenced coverages; requests with slicings. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:afb9ff9 | ticket:777 added type in decode (George Merticariu)
- changeset:ab900bf | ticket:778 - Fix inline internal grid subsetting in WCS. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:988f971 | ticket:779 - Fix arbitrary types support in conversion results (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:5c54147 | ticket:779 - Single function exit (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:a61ec19 | ticket:780 - Fix reading single structures (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:6b8a934 | ticket:781 - Fix parameters detection in query strings (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:00ab910 | ticket:782 - Fix RasStructureType (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:3763e65 | ticket:788 - Fix mapping of WCS scaling by factor to WCPS. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:0fed5c5 | ticket:789 - Fix retrieval of vector coefficients. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:40c73da | ticket:790 - Fix octets parsing in rasj (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:eb4dcd6 | ticket:791 - fix java compilation (Dimitar Misev)
Version 8.5.x
- #15
- condense max and min bug
- #131
- rasgeo imports MDD with wrong spatial domain if nm_meta not present
- #320
- Adding parameterized definitions doesn't work
- #363
- Enhancement of petascope regression test suite
- #395
- Access Denied Error with 8.4.2-1 RPM
- #400
- Rasimport of data using unsigned int 32 bit is scrambled
- #425
- systemtest check for collection existence is wrong
- #426
- parent incorrectly set in query tree
- #427
- directql has only write access
Patch Version 8.5.3
List generated with:
$ git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v8.5.2..v8.5.3 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:522364c | ticket:417 - fix tile cache leak in v8.5 (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:9b9f2c4 | ticket:417 - more robust blob reading (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:5956682 | ticket:605 - Fix cell bounds of mr and rgb. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:4d5c934 | ticket:609 - Fix datatypes for mr and rgb test coverages. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:6da4b85 | ticket:618 - fix data ingestion uses more memory than necessary (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:a71d381 | ticket:618 - fix insertppm segfault (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:3de6c1d | ticket:618 - fix segfault in clientcomm 8.5 (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:3868a0f | ticket:618 - fix segfault in rasimport (Dimitar Misev)
Patch Version 8.5.4
List generated with:
git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v8.5.3..v8.5.4 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:0e4b2e5 | ticket:439 - Fix ows:descriptions when abstract or keywords are not stored in petascopedb. (Piero Campalani)
Version 8.4.x
- Source tarball download link: rasdaman-v8.4.0.tgz
- From git repository (we have a new release procedure under definition)
- Interface and features table
- fixes and enhancements: tickets closed
- #16
- condense count
- #33
- remove "#ifdef NO_OFFICIAL_RELEASE"
- #77
- Data exchange format wrong file name extension
- #112
- wcs2.0.0_req11_kvp
- #113
- wcs2.0.0_req17_postxml
- #114
- wcs2.0.0_req40
- #115
- Document new parameter in TIFF conversion
- #117
- inv_tiff broken in rasdaman 8.3
- #118
- rasdaman debian package
- #120
- Drop/Erase collection fails after several data has been loaded
- #122
- Error retrieving data from fragmented collections
- #123
- Updating an MDD which intersects with the source array
- #124
- Error when selecting non-materialized parts of an mdd
- #126
- Create an script for petascope
- #128
- segmentation fault in rasserver causes oid operator failures
- #129
- Error parsing insert TIFF query with inv_tiff()
- #137
- created collection odd behaviour (different answer for the same query and error in drop collection)
- #138
- x and y axes swapped inserting 2D grid into rasdaman
- #139
- rasdl basetype deletion issue
- #140
- rasdl -p complex type output misleading for mdd and set types
- #143
- WCPS abstract syntax. Error with scale operation
- #144
- Problem to scale data with more than 2 dimensions using a scale factor
- #145
- Petascope enhancement: WCPS getMetaDataExpr
- #146
- WCPS parser does not raise exception when parenthesis are missing
- #147
- netcdf conversion output is not properly encoded
- #148
- rasql scale operation issue - segmentation fault
- #151
- trim operations in queries with marray causes error message (401)
- #154
- Proprietary Sun API (JPEGCodec) used inside petascope.wms
- #156
- make install always overrides rasmgr.conf
- #158
- SECORE error with (some) Vertical CRS
- #159
- SECORE: keys should be case insensitive
- #160
- sdom(c)[0].hi returns wrong result
- #161
- Setting tiling layouts/indexes needs testing
- #162
- filter not work
- #163
- Access WCS 2.0 via ArcMap
- #164
- Export GeoTIFF/JPEG2000 with WCPS
- #166
- RPM: setup database for rasimport
- #167
- Rename to
- #168
- implement crs, scaling and interpolation projection functions
- #170
- Petascope GetCapabilities response is invalid (schema)
- #171
- Petascope GetCapabilities response is invalid (ServiceMetadata)
- #172
- WCPS ConstructCoverageExpr
- #175
- WCPS: image CRS should be assumed in subsets when no CRS is specified
- #176
- petascope.wcps.* packages to use String constants
- #177
- 1D and 3D coverage metadata results in wcs GetCapabilities exception
- #178
- rasdl doesn't consider the --connect parameter
- #179
- Add possibility to specify connection user/pass in rasmgr.conf
- #181
- systemtest doesn't run properly
- #182
- Can't import RGB image as slice of 3D object
- #183
- SECORE only recognizes URN identifiers of new uploaded definitions
- #184
- List of coverages for WCPS requests not updated unless restart Petascope
- #189
- rasimport: Segmentation fault (core dumped)
- #190
- C++ Developers Guide (possible) typos
- #191
- Petascope response mimetype is text/plain
- #192
- Runtime error if don't supply subset parameters.
- #193
- Petascope doesn't understand percent encoded query params
- #194
- WCPS generalCondenseExpr syntax not recognised
- #195
- Petascope doesn't parse float constants correctly
- #196
- WMS fill creates several levels of the same size
- #197
- WMS scripts doesn't pass proper options to fillpyramid
- #198
- Use config.h
- #199
- rasdaman broken on big endian systems?
- #201
- netCDF should be able to import dimension variables
- #202
- WCPS tests failed
- #204
- WCPS scale fails when there is slicing
- #205
- Alpha channel in png convertor
- #212
- Graphical database schema for petascope
- #213
- When subsetting in WCS the bbox is not updated
- #217
- NETCDF export broken - file has incorrect orientation
- #218
- rasimport segmentation fault
- #219
- WCPS overlay operator works wrong way round
- #223
- rasmgr writes ill-formatted rasmgr.conf file
- #224
- Petascope WCS returns invalid GetCapabilites response
- #229
- Include git commit id in rasdaman's version
- #230
- WCPS count() delivers wrong value
- #231
- Replace rasimport with rasql in wcps tests
- #232
- SECORE does not find configuration files with Glassfish
- #236
- KV-paired CRS gets truncated during equality test
- #238
- SELECT INTO in rasql
- #239
- Handling of new client connections
- #244
- Dashes should be allowed in collection names
- #247
- WCPS domain() returns empty
- #248
- gml:GridEnvelope upper-corner has minimum value to 0 when subsets are requested
- #249
- Problems with starting rasdaman server on rascontrol
- #250
- tRNS flag not working in latest version
- #251
- Header files not completely installed
- #253
- fails when no --tasplit given
- #261
- raswct docs bugs
- #262
- Petascope can't handle curly brackets in an extendExpr query
- #263
- WCPS extendExpr implementation is not correct
- #264
- petascope should have some memory safeguard
- #266
- Petascope use of sdom
- #269
- Offset calculation in DbMetadataSource class is wrong
- #271
- Index table allows too small number of entries
- #273
- range subsetting on single band
- #274
- WCS scaling fails when there's subsetting
- #275
- Incremental updates for rasdaman database
- #278
- Definition of available functionality with respect to standards and software
- #279
- Wrong example in ql-guide
- #283
- GetCapabilities response for non-2D coverages
- #284
- gml:origin and gml:offsetVectors are wrong for non-2D coverages
- #285
- WCPS going through PetascopeInterface fails
- #287
- gmlcov:metadata not showing up anymore in DescribeCoverage responses
- #288
- WCPS segfaults when using invalid axis name
- #289
- Update sequence for table ps_crs in petascope creation query
- #294
- use a default tiling with meaningful sizing when creating new objects
- #295
- WMS init and fill pyramid scripts fail when collection name is not the first one returned by RASQL select query
- #296
- Result of reload capabilities in WMS init script should be checked
- #298
- Support CRS:1 in a WCS request for the temporal axis
- #299
- sometimes fails to start rasdaman properly
- #300
- git commit id wrongly computed
- #302
- petascope should use encode() function
- #303
- Check $ use in variables and coverage defs
- #304
- Document dbinfo() function
- #305
- Incorrect WCPS test
- #306
- UoM ID (and not value) is shown in the WCS rangeType of a coverage
- #324
- initpetascopedb - error creating plpgsql language
- #329
- Packge rasdaman-8.4.0-rc.2.el6.x86_64.rpm contain invalid data
- #330
- tomcat user and initpetascopedb function in /etc/init.d/rasdaman script
- #334
- rasimport segmentation fault in RC2
- #63
- standard marray operation fails in system test
- #157
- array constant for rgb not working
- #215
- Petascope: XML schema validation should be optional
- #256
- raswct is limited to one WCPS service
- #291
- SECORE performance improvement
- #318
- SECORE distinct notation to retrieve raw definition of a parametrized CRS
- #339
- Default compilation of netcdf and hdf
- #343
- WCPS - getMetaDataExpr functions problems
- #349
- Performance of wcps query involving multiple overlays
- #353
- Provide SECORE user manual documentation
- #359
- Error translating to RasQL for complex WCPS query
- #379
- Regular tiling does not work for 3D+
- #381
- SECORE fails because of different GML namespaces
No results
Known Issues
- #378
- Interest tiling does not work for 3D+
Version 8.3.0
Download link: rasdaman 8.3.0
Known Issues
- the make process breaks if no —war-dir option is specified in the ./configure step.
- compilation on OS X
- rasgeo tool for GDAL-based image file import added to applications
- rasdaman web client toolkit (raswct) has been added to applications
- accompanying developer's manual can be found in manuals_and_examples/manuals
- fixed returning wrong error code on exception in rasgeo
- CSV formatter properly prints point queries
- fix exporting data of base type uint8, int8, uint32, float, etc. to TIFF
- added support for multiband TIFF images
- synchronized RPM spec file
- specific netcdf variable can be imported/exported, e.g. netcdf($1, "var=Base_reflectivity")
- fix the default definition of the RPC server in rasmgr.conf
- added —with-docs option to the configure script, to control whether doxygen documentation should be generated during installation.
- added option for generating position independent code (PIC), usually necessary on 64bit systems for generating proper shared objects.
- fix rasdl segfaulting when executed with invalid parametars
- fix rasdl segfaulting when types with a specified extent are present in the database
- fix type checking when updating with a file in some specific format. At the type-checking stage the actual type is not yet known as the conversion hasn't been evaluated.
- fix rasmgr segfaulting on Debian Wheezy 64bit, gcc 4.6
- fix make clean for java
- add rview binary and modify Makefiles so that it's properly installed on make install
- add includes for mkdir in
- moved to the applications directory
- integration with the 52n WPS server
- deploying via 'make deploy' instead of 'make install'
- cleanup WCPS logging and fix performance bug
- performance speedup by caching in WCPS
- fix req 11, request version was not matched well.
- the server should not fail if it fails reading some of the coverages
- fix parsing of CRS in WCS 2.0
- fix failed post req2 by including an ows:Constraint under OperationsMetadata in the Capabilities response
- fix failed core req8 (URLs in OperationMetadata were same for different servlet locations), and failed core req12 (invalid KVP request didn't result with exception).
- fix req17 by adding XML schema validation of XML requests.
- perform initialization at servlet startup instead of at the first request.
- fix installation of petascope settings
- remove the version attribute of the ServiceMetadata element
- update CRS identif