Version 190 (modified by 3 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Version History
This page lists rasdaman versions, together with the change history. Starting with version 8.2 we provide summaries of the main changes done with each roll-out.
Alternative ways of obtaining rasdaman are listed in the Download area.
Version 10.0
Summary of changes
- OGC frontend (petascope)
- WCPS supports LET clause for defining variables (docs)
- WCPS requires only one spatial X or Y axis to be set when scaling (docs), and does not require specification of non-spatial axes if they are not to be scaled (docs)
- WCPS and WCS support scaling down on irregular axes
- WCPS supports decode function (docs) and positional parameters (docs)
- WCPS supports mod function, and domain© function for whole coverage C (docs)
- WCPS supports describe function which returns result like WCS DescribeCoverage (docs)
- WCPS supports min/max functions (docs)
- WCPS supports the crsSet function to return the coverage CRS as output (docs)
- WCPS supports binary operations on mixed geo and non-geo coverages
- WCS, WCPS and WMS support setting an interpolation method on data reprojection (docs)
- WCS supports INSPIRE coverages (docs)
- WCS GetCapabilities supports the AcceptLanguages parameter
- WCS GetCapabilities response adds the list of axis names for each coverage in rasdaman:axisList elements and has more precise WGS84 bboxes (docs)
- WCS GetCoverage and WCPS encode support CIS 1.1 JSON format (docs)
- WCS ProcessCoverages supports WCPS abstract query specified in an XML-wrapper, and the
parameter in addition toquery
(docs) - WCS-T supports importing GDAL virtual file system filepaths starting with /vsi, e.g. /vsis3, /vsizip, etc.
- WMS supports request for deleting a layer specifically (docs)
- WMS styles support SLD color tables (docs)
- WMS validates the XML format of user-specified SLD styles before persisting to database
- WMS style query fragments support multiple layer iterators (docs)
- rasql servlet supports rasdaman user credentials in basic authentication format in the HTTP Authorization header (docs)
- rasql servlet will try to guess and set the correct mime-type of results
- SECORE is embedded into petascope, so that it does not get installed as a separate service (def.war) anymore; it is now available at the /rasdaman/def endpoint instead of at /def (docs)
- Remove petascope_admin_user and petascope_admin_pass from and allow rasdaman admin users to perform write requests in petascope from external IPs (docs)
- Refactor and consolidate APIs for non-OGC requests (docs)
- Filter out exception stacktraces to show only lines in rasdaman code; for more details, check the full_stacktraces option in the docs
- Improve error reporting to return correct HTTP error codes 4xx and 5xx to clients
- Split rasql error message and rasql query in different ExceptionText elements in the returned XML exception (docs)
- Improve startup performance and logging of requests in petascope.log
- Fix handling of irregular axes with reverse coefficients order
- Fix WCPS fragment to compute differences between two time slices in a WMS style
- Fix WCPS wrong generated coordinates for irregular axis when resubsetting
- Fix WMS to not require quotes on the time dimension in GetMap requests
- Fix incorrect coordinates for clipping after subsetting
- Support GDAL 3 when transforming coordinates with regards to EPSG CRS YX axis orders
- Allow non-ASCII characters in coverage metadata
- wcst_import
- Only Python 3 is supported
- Support for servers secured with basic authentication; credentials should be specified with options -u or -i (check -h)
- Support import of individual bands in GDAL general recipe (docs)
- Support importing overviews from TIFF / JP2000 files (docs)
- Support importing Sentinel 1 data with a custom recipe (docs)
- Support creating a coverage pyramid for WMS with specific factors (docs)
- Support "python_cmd" as an alternative to "cmd" in hooks (docs)
- Support parameter to store the imported files in the ingredients file used by after_ingestion hooks (docs)
- Support GDAL SIGNEDBYTE metadata for properly importing signed char (octet) data
- Support referencing the index of the current processed GRIB message (docs)
- Support attaching local metadata to a coverage from external text files (docs)
- Support the metadata option in map_mosaic, time_series_regular and time_series_irregular recipes
- Support automattically extracting global metadata and colorTable from TIFF files for GDAL general_coverage recipe
- Significantly improved performance of netcdf data import or for a large number of files
- Validate band names in general recipe
- Do not send WCS DescribeCoverage request for getting axis labels from coverage
- Use non-standard request to check if a coverage exists (docs)
- Send requests to Petascope as POST containing the built GML of the importing coverage instead of GET with a local GML file
- Show grid domains of imported files
- Support for importing data from Amazon S3 object stores via GDAL /vsis3 driver
- Fixed evaluation of skip setting in general_coverage recipe
- Fix parsing of scientific notation in null values
- rasdaman server
- deprecated network protocols RNP and RPC have been removed; clients compiled against these old protocols will need to be recompiled with the latest client API libs in order to be able to communicate with v10.0 rasdaman servers
- deprecated tool rasdl has been removed; type management is possible only with rasql queries (docs)
- updated the type coercion rules for less surprising behavior in query processing; they have been designed to minimize the risk for overflow as well as type inflation (docs)
- consistent behavior when casting from larger to smaller type; "clamping" will be applied to values outside of the valid range of the new smaller type (docs)
- subsetting domain must be strictly within the array sdom, otherwise an exception will be thrown; when a subset needs to extend outside the array sdom, use the extend function
- complex and complexd types are deprecated; use cfloat32 and cfloat64 instead (docs)
- axis names specified during array type creation are properly persisted; they can be used for flexible positionally-independent subsetting (docs)
- the dbinfo function will print the set and mdd type names (docs)
- the dbinfo function supports SVG and JSON outputs for tiling (docs)
- the encode function supports values, interval and ramp color tables (docs)
- the project function allows a target resolution to be specified (docs)
- new virtual collection RAS_TYPES allows to select all rasdaman types (docs)
- and accept rasmgr —port, —help, etc. (docs)
- will exit if executed by root user; specify —allow-root to override this behavior (doc)
- supports a user-defined env variable JAVA_OPTS, which can be used to pass options to embedded petascope
- supports —force option to forcibly stop rasdaman
- induced condenser works correctly on arrays with null values
- fixed issue with min/max condensers and pow function on multiband arrays
- fixed issue in marray queries with multiple iterators
- improved evaluation of complex numbers, with support for cint16, cint32, cfloat32, and cfloat64
- improved performance of case statements
- rasmgr will correctly forward -xp parameters in rasmgr.conf to spawned rasservers
- fixed segfault when running updates with invalid sdom
- fixed segfault in dem conversion on invalid input
- fixed segfault when inserting an array with non-domain type
- improved rascontrol/rasmgr help sections and error handling
- improved performance of tile merging on client side
- fixed support for signedByte in GDAL decode/encode
- fixed permissions of rasdaman log files to be only owner/group readable
- add script
for automating issue reporting (docs)
- clients
- a new rasql-web-console client is now available, installed in /opt/rasdaman/share/rasdaman/www/
- wsclient
- Removed support for login with petascope_admin_user credentials (docs)
- Support authentication
- Once logged in, refreshing the Web browser will preserve the session
- Estimate and show coverage sizes
- Updating coverage metadata requires to login as admin
- Display all footprints button only shows the available rows in WCS/WMS GetCapabilities tabs
- DeleteCoverage and InsertCoverage tabs are shown only when logged in as admin
- Downscaled pyramid members management in the WMS DescribeLayer tab
- Add text>> widget to display texts
- improved error handling in raswct
- rasdapy has been updated to work on Python 3 (docs); rasdapy on Python 2 is not maintained anymore, migrating to rasdapy3 is recommended
- documentation
- installation
- a testing repository is now available, with more frequent package releases than the stable repository, but still manually reviewed and hence more stable than the nightly repository (deb and rpm)
- on new installation, petascope will be deployed in standalone embedded mode by default, so that it does not require a system Tomcat to run (docs)
- petascope will use the locally installed gdal-java library instead of embedding it into rasdaman.war
- package installation can be customized with an installation profile (cf. Note on RAS_INSTALL_PATH in docs)
- the rasdaman service script for starting/stopping rasdaman can be customized with configuration in /etc/default/rasdaman (docs)
- the start/stop rasdaman scripts can handle multiple rasdaman instances
- will check for free disk space before backing up RASBASE
Contributors (by number of patches):
- 262 Bang Pham Huu
- 138 Dimitar Misev
- 37 Arsenij Percov
- 24 Dragi Kamov
- 8 Vlad Merticariu
- 6 Jef Lecomte
- 5 Otoniel Campos
v10.0.0-beta4 (2022-02-07)
Addressed tickets between v10.0.0-beta3 and v10.0.0-beta4 with 61 commits:
echo "||= changeset =||= author =||= ticket =||= subject =||" && \ git log --pretty=format:"|| changeset:%h || %an || %s" v10.0.0-beta3..v10.0.0-beta4 | sort -k 3 -t ':' -n | sed 's/ticket:\([0-9]*[^ ]\) -* */ticket:\1 || /'
changeset | author | ticket | subject |
changeset:e1b4b4cf0 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:000 | fix installation guide |
changeset:76ac0b5c4 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2141 | wcst_import adds test for extracting datetime from file:path |
changeset:1602fe364 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2252 | should not remove backup file |
changeset:2f4bba275 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2351 | petascope allows users with admin credentials to perform write request from an external IP address |
changeset:009c69296 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2391 | document about clip subspace is not supported in WCS/WCPS |
changeset:158f2bd49 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2391 | fix document link in doc |
changeset:756a4fd13 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2395 | update doc about new request for checking a coverage exist |
changeset:2804b3695 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2419 | Petascope - add unique constrain to some fileds in petascopedb |
changeset:613c62ad3 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2441 | wcst_import validates band's name in the general recipe |
changeset:ce7c90125 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2451 | and ticket:2489 - and ticket:2247 |
changeset:24b4e084e | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2452 | Enhance petascope to return HTTP error codes 4xx and 5xx |
changeset:44d965434 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2455 | ticket:2478 and ticket:2416 |
changeset:d29e4c386 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2458 | document about installing ca-certificates on Ubuntu to avoid issues with HTTPs ceritifcates checking |
changeset:980fcdac8 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2461 | add —force option to for force-stopping rasdaman components with a -KILL signal |
changeset:edd6e0288 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2465 | petascope enhances time to load basic coverages to cache when petascope starts |
changeset:6706c1fc9 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2472 | SECORE - allows to build def.war by flag with cmake -DENABLE_STANDALONE_SECORE=ON |
changeset:959c3e7f8 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2480 | fix test case failing on centos7 |
changeset:27ddc2be2 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2491 | rasdaman logs should not be world-readable, ticket:2475 - set embedded petascope deployment by default, ticket:2449 - fix build error on non-unity build, ticket:2413 - should exit if executed by root, ticket:2387 - unset http_proxy in |
changeset:09ce78561 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2492 | petascope enhance data migration for persisting coverage sizeInByte to database |
changeset:55a5fb5f2 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2492 | petascope enhances dtabase migration for coverages and layers |
changeset:4534fdd50 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2493 | wcst_import - enhance checking if input file in coverage_id.resume.json |
changeset:96ee6c79e | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2493 | fix error about using bash syntax in posix shell script |
changeset:a5e4d4e50 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2494 | embedded SECORE creates nested /opt/rasdaman/data/secoredb as mkdir -p |
changeset:dceab830b | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2495 | petascope writes the request and the time to process the request in the log |
changeset:e430af63d | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2496 | ticket:2497 - fix errors in wcst_import |
changeset:2e7b57ec0 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2498 | wcst_import s1 recipe has error when the first VRT containing unreadable tiff file |
changeset:feaddf404 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2499 | error with WMS for translating grid index to coefficient in an irregular axis with reverted coefficients |
changeset:3a1ed776e | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2500 | WCPS - error with clip expression in LET clause |
changeset:281f9e7f4 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2502 | script for automating issue reporting, ticket:2470 - remove —service secore from and as it is now part of petascope |
changeset:b2b5c0755 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2502 | add doc for script and improve docs of other scripts |
changeset:1b501ed67 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2504 | fix compilation with -DUSE_GRIB=OFF |
changeset:c25c6a770 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2505 | rename APIs for non-standard HTTP requests for petascope, wcst_import and wsclient |
changeset:f5a172504 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2505 | fix none parameters error when adding/updating wms style |
changeset:eb23325b7 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2506 | set default 4GB limit for petascope with JAVA_OPTS if undefined |
changeset:7c249f36b | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2508 | improve INSPIRE coverages documentation |
changeset:ef6e14282 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2508 | Petascope - supports INSPIRE coverages in WCS GetCapabilities result |
changeset:f8f2bd73b | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2509 | WMS - WCPS fragment to compute difference between two slices in WMS style |
changeset:e17ef35ac | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2510 | allow_write_requests_from in is set to wrong values due to script |
changeset:bb8822b9c | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2511 | WCPS - wrong generated coordinates for irregular axis when resubsetting |
changeset:fddecdaf3 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2512 | WCPS parser error with band name .Hillshade |
changeset:f6d4b5953 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2513 | WMS parses style with SLD error for special characters < and > |
changeset:5b0078938 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2514 | WCPS - supports mod() operator and coverageExpression is null in switch case |
changeset:f7a3f0362 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2516 | petascope - error for requesting CRS due to SECORE_URL template holder not replaced |
changeset:95e681dda | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2517 | petascope removes petascope admin user in updated for wsclient |
changeset:dec1ea6ec | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2517 | petascope removes petascope admin user in |
changeset:4277bb70e | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2518 | remove extra |
changeset:5c21d407b | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2518 | remove extra (with install to /opt/rasdaman/bin) |
changeset:dd95924cd | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2519 | wcst_import - add timeout for checking SECORE URL |
changeset:0e49ae311 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2521 | wsclient clears petauser persisted in local storage of webbrowser and add /opt/rasdaman/bin to rascontrol to check permission from admin user |
changeset:331e49673 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2521 | wsclient fix problem with viewing pyramid members of a layer in DescribeLayer tab when user hasn't logged in as admin user yet |
changeset:579338db2 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2521 | wsclient removes petascope stored in credentials variable of local storage of web browsers |
changeset:6a6a09d79 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2521 | wsclient - if user logged in with credentials, refresh the page should still login |
changeset:841d85a09 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2521 | wsclient - if user logged in with credentials, refresh the page should still login |
changeset:86847e550 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2521 | wsclient fixed null error for admin login and missing WMS delete style button in DescribeLayer tab |
changeset:427ef349f | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2524 | petascope - log level INFO for incoming requests to petascope |
changeset:df08c6af0 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2524 | remove deprecated rnp support from rasj |
changeset:fd2d73a6a | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2524 | petascope adds logging handlers for sub controllers to log incoming requests |
changeset:537d01da6 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2525 | WCPS - supports domain() without axis label specified |
changeset:4b0ade11d | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2527 | SECORE - fix problem with trailing slashes in compoundCRS |
changeset:5095fbf55 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2528 | docucment about WCPS clip by subset is not supported |
changeset:afe753caa | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2529 | wcst_import should not send WCS DescribeCoverage request for getting axis labels from coverage |
changeset:55ef12c3a | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2530 | add documentation about in doc.rasdaman |
changeset:496b76323 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2531 | WSClient - NaN for coverage size |
changeset:b5691b80e | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2532 | petascope set axisType in GeneralGridCoverage when it is null |
changeset:23a68f936 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2533 | petascope - WCS GetCapabilities ACCEPTLANGUAGES not supported |
changeset:2c5030656 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2537 | petascope - non-write requests should not be checked by allowed IP addresses |
changeset:ca21fe025 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2538 | wcst_import - support python_cmd to run python command in hooks |
changeset:48f7c05bf | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2539 | petascope - support WCPS in XML-wrapper for standard endpoint |
changeset:82625770c | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2539 | fix typo in util/ |
changeset:3ed03686c | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2540 | improve hooks documentation |
changeset:483f80949 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2540 | improve documentation of rasdaman_user and rasdaman_admin_user |
changeset:1dab4ef84 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2542 | missing details in documentation |
changeset:acc9c4d89 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2542 | improve petascope documentation |
changeset:2490f3ea4 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2543 | remove descriptions for settings and add the reference link to doc instead |
v10.0.0-beta3 (2021-08-25)
Addressed tickets between v10.0.0-beta2 and v10.0.0-beta3 with 103 commits:
echo "||= changeset =||= author =||= ticket =||= subject =||" && \ git log --pretty=format:"|| changeset:%h || %an || %s" v10.0.0-beta2..v10.0.0-beta3 | sort -k 3 -t ':' -n | sed 's/ticket:\([0-9]*[^ ]\) -* */ticket:\1 || /'
changeset | author | ticket | subject |
changeset:8c4dab111 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:000 | fix documentation about aggregation null result |
changeset:c59ec2be4 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:000 | improve doc about RAS_INSTALL_PATH |
changeset:c8ccd681f | Dimitar Misev | ticket:000 | add testing data with empty tiles |
changeset:9c28c0c5f | Vlad Merticariu | ticket:193 | changed updatedb script to use rasserver instead of directql |
changeset:fc1ee80f9 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:193 | fix rasbase update number |
changeset:9c022b0b1 | Otoniel Campos | ticket:209 | Added rasdapy3 support to doc 11_cheatsheets |
changeset:c21882734 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:1842 | petascope supports scale down on irregular axes |
changeset:0a5fb85b9 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2131 | improve transaction support for nfs |
changeset:dab70ccfe | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2293 | petascope throws exception if non-near interpolation is requested with scale operator in WCS GetCoverage request |
changeset:b2a4a27b2 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2337 | set wcst_import, curl in systemtest to reuse in files |
changeset:33a20d985 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2388 | Petascope supports encode CIS 1.1 JSON for outputType=GeneralGridCoverae in WCS GetCoverage and WCPS requests |
changeset:15a117d81 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2389 | OAPI WCPS supports decode() from input files in POST request |
changeset:28a3781d2 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2389 | fix OAPI change requests for content negotiation |
changeset:4d34da2c5 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2389 | petascope fixes typos in OAPI |
changeset:56064f843 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2389 | fix OAPI change requests |
changeset:bf1c39c91 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2389 | adjusts results of OAPI's collection hrefs |
changeset:cdc59bff3 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2389 | fix OAPI content negotiation with extra metadata in Accept header |
changeset:6a667301e | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2394 | rasdapay3 updates doc |
changeset:df4409de6 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2394 | fix rasdapy3 for printing values properly |
changeset:235d97cd0 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2395 | add doc for WCPS cheatsheet |
changeset:3fe606744 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2395 | add doc for rasql servlet multiparts |
changeset:50246b77e | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2395 | petascope rasql servlets with reused POST method |
changeset:73926e51a | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2395 | petascope uses the requesting users credentials to run rasql queries |
changeset:aed13e7a2 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2395 | add doc for wcst_import GRIB |
changeset:d5e6f5b68 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2395 | null error to parse mime type in rasql servlet |
changeset:1af78ef67 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2396 | Petascope fixes null error for WGS84BBox in WMS |
changeset:34f05a6b9 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2397 | fix encoding octet arrays with gdal |
changeset:a7769af60 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2399 | Add R section to Clients list in the rasdaman Cheatsheets |
changeset:06d694d01 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2400 | fix start/ when USER env variable is not defined |
changeset:012ea7b41 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2402 | should exit if it fails to create log dir |
changeset:f36c77c89 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2402 | should create log dir if it does not exist |
changeset:7924f57ec | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2403 | wcst_import selects running CRS resolver configured in |
changeset:5c227386e | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2405 | fix wrong import of gdal in wcst_import |
changeset:4e0987808 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2406 | do not start embedded apps if they are not installed |
changeset:a55f2bf9d | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2407 | petascope throws exception if axis label does not exist in scale() |
changeset:163cd3310 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2408 | update doc for min/max functions in WCPS |
changeset:2bda79e30 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2408 | Petascope - supports min/max(covExpression,covExpression) functions in WCPS |
changeset:5917ce02e | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2409 | wcst_import uses custom requests to check if a coverage / layer exists |
changeset:0f8385e73 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2411 | wcst_import logs an warning if no input files can be read for Sentinel 1 recipe |
changeset:844116d28 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2411 | wcst_import filters files with invalid lat/long geo bounds in Sentinel 1 recipe |
changeset:1ed9b76d3 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2412 | wcst_import problem with importing Sentinel 1 VRT files |
changeset:afec694b4 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2414 | WCPS bands do not exist |
changeset:82d3b6a97 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2417 | fix failed locking file due to resource temporarily unavailable error |
changeset:07a59a63b | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2418 | petascope supports subset on reversed irregular axis with upper → lower coefficients |
changeset:cdd507776 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2420 | WCPS describe coverage operator |
changeset:f75e29544 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2420 | WCPS describe coverage operator updated doc |
changeset:f22300bb9 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2421 | petascope - rasql servlet null error to get the encode format type |
changeset:248663bb6 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2422 | wcst_import supports imported files variable in after ingestion hooks |
changeset:488933d24 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2424 | Petascope - return null error with encode() and avg() |
changeset:5427f4caf | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2425 | should retry if it failed from rasservers |
changeset:930504234 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2427 | petascope adds table to store migration versions |
changeset:6ed599959 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2428 | configuration files should be readable only by owner/group |
changeset:f0f1b8b2e | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2434 | wcst_import should contain one file if blocking:false |
changeset:239fb261e | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2435 | improve data import documentation part 2 |
changeset:83b3cc605 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2435 | doc improves wcst_import general recipes options |
changeset:c5ff2456a | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2435 | improve data import documentation |
changeset:8d8aec889 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2436 | Petascope WMS GetMap request return incorrect values when zooming out |
changeset:3b6c6e66a | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2438 | fix doc for json format parameters |
changeset:6f9a541c4 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2438 | add options for controlling csv/json output |
changeset:634034d1e | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2439 | Petascope subset error with approximate coefficients |
changeset:5953d1c8d | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2440 | fix segfault when color mapping throws an error |
changeset:76e75289f | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2442 | fix link in installation doc |
changeset:b71433d75 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2442 | improve encode/decode documentation |
changeset:4ed2bee0d | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2443 | add support for openOptions in format parameters |
changeset:a66cf008c | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2444 | add guide on how to backup rasdaman to the docs |
changeset:ce8353c09 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2445 | WMS time dimension shouldn't require quotes |
changeset:a68d20cce | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2446 | Petascope removes the non-standard wcsXML parameter internally |
changeset:dbdd96cdf | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2446 | wcst_import validates number of axes in the ingredients files |
changeset:8ff0a954f | Otoniel Campos | ticket:2447 | Document how to uninstall rasdaman |
changeset:5336a0a1f | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2448 | fix problem with parsing value after '=' in script |
changeset:649ce36d2 | Otoniel Campos | ticket:2450 | Remove stable package repo for Ubuntu 20.04 from doc |
changeset:8c47f603f | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2453 | wcst_import passes credentials file from to by —identity-file parameter |
changeset:a3261165f | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2454 | petascope validates SLD XML before saving to database |
changeset:032550f64 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2456 | petascope and wcst_import support coverages as pyramid |
changeset:1f5c15322 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2456 | update pyramids downscaled collection on non XY axes by one grid interval |
changeset:36c4a81f6 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2456 | wcst_import fixes request error |
changeset:e207031d8 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2456 | Petascope fixes missing properties of CoveragePyramid |
changeset:2bc2d311c | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2457 | support wcst_import - add pyramid_harvesting in the ingredients file |
changeset:07f72a149 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2458 | update doc for example links from system test |
changeset:f3349b2df | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2458 | document pyramid coverages |
changeset:0ad9587e7 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2460 | updates pyramid layers management in WSClient |
changeset:68ccb6c3f | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2462 | wcst_import imports overview from files |
changeset:42af8d7e9 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2465 | petascope loads caches in background, updated |
changeset:649d10909 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2465 | Petascope should load coverages / layers caches as background thread |
changeset:fe9fe2200 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2468 | Petascope - Update WMS style does not update existing style, but it adds new style instead |
changeset:03b36a4f9 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2470 | SECORE works internally inside petascope |
changeset:377215735 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2470 | SECORE works internally inside petascope, try to create secoredb at /opt/rasdaman/data/secore and test if it exists when running as embedded |
changeset:4d317e3de | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2470 | fix systemtest driver script and improve documentation in petascope/ |
changeset:86b1bef40 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2470 | add secore to petascope dependencies, ticket:2476 - fix secore urls in wcst_import tests |
changeset:b5cd21f7e | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2470 | fix secore url for |
changeset:e94516bb8 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2470 | improve documentation about secore in |
changeset:f27e85f17 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2470 | SECORE works internally inside petascope, fix problem with running embedded petascop |
changeset:5309d01df | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2476 | wcst_import supports parameter pyramid_bases |
changeset:78d921e54 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2477 | wcst_import - check SECORE URL from embedded petascope's port |
changeset:a9c464825 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2479 | consistent use of import/ingest in docs |
changeset:1387aa98b | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2481 | on repeated execution fails due to log file permissions |
changeset:9c8eb57d5 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2482 | petascope parses error from SECORE url with https for axis UoM |
changeset:cf4ef5559 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2483 | WebWorldWind error - when bbox of a WMS layer is out of EPSG:4326 bbox |
changeset:dc9fc5c64 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2484 | petascope - select pyramid member for WMS enhancement |
changeset:004c0c55f | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2485 | Petascope - pyramid member coverages created by CreatePyramidMember request don't get geo extents updated from mosaiced input files |
changeset:579e66cb8 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2487 | wcst_import - option import_overviews_only to import only overviews without importing to the base coverage and ticket:2486 - wcst_import resume files should be documented |
changeset:64f9c4e1c | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2488 | Petascope updates pyramid members's grid domains problem with offsetting by 1 grid pixel from rasdaman collections |
changeset:c366eee87 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2491 | rasdaman logs should not be world-readable |
v10.0.0-beta2 (2020-11-24)
Addressed tickets between v10.0.0-beta1 and v10.0.0-beta2 with 97 commits:
echo "||= changeset =||= author =||= ticket =||= subject =||" git log --pretty=format:"|| changeset:%h || %an || %s" v10.0.0-beta1..v10.0.0-beta2 | sort -k 3 -t ':' -n | sed 's/ticket:\([0-9]*[^ ]\) -* */ticket:\1 || /'
changeset | author | ticket | subject |
changeset:6f0319f39 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:000 | document installation of Ubuntu 20.04 packages |
changeset:26c96dd8c | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:1395 | Petascope transplates proper XY geo coordinates to grid coordinates |
changeset:b2a833360 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:1484 | fix start/ for multiple rasdaman instances |
changeset:17c855c2f | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:1894 | Petascope WMS handlers with no gaps between tiles |
changeset:d9d1610cd | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:1913 | petascope set the resolutions for XY axes for gdal |
changeset:261979371 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:1958 | wcst_import null error if wms_import is missing in the ingredients file |
changeset:a9bb03ce6 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:1988 | update rasdaman doc |
changeset:d391ef2f0 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:1988 | update rasdaman doc |
changeset:d2b2978f2 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2018 | systemtest: test web interfaces increase time to wait before triggering the event |
changeset:63f73802c | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2027 | petascope enhances the check for coverages / layers in local caches |
changeset:6d685f303 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2141 | wcst_import - Sentinel 1 SLC custom recipe should not set 0 as default null values |
changeset:733c280ca | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2141 | wcst_import sentinel 1 recipes allows to import file with different extesion than .tiff |
changeset:b78b9c0a8 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2198 | Petascope adjusts ExceptionCode for CRS extension |
changeset:464defd89 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2237 | system test skips SECORE with randomly failed tests |
changeset:185f3a57a | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2238 | Update oracle files for testcase services |
changeset:551893b03 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2248 | Doc updates WCPS metadata |
changeset:68118fea5 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2248 | Update doc about coverage metadata |
changeset:8ce3ab11d | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2248 | Update doc about coverage's bands and axes metadata |
changeset:b23d86001 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2257 | WSClient counts coverage sizes |
changeset:d7e87daa1 | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2264 | made most testcases pass in release (exception rasdapy3) |
changeset:1ac1719ff | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2266 | leading spaces in config cause petascope to not work |
changeset:10a0411c1 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2269 | rasdapy3 updates homepage on |
changeset:69c7073a4 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2272 | wcst_import uses localhost CRS in ingredients file |
changeset:618166947 | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2286 | made every subset to be checked for belonging into sdom |
changeset:5c3185aa1 | Dragi Kamov | ticket:2288 | adding documentation for the rasql web console |
changeset:9b412623b | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2291 | added version output to all scripts in systemtest, applications, rasserver, rasmgr and some others |
changeset:0b1faeadb | Dragi Kamov | ticket:2296 | fix raswct to grasp error messages |
changeset:b1dd1e292 | Dragi Kamov | ticket:2296 | adding raswct missing images |
changeset:9b12455e9 | Dragi Kamov | ticket:2304 | removing diagram>> empty space on axis |
changeset:4b4d6fde9 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2305 | petascope checks mime type of uploaded file to update coverage's metadata |
changeset:5d9a7deeb | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2305 | WSClient update coverages metadata and OWS metadata |
changeset:2fdec8d08 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2308 | petascope catches error with invalid coverage's extent in EPSG:4326 |
changeset:c6d54b1f4 | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2309 | Fixed the segmentation fault in update with wrong domain |
changeset:a6f457108 | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2310 | Fixed the segmentation fault in, added testcases |
changeset:737cd149e | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2311 | Petascope - collection's tiling doesn't save with all information to database |
changeset:5955f98e0 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2312 | wcst_import misses trailing zero in scientifical null value from netcdf file |
changeset:6809669fc | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2313 | wcst_import cannot parse scientific notation as interval in null values |
changeset:dd81769b0 | Vlad Merticariu | ticket:2314 | updatedb script for fixing inconsitent RASBASE sdom values |
changeset:da9b3e172 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2315 | fix updates of floating point data with interval null values |
changeset:4516f2a13 | Dragi Kamov | ticket:2316 | defining rasql-web-console queries in a different manner |
changeset:6ae7600c1 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2317 | fix segfault during mdd insertion when the mdd type is not a domain type |
changeset:5fd51bb03 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2319 | Petascope clips by polygon returns the same bounding box as trimming by polygon's convex hull |
changeset:2cf190327 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2321 | add partial updates section to documentation |
changeset:0cced1ea7 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2323 | Petascope sets null values to rasql encode() |
changeset:55658f280 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2325 | Petascope supports GDAL 3 to transform coordinates regarding to EPSG CRS YX axes orders |
changeset:f6c3d50ee | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2326 | Petascope - incorrect coordinates for clipping after subsetting |
changeset:dbeee99a0 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2329 | fix return code of |
changeset:f1f025bc2 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2329 | does not report errors |
changeset:6d8392d52 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2330 | fix reading db connection in |
changeset:deee963bb | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2330 | should read db connection string from rasmgr.conf |
changeset:455034865 | Otoniel Campos | ticket:2331 | Fixed passwords can contain special characters no rights rights behaviour. |
changeset:477a86d8d | Otoniel Campos | ticket:2332 | fixed segfault if width is 0 in project() exception by handling with an appropiate error message. |
changeset:fef1bf844 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2333 | WCPS adds non-XY axes to scale() if they are not specified |
changeset:9f2195deb | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2334 | add instructions for configuring Qt Creator for rasdaman C++ development |
changeset:03e68b214 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2335 | document |
changeset:14b5c7681 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2335 | improve petascope dev and jenkins docs |
changeset:6ebc8409c | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2335 | Doc: instructions for petascope development and jenkins |
changeset:6924b0470 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2336 | Petascope saves non-ascii characters in coverage's metadata |
changeset:9325d83dd | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2338 | Petascope reduces time to return WMS GetCapabilities results |
changeset:5f56c2361 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2341 | improve rascontrol help texts |
changeset:825436a72 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2341 | improve rasmgr exception handling |
changeset:027a97617 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2343 | Petascope creates pyramid for downscaled collections with odd levels |
changeset:d48695f17 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2346 | petascope throws error with rasdaman transaction instead of logging it |
changeset:8d1c1e03a | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2347 | Petacope with WCPS null error in range constructor |
changeset:f66c13fba | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2348 | petascope returns better error messages for trimming on non-existing coefficients of irregular axis |
changeset:57539cf82 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2349 | petascope supports basic authentication headers for rasql servlet |
changeset:6de9fe073 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2350 | Petascope deletes WMS layer but not the associated WCS Coverage |
changeset:558763d19 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2351 | petascope allows write requests with petascope admin user credentials to by pass the check with allowed IP addresses |
changeset:4acfb506d | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2352 | Petascope changes results of WCPS crsSet() |
changeset:e820169f5 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2353 | petascope returns rasql error message and query in different XML ExceptionText elements |
changeset:ed2fc368c | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2354 | should for free disk space before backing up RASBASE |
changeset:9b585b96c | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2355 | WCPS support binary operator between geo coverage and grid coverage |
changeset:629cf6c5d | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2357 | Add document for wcst_import statements setting |
changeset:52922040f | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2358 | petascope - request from rasql servlet should not be recognized as WCPS request |
changeset:98d3c60ea | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2359 | wsclient only displays filtered rows's footprints on globe |
changeset:9c09a46d4 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2360 | Petascope adds the list of axis names in the result of each coverage in WCS GetCapabilities request |
changeset:863102b6c | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2361 | improve performance of tile merging on client side |
changeset:dd25bb48b | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2362 | Petascope unifies an endpoint for authentication |
changeset:08a17c528 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2363 | supports SingedByte type in wcst_import and petascope |
changeset:295167916 | Vlad Merticariu | ticket:2363 | fixed gdal type signedbyte translation to rasdaman type |
changeset:935cd3033 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2364 | use std::vector in r_Minterval for the r_Sintervals |
changeset:c8cdc090a | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2364 | fix failing conversion test |
changeset:3833a4a40 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2365 | Petascope updates downscaled levels for collections |
changeset:fdb1a7d6b | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2366 | Petascope returns WMS GetCapabilities when an associated coverage with a layer does not exist |
changeset:cb052d344 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2367 | Petascope supports UpdateCoverageId request to rename an existing coverage id |
changeset:6743d494d | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2368 | Petascope - wms error with grid bounds at corner cases |
changeset:197d74e07 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2369 | petascope creates wgs84 bboxes for geo-referenced coverages more precisely |
changeset:4bd443ee5 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2370 | Add documents for WCPS range field atomic types |
changeset:409a83812 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2373 | wcst_import - get the message index in grib expression in the ingredients file |
changeset:7adc91ad8 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2376 | WCS ProcessingCoverage supports q paramater besides query parameter |
changeset:15629d096 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2381 | fix null error in petascope POST request |
changeset:f6e5d3ae9 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2381 | Petascope supports WCPS's decode() operator |
changeset:7b29dacfd | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2383 | Petascope evalutes expressions from coverage iterators by rasql |
changeset:5417288ec | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2389 | port OAPI to petascope in master branch |
changeset:963fb71c5 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2390 | petascope removes XML <rasdaman:covMetadata> element in case metadata has its own namespaces |
changeset:af291bd3b | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2391 | document aggregation behavior when all input cells are null |
changeset:1c09e8cea | jlecomte | ticket:2392 | rasql - wrong result with scale / Rasdapy3 version |
v10.0.0-beta1 (2020-05-05)
Addressed tickets between v9.8.1 and v10.0.0-beta1 with 205 commits:
echo "||= changeset =||= author =||= ticket =||= subject =||" git log --pretty=format:"|| changeset:%h || %an || %s" v9.8.1..v10.0.0-beta1 | sort -k 3 -t ':' -n | sed 's/ticket:\([0-9]*[^ ]\) -* */ticket:\1 || /'
changeset | author | ticket | subject |
changeset:470d4918d | Dimitar Misev | ticket:000 | remove obsolete static rcsid variables and add cotire cmake module |
changeset:841c28096 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:000 | fix compilation with warnings on |
changeset:91bc0b89b | Dimitar Misev | ticket:000 | change version from 9.8.1 to 10.0.0 |
changeset:7e12aeb2b | Vlad Merticariu | ticket:211 | changed coverage crs after reprojection |
changeset:59d151b87 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:903 | remove all use of deprecated rminit logging |
changeset:3204adfcc | Arsenij Percov | ticket:1049 | implemented the correct behavior for rasql intersections |
changeset:7c89628fb | Arsenij Percov | ticket:1157 | changed r_Long to long long for oid |
changeset:f79624592 | Arsenij Percov | ticket:1157 | changed oid type from double to long in the code |
changeset:e64d820da | Dimitar Misev | ticket:1166 | make sure that globals.hh is used for default values, and add —port option sto and |
changeset:3f7cd1a9e | Dimitar Misev | ticket:1175 | fix database update script |
changeset:7a60837d3 | Dragi Kamov | ticket:1175 | rasql create type not preserving the axis names |
changeset:7d700065e | Dimitar Misev | ticket:1175 | make database update script idempotent |
changeset:aa3a0efb5 | Dragi Kamov | ticket:1248 | Remove DE/FR errtxts |
changeset:c10a0e386 | apercov | ticket:1293 | fixed the misguiding error in condenser implemenation |
changeset:ebf36949b | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:1489 | Update link to install RRasdaman in document |
changeset:3cd788d69 | Dragi Kamov | ticket:1517 | unit tests for tiling |
changeset:5e5184c9d | Dimitar Misev | ticket:1571 | improve rasql systemtest |
changeset:48408a112 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:1649 | petascopedb does not delete table if it does not exist |
changeset:14a77a1cf | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:1666 | should not copy comments as settings |
changeset:a4a2377c2 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:1666 | should not create backup file if no deperacated settings are added |
changeset:d8ac94671 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:1788 | Petascope uses local jar file for gdal-java instead of figuring it out manually |
changeset:326db6581 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:1791 | add debian 11 specific oracles for systemtest |
changeset:489a254c0 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:1870 | fix wcst_import watch daemon with float interval |
changeset:8427491c1 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:1889 | Petascope: Fixed problem with bounding box for WMS style by clipping |
changeset:05caa81d3 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:1890 | WSClient prolem with URL containing ows strings |
changeset:9de7f246c | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:1890 | petascope does not need to load wsclient via iframe |
changeset:8fda3cf30 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:1938 | wcst_import should not show unnecessary information |
changeset:6b15c3c4a | Dragi Kamov | ticket:1953 | fix wrong secore port |
changeset:0abb00069 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:1962 | wcst_import reduces GRIB file openings to save time |
changeset:db373d94c | Dragi Kamov | ticket:1966 | migrating wcst_import to python 3 |
changeset:2a16182fb | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:1972 | Fix problem in SECORE to return GML for version 0 |
changeset:36bf9d8c8 | Arsenij Percov | ticket:1987 | added option for prinitng all elements of RASTYPEs |
changeset:b0c106bc0 | Arsenij Percov | ticket:1987 | added option for prinitng all elements of RASTYPEs |
changeset:39a057331 | Vlad Merticariu | ticket:1993 | documented RAS_INSTALL_PATH |
changeset:77add41a8 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2016 | wsclient: WMS style should show unencoded < > characters for query |
changeset:098f0f946 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2042 | remove deprecated sources in rasodmg |
changeset:369725e5e | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2042 | move rasnetprotocol to servercomm |
changeset:5518f3bd2 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2042 | fix header includes |
changeset:61acbac7e | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2042 | remove use of template_inst.hh |
changeset:7610e22e4 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2042 | move template_inst.hh from raslib to rasodmg, use unity builds and precompiled headers if cmake 3.16+ |
changeset:8d004de6a | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2042 | fix includes in rasodmg and raslib |
changeset:ae04ec6aa | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2042 | remove deprecated sources in raslib |
changeset:b41aa7124 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2042 | remove deprecated protocols rnp and rpc |
changeset:cad9ab868 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2042 | fix unity build of reladminif |
changeset:a016868a2 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2061 | refactor blob file storage module and remove temporary _x suffix from rasnet directories |
changeset:e20748a60 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2061 | refactor relstorageif and server/comm |
changeset:f8ea9954e | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2061 | refactor hierindex and fix cppcheck make target |
changeset:c8ab0935e | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2068 | Added option for treating nullvalues differently for most of ops (excluding complex numbers by now). Allows to use induced condenser with null values correctly. |
changeset:66fe7efeb | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2077 | Petascope gets forwarded IP address behind apache proxy properly |
changeset:e0cf4de35 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2085 | Petascope WCS supports interpolation in case of projection() |
changeset:837ffe055 | ArsenijPercov | ticket:2117 | added additional input to gdinfo() |
changeset:9e4f4b1b6 | Dragi Kamov | ticket:2118 | Make and POSIX compliant |
changeset:928fd8f05 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2122 | wcst_import filters comment lines from ingredient file |
changeset:5058ff971 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2123 | WSClient displays first/previous/next/last buttons in GetCapabilities tabs and ticket:2124 - WSClient display coverages' sizes in appropriate units instead of the fixed GB unit. |
changeset:14744c325 | Dragi Kamov | ticket:2127 | adding support for values, interval and ramp color tables in encode |
changeset:a7f002f8a | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2127 | refactor support for color mapping in encode + ticket:1099 - remove deprecated rasdl |
changeset:b8acca806 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2130 | WCST_Import allows to select bands to import in GDAL general recipe |
changeset:1bf14e807 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2132 | Petascope supports colorTable in WMS style and ticket:2181 - Drop a downscaled collection when corresponding collection is missing and ticket:2125 - WSClient shows axis names in GetCoverage's scaling extension |
changeset:7ce03500d | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2132 | wms returns transparent image with nodata in json |
changeset:9166a508d | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2132 | Fix problems with WMS in petascope |
changeset:15aa3b8e1 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2133 | + ticket:2148 - fix assumption about tomcat group in installation docs |
changeset:de5ff9868 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2134 | fix TODOs in installation docs |
changeset:55a9e09a4 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2136 | update installer documentation and reference from the introduction |
changeset:9f2d997e1 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2137 | improve documentation on running cmake |
changeset:32785aff4 | apercov | ticket:2138 | made the output regarding converters more clear |
changeset:88aedc090 | ArsenijPercov | ticket:2139 | added check for -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX |
changeset:9d8c8031a | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2140 | parses username from input paramater -u |
changeset:f16bae26d | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2140 | parses input arguments by key value pairs |
changeset:1b2c6ba41 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2141 | WCST_Import suports Sentinel 1 SLC with the sentinel 1 custom recipe |
changeset:a86f4c456 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2144 | set gdal-java version to 2.2.1 for gdal 2 |
changeset:f539979e5 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2144 | Petascope loads gdal-java native library from default path |
changeset:f2bf2a884 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2145 | backup before modifies RASBASE |
changeset:bea30c510 | Dragi Kamov | ticket:2146 | Fix wrong stderr output in |
changeset:a500fe51e | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2147 | turn on numbering up to level 5 headings in documentation |
changeset:8f43eff3d | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2149 | Petascope extends WMS style with multiple layer iterators |
changeset:f636dd265 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2150 | fix netcdf systemtest |
changeset:b812478dd | apercov | ticket:2153 | added check for WAR_DIR |
changeset:d1e76ee04 | Dragi Kamov | ticket:2154 | fix wrong struct type while band subsetting |
changeset:66d562956 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2155 | Add a how to update section in installation from source |
changeset:d165d64af | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2156 | fix rasdaman startup in Ubuntu 18.04 vagrant box |
changeset:aad0e1e3f | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2158 | Fix system tests for Ubuntu 18.04 |
changeset:3784992f5 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2159 | remove deprecated manuals, add sqlite2dot script |
changeset:11347ed20 | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2160 | added support for open bound at constant arrays |
changeset:757b4f7ea | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2161 | improve |
changeset:e20cb309a | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2162 | added nullvalues union |
changeset:e8dfaf091 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2165 | WCST_Import error when importing irregular axis with IndexCRS using general GDAL recipe |
changeset:fa066ecb7 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2166 | WCST_Import shows grid domains of imported files |
changeset:a3ce9d4c7 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2167 | fix compilation with -DENABLE_PROFILING, ticket:2168 - fix |
changeset:bd062a8b2 | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2170 | fixed wrong behaviour of complex numbers |
changeset:d8462e400 | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2170 | fixed the avg_cells with cint16 and cfloat32 |
changeset:28a6705ef | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2171 | fixed the pow operator for structs |
changeset:52eaf67a7 | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2172 | fixed segmentation fault for overlay between incompatible types |
changeset:754645fd6 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2173 | update templated rasql systemtest |
changeset:b6c33f07f | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2174 | fix array result output in directql |
changeset:52a5eeb7e | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2175 | Petascope throws exception for nonvald parameters in WCS requests and ticket:2088 - Petascope will not add coverage's null values in encode() |
changeset:7f4335e63 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2177 | Update documentation about VM download and OS support |
changeset:44584cfde | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2178 | WCPS translates wrong queries in switch case boolean expressions |
changeset:945f22344 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2178 | fix downloading array result via rasj on 32-bit systems |
changeset:ab746f050 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2179 | fix problem when scaling to a larger negative target domain |
changeset:e9d192acd | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2183 | fixed memory leak |
changeset:58a31672c | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2185 | added option to specify axes rsolution for target CRS of project() |
changeset:6c5f8c351 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2186 | wcst_import imports coverage's local metadata from external text files |
changeset:21c8c71dc | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2188 | fix compilation with debug enabled |
changeset:e78ca6926 | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2188 | added execution timer to log output at servercomm |
changeset:f51b2061f | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2189 | WCPS subsettingCRS error with XY axes swapping and ticket:2289 - WCPS encode coverage constructor returns null error and ticket:2246 - fix some wrong element names for CIS 1.1 GML result |
changeset:59e6ab73e | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2190 | fixed casting 2 byte type to 4 byte types |
changeset:db0a7e7ba | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2190 | case evaluation model update |
changeset:a8e0cb781 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2192 | WCPS throws unknown type casting exception |
changeset:63ec8a592 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2194 | WCPS: Introduce LET clause |
changeset:2455c2968 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2195 | Petascope shows valid coefficients for irregular axes with DescribeCoverage and encode in GML |
changeset:82a2d82b5 | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2196 | fixed memory problem causing segfault |
changeset:d4c7010e0 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2198 | Catch exception when reading coverages' metadata in WCS GetCapabilities and ticket:2199 - Delete coverage should check coverage exists in system test before doing it |
changeset:223c360aa | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2200 | fix broken links to C++ and Java API docs |
changeset:6d2f2172f | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2200 | fix javadoc generation on ubuntu 18.04 |
changeset:5c1b88168 | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2201 | implemented pos-independent subsetting |
changeset:5c964479c | Vlad Merticariu | ticket:2202 | documented switch in wcps |
changeset:0a8cd5a11 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2204 | add wcs and wms cheatsheets; fix cast of float/double to integer |
changeset:28ade56bd | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2204 | Update doc for embedded applications |
changeset:57adb2267 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2204 | fix warnings in documentation and javadoc generation on centos |
changeset:86260c198 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2204 | Add cheatsheets section in the rasdaman documentation |
changeset:a53a29607 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2204 | update doc about petascope |
changeset:a0a355412 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2205 | fix segfault caused by googlemock |
changeset:2abbabd55 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2206 | wcst_import send WCS-T requests to petascope as POST |
changeset:8891d08d0 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2208 | WSClient supports requests with basic authentication header |
changeset:25d20a3b7 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2210 | Fix type coercion rules |
changeset:2f3848f92 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2210 | update type coercion rules |
changeset:408f9b3b5 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2210 | update documentation with type coercion rules |
changeset:84420ff8a | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2210 | add type coercion systemtest |
changeset:155803bb7 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2211 | Petascope removes oid clause for generated rasql queries |
changeset:3864eff65 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2212 | WCPS supports interpolation type in crsTransform() and ticket:2085 - WCS adds more supported interpolation types in WCS GetCapabilities |
changeset:8ac63f139 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2213 | fix evaluation of multiple marray variables |
changeset:fddba847e | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2215 | add rasql test for concurrent updates |
changeset:5235b1ff1 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2216 | consistent behavior when casting from larger to smaller integer type |
changeset:1b3dc9883 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2217 | wsclient hides DeleteCoverage and InsertCoverage tabs and ticket:2218 - wsclient selects output format in GetCoverage tab based on coverage's dimensions |
changeset:964972949 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2219 | fix bug in min/max condense on composite types |
changeset:5f62b7df7 | zwergon | ticket:2222 | add tiling by extending ras_storage_layout |
changeset:8ebe8a86b | jlecomte | ticket:2222 | create rasdapy3 for python3 |
changeset:f091eb94f | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2222 | run rasdapy3 test only on centos 8 / ubuntu 18.04+ |
changeset:f2d5af1a2 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2222 | update rasdapy3 documentation |
changeset:5af1c2666 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2224 | wcst_import loads global metadata automatically for gdal general recipe and ticket:2227 - wcst_import fetches colorTable automatically for gdal general recipe |
changeset:e2b6b7617 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2225 | wcst_import - supports metadata option for old recipes |
changeset:326791c88 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2229 | add owslib example to cheatsheets |
changeset:4265b59e6 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2229 | update owslib example in cheatsheets |
changeset:96c2b39e6 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2229 | Document cheatsheets for WMS clients and WSClient |
changeset:9cacfbe20 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2230 | WSClient manages WMS layer's downscaled collection levels |
changeset:c9b651c03 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2231 | Petascope throws wrong error with subsettingCRS and ticket:2232 - Petascope allows subsettingCRS with only one X/Y axis in subsets |
changeset:afc94991b | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2233 | remove trac plugin from main rasdaman repo |
changeset:d38b5ad96 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2234 | petascope catches duplicate type creating error from rasdaman with lowercase |
changeset:31edda46d | Dragi Kamov | ticket:2236 | compilation errors with cmake 3.13 |
changeset:f6ca533a1 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2238 | Petascope translates wrong cofficients when encoding in netCDF for irregular axis |
changeset:040bf732a | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2239 | run mvn only if source files changed |
changeset:9bcc01f1b | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2240 | add support for svg and json output of tiling as option for dbinfo() |
changeset:400007f54 | Dragi Kamov | ticket:2241 | Add Makefile to build wcs-client |
changeset:73c91ec9c | Dragi Kamov | ticket:2241 | TypeScript causing angular error |
changeset:ff4fd0ad9 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2245 | sync wcst_import util package with installer util |
changeset:265293573 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2250 | fix shellcheck warnings in start/, and possible memory leak when java client interrupts result data transfer from rasdaman |
changeset:979bfe040 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2250 | add documentation for customizing rasdaman service script |
changeset:ceedd9a47 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2250 | update documentation for customizing rasdaman service script |
changeset:4898fe3e6 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2251 | petascope loads version from the configured setting by cmake and ticket:2252 - should append deprecated settings to the end of properties file |
changeset:649b893f9 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2253 | WCST_Import handles colorPaltteTable for non-general recipes |
changeset:ad87e8f35 | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2254 | fixed the error message for when the subset is outside of sdom |
changeset:2de897ad7 | Dragi Kamov | ticket:2257 | adding text>> widget to wcs-client |
changeset:ce7c3c281 | Dragi Kamov | ticket:2257 | adding text>> widget to rasql-web-console |
changeset:e61fc2906 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2257 | wsclient problem with diagram widget |
changeset:97b37ae20 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2258 | improve wcst_import analysis performance on netcdf data |
changeset:a575a7fbc | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2259 | wcst_import retry:false does not work |
changeset:3b072a44d | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2260 | Introduced more user friendly error in encode with colorPalette by PNG format |
changeset:40ccb92af | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2261 | improve doc section on how to contribute to documentation |
changeset:49a0ecf66 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2263 | add support for foldable code blocks in documentation |
changeset:97882f492 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2263 | add development guide on using rasdaman installer to replicate jenkins testing locally |
changeset:2bde94924 | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2264 | made rasdaman compile with postgresql |
changeset:361644c62 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2264 | fix compilation with postgresql in Release mode |
changeset:dd8262227 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2265 | rasmgr passes -xp options from rasmgr.conf to rasservers |
changeset:43ccd2d1f | Dragi Kamov | ticket:2267 | wcs_extract recipe should remove files in case of error |
changeset:3c166381c | Dragi Kamov | ticket:2268 | wcs_extract - mock : true not working |
changeset:514e31a05 | Jef | ticket:2269 | update with rasdapy3 - refactoring http → non-http |
changeset:81f513153 | Jef | ticket:2269 | rasdapy3 - add complex and dbinfo |
changeset:013d6608f | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2272 | wcst_import collects Amazon S3 files |
changeset:5d37bc502 | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2274 | fixed error text |
changeset:3f0c75501 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2275 | replace rasdapy with rasdapy3 |
changeset:f3379daa9 | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2276 | fixed json output for printiles=1 |
changeset:d5c94c411 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2278 | petascope supports importing gdal /vsi full path |
changeset:50840439e | Vlad Merticariu | ticket:2279 | wcst_import_daemon doesn't get stopped by exceptions thwon in wcst_import |
changeset:dae54fe72 | Jef | ticket:2280 | set unlimited size in server message |
changeset:7fe8f26cc | Vlad Merticariu | ticket:2281 | sdom persisted in RAS_DOMAINVALUES after update queries |
changeset:864247753 | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2282 | made axisnames persisted in RASBASE |
changeset:1e1fe3014 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2283 | update test for wcst_import in system test |
changeset:103cd5d56 | Dragi Kamov | ticket:2288 | adding rasql web console to rasdaman repo |
changeset:3d603b217 | Dragi Kamov | ticket:2288 | add rasql web console to rasdaman repo |
changeset:4b20aacbb | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2288 | check raswct callback result properly |
changeset:da0d30d51 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2290 | remove rview from docs, ticket:2291 - all executable programs to output version nunmber |
changeset:073aec981 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2292 | update systemtest oracles for updated petascope |
changeset:6d5e6ce4f | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2292 | fix and update scalar wcps queries to not encode to csv |
changeset:9544f8ee0 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2292 | fix systemtest on python 3.7 |
changeset:b2ea9b59e | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2293 | wcst_import - enhancement for importing with large number of input files |
changeset:38b16c24a | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2295 | wcst_import with skip:true should continue if input file is error in general recipe |
changeset:ad4ee0273 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2296 | raswct hides the error diaglor after seconds |
changeset:22fb766c6 | Dragi Kamov | ticket:2297 | wcs-client - show number of coverages |
changeset:de1532fe6 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2298 | improve petascope and secore properties |
changeset:221886e39 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2301 | WCPS overlay 2D slices without error |
changeset:fd2122c8f | Arsenij Percov | ticket:2303 | Added Appendix with tokens reserved by rasql |
changeset:95add0439 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2305 | Petascope - update coverage's metadata with petascope admin user |
changeset:efa156057 | Bang Pham Huu | ticket:2305 | Petascope not return empty coverage's metadata |
changeset:8568ab691 | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2306 | fix building with boost 1.70+ |
changeset:e0e551ced | Dimitar Misev | ticket:2307 | fix on ubuntu 20.04 |
Version 9.8 (2019-07-25)
Summary of changes:
- petascope:
- support for WCS version 2.1 request (docs)
- support for exporting to CIS 1.1 GML format (docs)
- support for ingestion of GDAL subdatasets
- standalone deployment supports specifying a path to a custom
- WMS uses new project() function, by default approximate reprojection with nearest neighbor interpolation
- WMS supports a non-standard interpolation method parameter
- WMS maximum cache size can be configured in
- improved type management
- the default petascope log policy changes to daily rotation with compression of past logs
- support for specifying a color palette from external file
- WCPS scale supports specifying only one spatial axis; aspect ratio will be automatically determined in this case
- WCPS condensers supports coverage expressions in the where clause
- support for white-listing IP addresses from which write WCS-T requests are allowed (replacing option disable_write_requests in
- petascope can load HTML pages from directory outside of rasdaman.war (configure in
- support for lo() / hi() in domain() / imageCrsdomain() in WCPS (docs)
- support for specifying a subset with the domain() function (docs)
- WSClient shows total volume of coverages / layers
- secore:
- wcst_import:
- support for before/after ingestion hooks: commands automatically executed during data ingestion (docs)
- support for non-blocking ingestion: analyze/import each file individually (not always possible, docs)
- support for custom axis labels in general_coverage recipe (docs)
- support for automatically reading axis and band metadata for netCDF data (docs)
- custom recipe sentinel2 has been added for convenient import of Sentinel 2 data (works only with recent GDAL 2.1+, docs)
- improved file handling for recipes import gdal, netcdf and Sentinel 2 data
- support for grouping multiple input files into a single slice on irregular axis
- support for HTTPS with self-signed certificate
- support for CInt16 and CInt32 data in
- rasdaman server:
- extended project() with two more powerful variants that allow to specify output bounds and extent, as well as resampling algorithm and error threshold (docs)
- support for NaNf and Inff floating-point constants, in addition to double NaN and Inf (docs)
- support for NaN, NaNf and Infinity in the encode format parameters (docs)
- default PNG compression on encode has changed from level 6 to 2 (docs)
- on scalar results rasql properly writes the result to a file if —out file is specified
- allow specifying empty null values to clear the null values of an expression (doc)
- fixed updates with null values + proper initialization with null values when clipping multi-band arrays
- fixed null value handling in min/max operators
- base type compatibility is checked on array updates
- improve checking for port availability in start/
- several bug fixes and improvements in the server/client protocol
- directql and rasdl functionality moved to the rasserver binary; rasdl is deprecated and will be removed in the next version
- and support selectively starting core rasdaman and (embedded) petascope/secore services
- support for CInt16 and CInt32 base types
- support conditional compilation of internally implemented png, jpeg, and tiff converters
Contributors (by number of patches):
- 107 Bang Pham Huu
- 56 Dimitar Misev
- 10 Arsenij Percov
- 9 Alexandru Hambasan
- 4 Dragi Kamov
- 1 Sebastian Villarroya
- 1 aahmed
v9.8.1 (2019-07-25)
Addressed tickets between v9.8.0 and v9.8.1:
git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.8.0..v9.8.1 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:b7420d140 | ticket:1095 - implemented CInt16 and CInt32 (ArsenijPercov)
- changeset:d1a975cf3 | ticket:1573 - fix compilation errors with -DENABLE_STRICT=ON (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:5491f0910 | ticket:1573 - Fixed all errors, that were preventing compilation, and added few new compilation flags (ArsenijPercov)
- changeset:9a8f04807 | ticket:1730 - QGIS_Plugin_Check (Dragi Kamov)
- changeset:eea96dc6d | ticket:1771 - petascope imports GDAL complex types (CInt16, CInt32, CFloat32, CFloat64) (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:b661b61ed | ticket:1963 - installation documentation (dkamov)
- changeset:5db1a61f4 | ticket:2061 - deinitialize OIds on transaction abort (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:1b43a257e | ticket:2061 - fix compilation and execution of relblobif tests and refactor relcatalogif code (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:2f1a4063b | ticket:2061 - improve blob file loading (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:b894971d1 | ticket:2061 - improve code in the relcatalogif module (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:67cfdd7fb | ticket:2061 - report error in case RAS_COUNTERS is missing any counters (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:fdfd3bcd0 | ticket:2061 - sync files on ingestion and improve transaction locking (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:7d3d2c8f2 | ticket:2065 - Implemented conversion for decoding to CFloat32 and CFloat64 (ArsenijPercov)
- changeset:25205f5a5 | ticket:2077 - petascope: allow public write requests from any IP addresses (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:50ca2baba | ticket:2082 - added one more version for project() (ArsenijPercov)
- changeset:f3cc122f7 | ticket:2084 - petascope: Using downscaled collections in WCPS scale() on XY axes (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:7edf8d1e9 | ticket:2089 - encode to netcdf considering null values (dragikamov)
- changeset:f0972b445 | ticket:2096 - fix some doc issues (Sebastian Villarroya)
- changeset:beb82f362 | ticket:2097 - wcps: support lo/hi in domain()/imageCrsdomain() and ticket:2095 - wcps: support subset by domain() (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:074ff8f5f | ticket:2098 - Changed the text in the doc file. (ArsenijPercov)
- changeset:7bd8d223a | ticket:2099 - WSClient count the total volume of coverages/layers and ticket:2101 - Return sorted coverages/layers by names in GetCapabilities results (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:cada4da36 | ticket:2100 - wcst_import supports HTTPS with self-signed certificate (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:0cd5aad1b | ticket:2102 - SECORE throws meaningful error when required parameters in CRS definition missed from request URL (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:0574c463f | ticket:2103 - Petascope load demo web pages from external folder which is outside of rasdaman.war (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:a4d41d636 | ticket:2104 - add cfloat32 and cfloat64 conversion tests (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:3bd9daeec | ticket:2104 - fixed failed test cases (ArsenijPercov)
- changeset:a1d89ea83 | ticket:2104 - fixed the implementation of complexd (ArsenijPercov)
- changeset:1d76cc8da | ticket:2105 - Petascope updates coverage's metadata from WSClient (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:aa9b2faef | ticket:2107 - WCPS uses colorPaletteTable extra parameter from query instead of the one in coverage's metadata (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:43ee26f0f | ticket:2109 - WCPS translates wrong grid upper bound on descending imported irregular axis (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:53f29c2c7 | ticket:2110 - fix formatting (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:e7201b048 | ticket:2110 - revert internal png, jpeg, and bmp converters and allow conditional compilation (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:06225036d | ticket:2111 - implemented condensers for complex numbers (ArsenijPercov)
- changeset:fe9c8afa1 | ticket:2112 - Convert,, from Bash to POSIX shell (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:197954d7f | ticket:2113 - fixing manual start of a server (Dragi Kamov)
- changeset:3bcc7e8a2 | ticket:2114 - WSClient adds options to filter local/remote coverages/layers to display (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:e958a3a53 | ticket:2116 - fixed insert for CINTs (ArsenijPercov)
- changeset:d9d2dbcfa | ticket:2118 - fix ps usage in rasdaman scripts (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:c9f84deb4 | ticket:2118 - make rasdaman scripts POSIX-compliant (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:a73006c79 | ticket:2119 - Fix petascope for OGC CITE testing (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:76d9bdf5e | ticket:2120 - fixed printing of complex numbers in directql (ArsenijPercov)
- changeset:69d6dc518 | ticket:2128 - fix doxygen documentation (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:296b5e55f | ticket:2144 - CMake build gdal java version 2.x if it exists (Bang Pham Huu)
v9.8.0 (2019-05-19)
Addressed tickets between v9.8.0-beta3 and v9.8.0:
git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.8.0-beta3..v9.8.0 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:38d7a3630 | ticket:000 - remove unused unary min/max (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:dffcfc3a5 | ticket:1127 - update templated systemtest + add documentation (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:3ac85ff75 | ticket:1942 - fix —outfile and —mddtype option parsing in rasserver (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:a1771fd7d | ticket:1942 - Transfer directql functionality to rasserver (Alexandru Hambasan)
- changeset:92a98a530 | ticket:1956 - wcst_import: add import demo for GDAL subdataset (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:df4f1fa84 | ticket:2007 - WCPS calculate scale extent implicitly for X or Y axis from the specified one (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:d92594eab | ticket:2023 - wcst_import: validate number of axes in coverage's CRS and coverage's axes and ticket:2000 - petascope runs JSP files with embedded Tomcat. (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:bbfba7b53 | ticket:2041 - fix logging in servercomm for http clients + fix rasserver shutdown (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:f4f2f3c89 | ticket:2041 - fix rasserver shutdown (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:5986496a8 | ticket:2041 - refactor client table and access control in servercomm (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:3e53ce744 | ticket:2048 - wsclient: reduce number of GetCapabilities requests (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:6fb75512b | ticket:2050 - WSClient shows vertical scrollbar in WCS GetCoverage tab (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:f6e8219bc | ticket:2051 - fix rasj compilation with java 9 or later + cleanup client handling and query parsing in servercomm (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:d576e997b | ticket:2052 - embedded petascope does not work with time log strategy (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:2b0b2c2d3 | ticket:2053 - Selectively start/stop rasdaman services via start/ (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:b47f406be | ticket:2054 - wsclient: shows coverage's grid extents in WCS DescribeCoverage tab (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:0fbff5caf | ticket:2055 - wsclient: parse axes types, grid extents via serialized objects instead of XPath (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:5baa1b152 | ticket:2056 - petascope adds coverage sizes in customized metadata element for GetCapabilities results (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:7bb21b920 | ticket:2057 - wsclient: fix GetCoverage bar to fixed position at the bottom (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:c17cf6751 | ticket:2058 - format C++ code to a common style (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:d465f97db | ticket:2059 - Fix rasserver (Alexandru Hambasan)
- changeset:5460b31b5 | ticket:2060 - wcst_import: default_null_values for general recipe and ticket:2034 - throw exception for multiple bands in GRIB recipe (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:af28afbe4 | ticket:2061 - refactor rel modules (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:b8a1847f1 | ticket:2063 - add option to initialize/drop RASBASE in rasserver/directql (Alexandru Hambasan)
- changeset:20b612d8a | ticket:2064 - wcst_import: import replaced file path from pre-hook configuration (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:c0a27d69f | ticket:2067 - Fix min/max not considering null values properly (Alexandru Hambasan)
- changeset:ba19b02ea | ticket:2069 - wsclient: Add loading icon for indicating running XmlHTTPRequest requests (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:b11725421 | ticket:2070 - fully remove rasdl from, fix logging in rasdl/directql (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:17e7557f0 | ticket:2070 - Remove use of rasdl in (Alexandru Hambasan)
- changeset:c38c11772 | ticket:2071 - wsclient: shows bands null values in WCS DecribeCoverage tab (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:06f034c68 | ticket:2072 - wsclient: fix RangeSubsetting component in WCS GetCoverage tab (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:dd8692940 | ticket:2074 - petascope: no throw exception for clipping with intersection (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:37acf1c68 | ticket:2075 - Petascope: WCS GetCapabilities resturns optional WGS84BoundingBox elements and ticket:2078 - WSClient removes non-standard GetCoveragesExtents request (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:1d04295f4 | ticket:2076 - petascope: add rasdaman set types to quantity's defintion attributes (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:fa7e70267 | ticket:2077 - petascope: filter write requests from whitelist of IP addresses (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:79afdad8f | ticket:2079 - Fix issue with rasserver (Alexandru Hambasan)
- changeset:251522402 | ticket:2080 - Petascope add customized ows:Metadata element in result of GetCapabilities request (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:51f267869 | ticket:2081 - petascope supports null value as nan (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:aee84ead6 | ticket:2086 - petascope: handle invalid subsetting with proper error messages (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:93c6672ce | ticket:2087 - wcst_import: fix default_null_values (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:73821dab3 | ticket:2090 - wcst_import: errors in netCDF recipe with global metadata 'auto' and 'colorPaletteTable' (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:b1a2c8f43 | ticket:2091 - fix updates with null values for float, short, ulong, or octet data (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:613399ff5 | ticket:2093 - petascope: WCPS condensers supports coverage expressions in where clause (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:5f5a90a4b | ticket:2094 - petascope: wgs84 bounding box not appear when petascope starts and enhance wcst_import in old recipes to get number with more precisely. (Bang Pham Huu)
Addressed tickets between v9.8.0-beta2 and v9.8.0-beta3:
git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.8.0-beta2..v9.8.0-beta3 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:b3edf112a | ticket:1727 - Petascope collects datetime process requests (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:ba8f98d33 | ticket:1766 - wsclient makes WebWorldWind work offline (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:bec1944fa | ticket:1959 - fix petascope pom.xml in source directories (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:a36c8ccf3 | ticket:1959 - Replace by pom.xml with input properties for Maven via CMake (Alexandru Hambasan)
- changeset:7477a3553 | ticket:1996 - wcst_import and Petascope supports netCDF with different data types for bands (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:17cf7cba0 | ticket:2001 - WCST_Import error in Sentinel 2 recipe (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:35437145b | ticket:2002 - support subdataset / levels / crs filtering in sentinel2 recipe (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:7f2109f09 | ticket:2003 - WMS add optional interpolation to GetMap request (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:b498b3f6d | ticket:2004 - wcst_import enable GDAL exception by default (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:996e5e8c9 | ticket:2005 - petascope get oid() from insert query directly and ticket:2024 - wcst_import error with missing /tmp_directory in the ingredient file (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:97d9ca563 | ticket:2006 - petascope cannot create existing types (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:1504ca8df | ticket:2008 - wcst_import catches exception when creating coverage slice from file if skip is set to true (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:5f9442ac1 | ticket:2009 - update grpc (to v1.9.0) and protobuf (to v3.6.1) (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:5fbdb869d | ticket:2010 - wcst_import should throw the original exception (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:4762f2943 | ticket:2010 - wcst_import try to open another gdal dataset if the first one cannot be opened (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:75c93b6c2 | ticket:2011 - wcst_import enhances checking daemon (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:ea1b61ef6 | ticket:2012 - List all servers with rascontrol (Alexandru Hambasan)
- changeset:5ab3c54ff | ticket:2013 - petascope core cannot build (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:6e6f79e17 | ticket:2014 - petascope validates WMS requests stricter (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:f327c6689 | ticket:2015 - petascope add color palette rasql ready from external file (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:0c45258d8 | ticket:2016 - wsclient WMS sliders not show selected style (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:cf62ee616 | ticket:2017 - Petascope parses struct cell types error (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:7df83db7f | ticket:2018 - Test web interface should capture error screen when not found elements (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:004b5721c | ticket:2019 - wcst_import should not log progress to file (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:5e73084fa | ticket:2020 - wcst_import netCDF recipe errors when axis variables only exist in netCDF dimensions (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:07110ee39 | ticket:2022 - wcsclient adds axes resolutions in DescribeCoverage tab (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:3d8b34dce | ticket:2025 - WMS should return blank image if request's BBox is out of layer's BBox (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:2f5bd4198 | ticket:2026 - wcst_import supports pre hook's replace_path with multiple files (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:86aa03ddd | ticket:2027 - petascope should not store coverage object to cache when updating (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:0d6b740eb | ticket:2029 - systemtest compares oracle and output in XML without indentation (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:2d8aedce0 | ticket:2031 - wcst_import supports netCDF 2D dimensions (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:522275c3c | ticket:2033 - Check base type compatibility on updates (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:fd9ac303a | ticket:2035 - use local static error text table instead of a global one in raslib (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:7678e931e | ticket:2037 - selecting from RAS_TYPES should not throw exceptions (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:118b13f26 | ticket:2038 - wcst_import wrong geo extents for time regular axis with values from filenames (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:5ef7c1a72 | ticket:2039 - wcst_import throws exception when irreguluar axis's resolution is set in ingredient file (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:6c92889e4 | ticket:2040 - wcst_import supports group irregular axes with dataBound:false (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:bde8729a8 | ticket:2041 - fix logging in servercomm in case of error (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:bf01db96d | ticket:2041 - refactor servercomm, part 1 (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:6d6de64a9 | ticket:2041 - refactor servercomm, part 2 (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:6d1d85be1 | ticket:2041 - refactor servercomm, part 3 (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:2fa148083 | ticket:2043 - wcst_import supports Sentinel 1 GRD custom recipe and ticket:2036 - remove uom in Sentinel 2 custom recipe (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:b00fe529b | ticket:2044 - fix compilation with -DNETWORK_PROTOCOL=rnp (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:f2af98714 | ticket:2045 - petascope loads GDAL Java JNI properly to memory at start (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:6ada404d6 | ticket:2046 - running embedded petascope with input folder containg does not have effect and ticket:2045 - Problem with tmp dir if starting two embedded petascopes (Bang Pham Huu)
Addressed tickets between v9.8.0-beta1 and v9.8.0-beta2:
git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.8.0-beta1..v9.8.0-beta2 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:a02fa821 | ticket:1927 + ticket:1894 + ticket:1303 - support crop+scale in project as well as custom interpolation method; change default interpolation method to nearest neighbour and default error threshold to 0.125 to align with gdalwarp defaults (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:fe7014c1 | ticket:1986 - Petascope fix problem with parsing struct types from registry (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:45bc5221 | ticket:1992 - Petascope uses daily strategy logging for log4j (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:8464208b | ticket:1995 - wcst_import cannot detect CRS from input file's WKT (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:324a25b3 | ticket:1999 - WMS uses new feature of project() for scaling (Bang Pham Huu)
Addressed tickets between v9.7.0 and v9.8.0-beta1:
git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.7.0..v9.8.0-beta1 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:417b3dd4 | ticket:1858 - implemented file output for scalars in rasql (aahmed)
- changeset:30831fc5 | ticket:1871 - add custom recipe for sentinel 2 data (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:37c4e7d4 | ticket:1871 - Enhance custom Sentinel 2 recipe to analyze file immediately after reading it (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:db86773f | ticket:1871 - Fix problem with registering Sentinel 2 recipe with multiple files (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:593d5ba3 | ticket:1895 - WCST_Import supports before/after ingestion hooks (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:6a737e3b | ticket:1897 - WCST_Import allows non-blocking import mode (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:7b1f4406 | ticket:1937 - Add doc for allowing running embedded tomcat with a path to customized (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:77edab1b | ticket:1939 - Petascope allows to config WMS maximum cache size from (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:44009a61 | ticket:1945 - petascope insert demo should create ingredient file in /tmp folder to allow import coverage with any users (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:abc6cace | ticket:1947 - add Makefile for local doc building + remove warning about Firefox 63 (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:516973f2 | ticket:1947 - improve json highlighting in docs (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:889c6445 | ticket:1948 - log warning when rasdaman type cannot be parsed, instead of terminating the whole type parsing (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:02919041 | ticket:1949 - do not print internal marray types when selecting from RAS_MARRAY_TYPES (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:4aacdc0f | ticket:1950 - Do not rebuild the whole type registry when new rasdaman mdd/set type is created (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:c54041a8 | ticket:1951 - more robust checking for port availability in start/ (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:c1af8211 | ticket:1952 - WCST_Import should not throw numpy error if it is not used (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:83c41116 | ticket:1953 - throw proper exception if coefficient 0 is not found (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:a1f74e83 | ticket:1954 - fix registration of recipes that are indirect subclasses of BaseRecipe (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:7a285a3f | ticket:1955 - WCST_Import throws exception when dataBound is set to false and directPositions is also set (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:d82a7191 | ticket:1956 - support gdal subdatasets in petascope (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:a48ac281 | ticket:1956 - support gdal subdatasets in petascope (fix) (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:71c4e09e | ticket:1956 - support gdal subdatasets in wcst_import (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:a01914ff | ticket:1957 - Petascope improve the check for WCS-T local file (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:d3cc6c63 | ticket:1958 - Fix wcst_import (Alexandru Hambasan)
- changeset:288d9351 | ticket:1960 - SECORE points version 0 for EPSG to latest EPSG version (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:e9b076b9 | ticket:1961 - Add correct band types for Sentinel 2 recipe (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:de071a01 | ticket:1961 - WCST_Import fix problem with general_recipe when all files are added to *.resume.json (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:84fb70b1 | ticket:1961 - WCST_Import reduces opening files to create coverage slices for sentinel2/gdal/netcdf recipes (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:bed86d4a | ticket:1963 - Update rasdaman doc for first time installation (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:ecbb1b1e | ticket:1964 - WCST_Import does not validate and analyze files which don't exist after collecting by regular expression (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:663ad5ff | ticket:1967 - support parsing NaN in encode format parameters + ticket:1988 - support NaNf and Inff constants in rasql (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:946dc837 | ticket:1968 - add section numbers in html documentation (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:aa4822fd | ticket:1969 - Document CIS 1.1 supported conformance classes (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:74e92954 | ticket:1969 - Petascope supports WCS requests versions 2.0.1, 2.1 and export CIS 1.0 coverages to CIS 1.1 GML format. (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:70948179 | ticket:1970 - SECORE handles multiple parallel requests in sequence (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:c8252d91 | ticket:1972 - SECORE add non-existing EPSG versions from def.war at secoredb folder (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:0671aa5c | ticket:1972 - SECORE remove deprecated existing GML version folder in secoredb (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:54645b6d | ticket:1973 - Allows custom axis labels for coverage in petascope and wcst_import general recipes (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:d3f339d2 | ticket:1974 - WCST_Import add axes and bands metadata implicitly for netCDF recipe (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:d1098c60 | ticket:1975 - fix selection from RAS_MARRAY_TYPES when there are internal MDDBaseTypes (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:6c176abf | ticket:1977 - Petascope axes and bands metadata are missing when updating coverage with local metadata (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:b13e1f67 | ticket:1978 - change default png compression level to 2 (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:84e5987f | ticket:1979 - allow specifying empty null values to clear the null values of an expression (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:ab34ca7b | ticket:1980 - wcst_import add null values as initalized values for InsertCoverage request (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:f8de15a6 | ticket:1981 - initialize new tiles with null values on updates (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:2b4c2a2d | ticket:1983 - test wcst_import prints elapsed time for test cases (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:49d5fd7d | ticket:1984 - fix a tuple error for wcst_import InsertScaleLevel request (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:6b037c82 | ticket:1984 - wcst_import fix problems with UoM type from (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:5c050a02 | ticket:1988 - update documentation (Dimitar Misev)
Version 9.7 and older
Older releases are documented on the versions archive page.