Open tickets
- #216
- Index testing
- #378
- Interest tiling does not work for 3D+
- #480
- Aligned tiling does not work in general nD with partial updates
- #1089
- Test RASBASE durability with parallel queries
- #1180
- brush up generated API documentation
- #1191
- Investigate all indexes and tiling strategies in rasdaman
- #1195
- delete from collection slow for big collections
- #1851
- verify that storage layout docs are up to date
- #1922
- netcdf preserve file metadata
- #1935
- Implement support for 64-bit int base types
- #2256
- WMS should adapt null values for non-char data
- #2377
- rasql - segfault with avg_cells and decode() 2D file with multiple bands
- #2380
- rasql - cannot subset a collection via decode() operator
- #2392
- rasql - wrong result with scale
- #2601
- Parser conflict resolve - intLitExp & floatLitExp
- #2602
- Parser conflict resolve - scalarLit
- #2603
- Parser conflict resolve - mintervalExp & namedMintervalExp2
- #2645
- inconsistence when comparing element reference with null value constant
- #2765
- FIX - rasql check the number of dimensions in the encoding
- #2766
- FIX - rasql - overlay returns incorrect result when combining multiple time slices
- #2821
- FIX - condense return incorrect result for mosaic TIFF files
- #1103
- Tiling behavior
- #1191
- Investigate all indexes and tiling strategies in rasdaman
- #2256
- WMS should adapt null values for non-char data
- #2328
- SECORE is too slow with synchronized code block
- #2392
- rasql - wrong result with scale
- #2401
- wcst_import - supports band's metadata general recipe as local metadata
- #2433
- Petascope - add technical document for developers
- #2501
- removes commented out lines?
- #2601
- Parser conflict resolve - intLitExp & floatLitExp
- #2602
- Parser conflict resolve - scalarLit
- #2603
- Parser conflict resolve - mintervalExp & namedMintervalExp2
- #2635
- FIX - WCPS scale on Index1D CRS does not allow to scale bigger than grid domain
- #2843
- FIX - petascope should use rasdaman_user to query when authentication_type is empty
Opened by me
- #216
- Index testing
- #378
- Interest tiling does not work for 3D+
- #480
- Aligned tiling does not work in general nD with partial updates
- #936
- Inserting slices in middle of existing irregular timeseries
- #1089
- Test RASBASE durability with parallel queries
- #1253
- Tiling size doesn't always work for aligned tiling
- #1597
- CONCAT should be supported in WCPS?
- #1851
- verify that storage layout docs are up to date
- #1854
- add missing coverage documentation
- #1922
- netcdf preserve file metadata
- #1935
- Implement support for 64-bit int base types
- #2021
- wcst_import: support import of several bands into separate coverages
- #2182
- Migrate ows-client to use Angular
- #2371
- slow marray query on small subset
- #2374
- check if distributed query processing is supported in rasnet
- #2645
- inconsistence when comparing element reference with null value constant
Closed tickets
- #14
- scale bug
- #26
- CSV converter delivers wrong result on large data
- #30
- Extending Insertppm to insert long data type
- #34
- remove --contents option from directql
- #40
- rasmgr log improvments
- #44
- Rasdaman Conf.
- #45
- rasmgr configuration file
- #53
- Processing marray objects not in the database
- #56
- Querying big result datasets
- #59
- Problems on kahlua when postgres is started with an explicit port
- #60
- Importing and outputting multi-band tiff files via rasql
- #64
- Mixing triming and slicing in WCPS fails
- #68
- Compilation error rasmgr_srv.hh ARG_MAX not declared
- #69
- Inserting GeoTIFF image fails
- #70
- wcs getCoverage request return XML not well-formed
- #71
- Error in petascope update query
- #73
- rasdaman error 202: Exception: Index violation on 3D collections
- #77
- Data exchange format wrong file name extension
- #79
- integration with Enterprise Linux Community
- #82
- Credentials in rasdaman installed from an RPM
- #83
- Petascope caches metadata for WCS coverages after they have been deleted
- #85
- Segmentation fault with GDAL driver
- #87
- Internal error: The index found more cells than allowed
- #91
- WCS 1.1 in petascope
- #92
- SOAP support broken
- #100
- Petascope WPS lists ProcessCoverages support, but Execute request fails
- #103
- Segmentation fault for rasdl on scientific linux
- #104
- No error message while importing unsupported tiled TIFF
- #105
- bug with multiband TIFF files
- #106
- use tablespaces
- #114
- wcs2.0.0_req40
- #116
- Specify samples to be imported from a multiband TIFF
- #120
- Drop/Erase collection fails after several data has been loaded
- #121
- bug in rasdl parser
- #122
- Error retrieving data from fragmented collections
- #123
- Updating an MDD which intersects with the source array
- #124
- Error when selecting non-materialized parts of an mdd
- #126
- Create an script for petascope
- #138
- x and y axes swapped inserting 2D grid into rasdaman
- #143
- WCPS abstract syntax. Error with scale operation
- #145
- Petascope enhancement: WCPS getMetaDataExpr
- #146
- WCPS parser does not raise exception when parenthesis are missing
- #161
- Setting tiling layouts/indexes needs testing
- #162
- filter not work
- #163
- Access WCS 2.0 via ArcMap
- #168
- implement crs, scaling and interpolation projection functions
- #170
- Petascope GetCapabilities response is invalid (schema)
- #171
- Petascope GetCapabilities response is invalid (ServiceMetadata)
- #172
- WCPS ConstructCoverageExpr
- #175
- WCPS: image CRS should be assumed in subsets when no CRS is specified
- #178
- rasdl doesn't consider the --connect parameter
- #188
- URN-based identifiers recognized but not translated to URL in the definition
- #192
- Runtime error if don't supply subset parameters.
- #194
- WCPS generalCondenseExpr syntax not recognised
- #204
- WCPS scale fails when there is slicing
- #205
- Alpha channel in png convertor
- #224
- Petascope WCS returns invalid GetCapabilites response
- #228
- Add function in rasql to rotate objects
- #234
- Test rasimport with large file and small server countdown
- #235
- Exporting to JPEG2000 results in SIGABRT
- #237
- Deleting collections should be split into several transactions
- #238
- SELECT INTO in rasql
- #239
- Handling of new client connections
- #240
- Exporting large amounts of data truncates the first ~100 bytes
- #244
- Dashes should be allowed in collection names
- #245
- Update and select rasql queries distinction
- #246
- Getting information about arrays
- #249
- Problems with starting rasdaman server on rascontrol
- #250
- tRNS flag not working in latest version
- #252
- Segfault when rasserver is restarted
- #254
- Regular computed index much slower than R+ tree index
- #264
- petascope should have some memory safeguard
- #265
- WMS fill pyramid fails on large collections
- #268
- Petascope streaming results
- #270
- Deprecate old servlets in petascope
- #271
- Index table allows too small number of entries
- #272
- trac option: assign to as drop down list
- #275
- Incremental updates for rasdaman database
- #290
- stats() function in rasdaman
- #293
- Help function in rasql
- #294
- use a default tiling with meaningful sizing when creating new objects
- #299
- sometimes fails to start rasdaman properly
- #311
- Dynamic re-tiling of arrays
- #312
- Web interface for loading geo-spatial data
- #313
- decode() with automatic format recognition
- #321
- Provide support for nested arrays with rasdl datatypes
- #324
- initpetascopedb - error creating plpgsql language
- #325
- Rasdaman not cleaning up after segmentation fault
- #326
- segmentation fault on insert
- #328
- Write transaction in progress
- #330
- tomcat user and initpetascopedb function in /etc/init.d/rasdaman script
- #335
- Coverage iterator not translated properly to rasql on WCPS trimmings
- #336
- "delete from collection" fails
- #339
- Default compilation of netcdf and hdf
- #340
- Dead code detection
- #348
- build general-purpose client based on raswct, in the spirit of rview
- #354
- Experimental copy of petascope while patchmanager gets upgraded
- #356
- SECORE does not report exception when an invalid parameter name is set on a non-parametrized CRS
- #357
- Implement `pow()' WCPS function
- #359
- Error translating to RasQL for complex WCPS query
- #364
- expand parameter should be aplicable to ParameterizedCRS
- #367
- Add format parameter to SECORE
- #371
- Condense expressions with where clause fail
- #379
- Regular tiling does not work for 3D+
- #381
- SECORE fails because of different GML namespaces
- #383
- Printing tiles using dbinfo() doesn't work
- #387
- Query on coverages with different domains is unusable
- #388
- Add constraints on compound CRSs
- #390
- Compound CRSs with a parametrized CRS
- #392
- "compile" is a reserved Makefile target name with automake
- #393
- Version number in is still stuck at 8.3.1 instead of 8.4.x
- #400
- Rasimport of data using unsigned int 32 bit is scrambled
- #408
- Parsing of query parameters in RASQL statement
- #409
- RASJ: use of converter in RASQL query generates error
- #411
- rasgeo reports errors anddumps backtrace almost every time run
- #413
- Memory leak introduced by tile cache
- #416
- directql fails to execute update queries
- #417
- tile cache should be more robust
- #418
- delete from collection only deletes one element from collection
- #424
- Harmonize debug output in rasdaman
- #425
- systemtest check for collection existence is wrong
- #426
- parent incorrectly set in query tree
- #427
- directql has only write access
- #438
- Compilation of petascope/secore sometimes fails
- #450
- Test rasserver with limited amount of memory
- #456
- Petascope should not escape the + sign in the format parameter
- #458
- Test engine for tickets
- #467
- Real Life Characters
- #471
- test for coverage always fails
- #472
- no 'request' Parameter for WCS
- #475
- Coverage iterator over double/date intervals
- #477
- nodata should be 0 by default
- #479
- Handling of NaN values in rasql
- #481
- rasdl's --database parameter ignored
- #482
- Point query on non-materialized data should return 0
- #485
- Random RasQL output
- #486
- Patch Manager to handle newline in header line
- #489
- remove generated files from version control
- #491
- parsing of parameter variables with rasj is inflexible
- #492
- inv_tiff fails with rasj
- #513
- Import functions in systemtest
- #517
- WCPS1.5_Unknown variable due to nested coverage constructors
- #527
- Set as ticket URL in trac notificatios
- #528
- release rasdaman 9.0.0-beta1
- #532
- Trailing white spaces
- #534
- to use configured PostgreSQL port
- #538
- Revert BaseX.jar to pre 7 version
- #542
- Function calls in complex types constructors
- #547
- encode fails for multiband of any type > char
- #548
- Allow compilation with debug symbols only
- #553
- SECORE should not hardcode the host in the def identifiers
- #556
- SECORE HTTP exit codes for exception reports not to be 200
- #574
- Smoother migration from 8.5 to 9.0
- #577
- Remove double transaction warning from rasdaman
- #583
- Add patchmanager code to the rasdaman repo
- #587
- inv_tiff segmentation
- #601
- Escaping logical ANDs chains when collections are involved
- #602
- Adding sorting capabilities to rasdaman
- #608
- petascope test data not loaded for 8.5
- #611
- Adapt systemtest to use rasimport instead of rasql/psql
- #616
- petascope Makefile fails to find rasj.jar
- #617
- rasql insert within an MDD object
- #618
- Data ingestion uses more memory than necessary
- #619
- secore not found during install
- #620
- header logo has wrong link
- #624
- rasgeo fails to compile with debug enabled
- #630
- Enable optional compilation of the lockmanager
- #632
- doesn't work on default 8.5.2 rpm installation.
- #644
- Unable to build master and v9.0.0-rc1
- #661
- rasgeo constraints to Postgresql >= 9
- #667
- Utility to associated a custom SWE data component to coverages
- #679
- Support for gml:CompoundCRS
- #684
- Segfault on aggregation over large composite types
- #685
- initialization problem
- #692
- libcrypto Error
- #708
- SECORE support proj4 to support transformation to customized CRS
- #713
- petascope doesn't close database connections
- #714
- SECORE ignores service.url in the secore.conf
- #725
- rasdaman does not show correct error on multiple write transactions
- #734
- Typo in constraint name
- #737
- unable to connect rasdaman 9 to a remote RASBASE server
- #751
- Substitute readline dependency with libedit
- #754
- Add systemtest coverages for floating-point typed datasets too
- #766
- SECORE should have the security constraints commented out
- #771
- RPC server should be disabled by default
- #783
- database object caching is too greedy
- #791
- is not created
- #792
- is not created
- #793
- Improve log messages
- #795
- Connection closed on parallel WCS requests when one query fails
- #803
- systemtest status on bismuth
- #805
- EPSG 8.5 release: update SECORE db
- #808
- Move into
- #815
- Port filestorage support with sqlite
- #817
- PNG transparent encoding intermittently fails with multiple requests.
- #825
- WCS GetCapabilities bounding box should be disabled by default
- #828
- Mismatching HTTP status codes returned by petascope
- #831
- Enable rasimport to only populate petascope metadata
- #833
- netcdf() cannot encode RGB
- #837
- Parallel ingestion issue
- #839
- INSERT INTO fails in benchmark mode
- #840
- Filestorage driver should be synced with lockmgr changes
- #841
- Update RPM rasdaman.spec to specify filestorage dir
- #849
- directql does not work with input files
- #853
- nary operation doesn't support binary operation
- #858
- Shifting 1D array fails
- #859
- turn on all warnings when compiling rasdaman
- #861
- avg_cells overflows
- #868
- gcc optimization flags
- #869
- unused jars in petascope
- #877
- Modulo operation does not respect null values
- #878
- Modulo operation does not respect null values
- #879
- RnpRedesign: rasmgr fails to start if no authentication file is present
- #885
- SQLite locking and updates
- #886
- SQLite/Filestorage transaction
- #887
- Partial updates 6D
- #888
- Overflow in parsing mintervals
- #889
- excess data footprint
- #890
- rasimport segfault when reading image information
- #891
- Random error in netcdf converter
- #897
- Sqlite file system does not save the data in the data folder
- #911
- rasgeo should support filestorage
- #919
- Memory leaks
- #923
- Change the location of the authentication file
- #927
- struct literal in an marray causes segfault
- #931
- packages page outdated
- #933
- make fails on first run, missing oql.h
- #935
- rasdaman dir created by RPMs should have proper permissions
- #938
- WCS-T performance improvement
- #942
- header files should be installed in include/rasdaman subdir
- #945
- Use sqlite by default as a RASBASE backend
- #947
- WCST Import should have null values optional
- #950
- Null value must be an integer or integer interval
- #951
- deprecate wms-import tools
- #953
- Update clause should support data coming from the decode operation
- #954
- WCST should keep the order of the input offset vectors
- #955
- WMS layers created from WCS coverage have incorrect bbox
- #958
- script doesn't work for sqlite
- #959
- HSQLDB: alternative backend for petascope
- #960
- embed jetty with petascope
- #961
- petascope relies on opengis CRS URIs
- #963
- wcst_import should not print all files collected
- #964
- wcst_import should throw proper errors
- #968
- wcst_import recipes should allow custom field names
- #970
- select query while inserting data bug
- #976
- validation of nil values in petascope is incorrect
- #977
- rasdaman fails to install properly when --prefix is not specified
- #978
- should check for user permissions
- #981
- trying to recreate RASBASE should throw a proper error
- #984
- Shift operation fails on 1D arrays
- #993
- Compiling error with gcc 5.2.1 and Werror
- #997
- Remove getpass from the code
- #1001
- rasdaman database creation script has cryptic error msg
- #1004
- rasdl should check for instances before deleting a type
- #1007
- precision in floating point operations
- #1009
- Could not clone rasdaman from rasdaman.git
- #1010
- rasbase gets corrupted when doing reads and updates at the same time
- #1014
- database corruption if multiple updates are executed
- #1016
- rasdaman support for GRIB format
- #1017
- enhanced NetCDF support in the decode function
- #1023
- Rasdaman cannot be installed
- #1027
- rasdl could not delete base/marray/settype from RASBASE
- #1031
- configure does not check if sqllite3 is installed.
- #1034
- Test RASBASE durability
- #1035
- Build error in sqlglobals
- #1036
- tiff produces invalid file
- #1051
- does not work
- #1053
- Lock manager inspection
- #1056
- Petascopedb is not identical in some tables between imported by wcst_import and testcase_services (
- #1073
- Filestorage - divide tile files into subdirectories
- #1074
- sqlite database missing - error: "no such table RAS_COUTERS"
- #1077
- Rasdaman protocol benchmark
- #1083
- Update secore's EPSG database
- #1091
- Document rasdaman top-level directories
- #1092
- rasmgr doesn't shutdown rasserver properly
- #1099
- Remove rasdl
- #1100
- Test aligned tiling with 3D schemes
- #1101
- sdom reports bounds of physical tiles, rather than actual data bounds
- #1102
- Tiling code in rasodmg
- #1111
- updata packages list for installation
- #1112
- grpc use
- #1121
- mark obsoleted documentation
- #1122
- change recommended installation directories
- #1123
- gawk required?
- #1126
- Bug in scaling coverages
- #1127
- Testing scenario for rasdaman functionality
- #1129
- WCPS test 101 failing on jenkins
- #1130
- Create_db not working
- #1138
- configure syntax divergent
- #1154
- Evaluation of null values is not safe in QtDomainOperation
- #1158
- rasnet should be default network protocol
- #1161
- diverging file name conventions
- #1164
- Update development dependencies
- #1166
- concentrating default values
- #1174
- compile warnings reappeared
- #1183
- error request should return content instead of empty in system test
- #1194
- WMS requests do not set the CORS headers
- #1214
- Rasql_should returns error if try to encode 1D and 3D in PNG, Tiff
- #1215
- Concurrent queries on client side
- #1247
- rasql takes a really log time to retrieve 1GB of 3D data in 1kB tiles
- #1250
- Can't compile grpc-java on CentOS 7
- #1251
- API should use more defaults
- #1252
- tiles of 3D object are 1kB when no tiling is specified
- #1264
- switch default use of -fPIC
- #1266
- rasj javadoc
- #1276
- rasserver dies with segfault when configured with a postgres backend
- #1280
- update fails on 5d data with regular tiling
- #1281
- strip
- #1282
- bug in type checking for struct literals
- #1286
- rasserver segfaults when inserting binary data from java
- #1289
- rasql should print oid upon insert
- #1290
- compile error on gcc 5.3.1
- #1295
- Rasdaman installer error reporting
- #1299
- Query data size should be present in the rasdaman log
- #1308
- RasJ_More meaniningful error from Rasql projection() instead of error number 10000
- #1320
- Embedding netcdf compilation in rasdaman
- #1321
- Preserve metadata and dimension variables in netcdf (rasql)
- #1328
- log file too verbose
- #1329
- Fail querying from rasj
- #1346
- gcc --std=c++11 should be default compile flag
- #1354
- optimize load should take into consideration all the intervals
- #1361
- Rasdaman struct select does not work with named components
- #1370
- chunk size in network protocol
- #1372
- memory leak when inserting data
- #1375
- java/petascope fail install --with-docs
- #1386
- add .editorconfig to rasdaman
- #1390
- Rasql_Nodata values with list in GTIFF returns wrong values when shown by gdalinfo
- #1391
- Rasql_Only point to the first ranges's name even if ranges are specified different names
- #1408
- Rasql_Project() does not work properly with multiband coverages
- #1411
- Updates should ignore null values?
- #1412
- petascope logs should go in $RMANHOME/log
- #1414
- should use a temporary log file
- #1430
- encode fails if empty format parameters are given
- #1445
- compilation of third_party/grpc-java fails with java 7
- #1453
- Consistent formatting of C++/Java code
- #1466
- Rasql_Coverage is not deleted when rasserver is ingesting big collection
- #1478
- raspasswd doesn't exist
- #1479
- help command broken in rascontrol
- #1480
- setting user password containing a $
- #1483
- Java API memory leak
- #1484
- custom rasmgr port in start/
- #1487
- rasdaman install script issue
- #1488
- wrong file permissions
- #1499
- Slow database-connection from Java
- #1517
- unit tests for tiling
- #1530
- Support gperftools in rasserver
- #1537
- Profile petascope, rasj for excessive RAM usage
- #1541
- Memory is sometimes not released by free() in libc
- #1542
- rasserver produces too many log files sometimes
- #1551
- Rasql supports nilValue with string interval in array
- #1552
- Better check for json format parameters
- #1562
- wait for currently running RASBASE transactions
- #1563
- problem with type assignment while outputting to csv/json from a switch/case query with varying data types in each case
- #1582
- problem in cast operator
- #1609
- Compile rasdaman with OpenSSL 1.1.0 on ARM architecture
- #1650
- removing a client shouldn't close the database connection
- #1654
- should forward to
- #1656
- should be idempotent
- #1663
- rasodmg and raslib should be installed to $RMANHOME/include
- #1681
- install pdf docs by default
- #1684
- Segfault with output --formated
- #1687
- Server killed with condenser count_cells
- #1688
- Segfault with multiple 2 MDD domains on 3 bands collections
- #1689
- Systemtest_rename rasql's test cases homogeneously
- #1691
- throw proper exception on invalid hostname in rasmgr.conf
- #1699
- Rasql_removes /tmp/rasdaman.*.aux.xml after encoding result is done
- #1706
- unexpected null values behavior in condensers
- #1707
- ALTER COLLECTION statement to update the type of a collection
- #1711
- avg_cells on area that incompletely intersects physical tiles is wrong
- #1716
- rasql fails if http_proxy env var is set
- #1718
- cmake should properly support -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
- #1722
- Fix for multiple rasdaman installations
- #1725
- rasserver parameter syncing
- #1735
- png encode is slow
- #1736
- RasJ_Cannot send query with metadata containing ampersand (&) from Petascope to rasservers
- #1739
- subsetting by nonintersecting sdom crashes rasserver
- #1763
- Attach null values to an mdd expression
- #1767
- Rasql_project() sdom of grid bounds should be shifted by -1
- #1772
- Rasql_Cannot subset from output of projection()
- #1774
- installation update via fails
- #1778
- Rasql_Update 3d map mosaic doesn't import data properly
- #1779
- compiling rasdaman with g++ 8.1 fails
- #1781
- Rasmgr was killed after multiple error queries
- #1817
- Create set type with nan null values segfaults on debian buster
- #1826
- Add option to enable AddressSanitizer on compilation
- #1836
- update documentation to new doc style
- #1847
- add tool to print binary output from rasdaman
- #1849
- segfault on exporting 6.6GB array
- #1864
- Document the project(..) function
- #1867
- update .. from should be documented
- #1874
- Problem with parallel transactions and usage of LFATAL
- #1877
- remove support for $RASDATA
- #1878
- double transaction abort
- #1886
- shift should not duplicate tiles
- #1888
- drop collection should skip issues in the index
- #1899
- Problematic order of db object validation and destruction
- #1900
- Piping RAS_SET_TYPES output to grep --quiet blocks rasserver
- #1905
- Do not remove third_party built code on make clean
- #1906
- pointer offsets should be size_t
- #1907
- stack traces should not contain absolute paths
- #1912
- Rasql_Encoding in JPEG2000 failed
- #1913
- Test project with range constructor of double arrays
- #1914
- memory leak in clip()
- #1917
- update stmt: if source null values are not specified, take target null values
- #1918
- Rasql_Update should add NULL VALUES parameter from source collection
- #1930
- move gdal-java search in a cmake module
- #1932
- check SQLite error code for extended error codes as well
- #1938
- small improvements in start/
- #1940
- rasj should throw error if rasdaman result > 2GB
- #1941
- refactor httpserver
- #1944
- rasdaman doesn't compile with -DUSE_NETCDF=OFF
- #1946
- gdal-java libs should be copied more precisely
- #1951
- should not use fuser
- #1954
- Custom recipe not found
- #1967
- Rasql_Support parsing NaN as nodata
- #1968
- enable section numbers in documentation
- #1975
- selecting marray types bug for "internal" types
- #1978
- Default PNG compression level (ZLEVEL) should be 2
- #1979
- allow specifying empty null values
- #1981
- Updates should properly initialize new tiles with null values
- #1988
- support NaNf in rasql as a floating point alternative of NaN
- #2002
- Support subdataset / levels / crs filtering in sentinel2 recipe
- #2009
- update grpc (to v1.9.0) and protobuf (to v3.6.1)
- #2019
- progress should not be logged to file
- #2028
- rasql_null data values should be applied for all bands properly
- #2033
- Check base type compatibility on updates
- #2035
- raslib: use local static error text table instead of a global one
- #2037
- selecting from RAS_*_TYPES should not throw exception
- #2041
- refactor servercomm
- #2042
- remove rpc and rnp protocol implementations
- #2044
- fix compilation with -DNETWORK_PROTOCOL=rnp
- #2051
- Compile rasj with Java 9+
- #2058
- reformat C++ code to common style
- #2061
- refactor rel* modules
- #2073
- Use eccodes instead of grib_api in rasdaman
- #2091
- Update with null values doesn't work for float / short / octet
- #2106
- don't print warning if java is disabled
- #2110
- revert internal png, jpeg, and bmp converters and make them optional
- #2128
- fix doxygen documentation
- #2133
- tomcat installation not sufficiently documented
- #2134
- TODO in wcst_import documentation
- #2137
- installation doc: cmake unclear and failing
- #2144
- On Ubuntu 18.04 gdal jar should be version 2.x
- #2145
- Backup before modifies RASBASE
- #2147
- numbering in documentation
- #2148
- installation fails if tomcat not installed
- #2155
- Add a how to update section in installation from source
- #2156
- rasdaman compiled on Ubuntu 18.04 vagrant VM fails to start
- #2159
- remove outdated pdf manuals
- #2161
- check if rasdaman user can access files in RASDATA
- #2167
- compilation with -DENABLE_PROFILING fails
- #2168
- exits before running updates
- #2173
- Update templated rasql systemtest
- #2174
- Array result query causes infinite loop in directql
- #2176
- Report the duplicate tileid when failing to insert data to collection
- #2177
- Update documentation about VM download and OS support
- #2178
- rasj fails downloading array result on 32-bit systems
- #2179
- bug when scaling to a larger negative target domain
- #2200
- broken links to API docs in installed documentation
- #2204
- Add cheatsheets section in the rasdaman documentation
- #2205
- make unit-check segfaults
- #2213
- rasql: multiple marray variables not evaluated properly
- #2214
- condense max/min on complex type causes segfault
- #2215
- Add rasql test for concurrent ingestion
- #2216
- Casting from larger to smaller integer type
- #2219
- condense max/min on structs has unusual behavior
- #2220
- Lexicographic struct comparison wrong for <= and >=
- #2233
- remove patchmanager plugin from main rasdaman repo
- #2239
- run mvn only if source files changed
- #2245
- sync wcst_import util package with installer util
- #2250
- add documentation for customizing rasdaman service script
- #2258
- improve netcdf import (analysis) speed
- #2261
- Fix doc section on how to contribute to documentation
- #2263
- add support for foldable code blocks in documentation
- #2265
- rasserver extra option in rasmgr.conf is not used by rasmgr
- #2275
- replace rasdapy with rasdapy3
- #2290
- rview should be removed from docs
- #2292
- systemtest fails with python 3.7
- #2298
- improve
- #2306
- fix building with boost 1.70+
- #2307
- fix on ubuntu 20.04
- #2308
- Rasdapy3 works poorly with postgres DB.
- #2315
- fix updates of floating point data with interval null values
- #2317
- segfault during mdd insertion when the mdd type is not a domain type
- #2334
- add instructions on how to start C++ development
- #2341
- rascontrol help needs to be improved
- #2354
- should for free disk space before backing up RASBASE
- #2361
- Tile merging on client side is inefficient
- #2364
- use std::vector in r_Minterval for the r_Sintervals
- #2375
- netcdf/grib - support flipped data on Lat (Y) axis in rasdaman
- #2378
- rasql - segfault with binary operator from 2 decoded files with multiple bands
- #2379
- rasql - cannot subtract band from decoded file with multiple bands
- #2382
- rasql - wrong subset validation error when grid domains are valid
- #2385
- rasql - results for and,or,xor are not displayed properly
- #2386
- rasql - support round() operator
- #2387
- unset http_proxy in
- #2391
- document aggregation behavior when all input cells are null
- #2397
- rasql - PIXELTYPE=SIGNEDBYTE needs to be casted in encode()
- #2399
- Add R to Clients list in the rasdaman Cheatsheets
- #2400
- fix start/ when USER env variable is not defined
- #2402
- should create log dir if it does not exist
- #2404
- nightly package on centos 7 fails testing
- #2405
- wrong import of gdal in wcst_import?
- #2406
- do not start embedded apps if they are not installed
- #2417
- failed locking file due to resource temporarily unavailable error
- #2438
- add options for controlling csv/json output
- #2440
- rasql - rasserver killed with colorTable on R,G,B array
- #2442
- improve encode/decode documentation
- #2443
- add support for openOptions in format parameters
- #2444
- Give guidance in the docs on how to backup rasdaman
- #2449
- Rasdaman community build error - conversion/
- #2461
- Embedded rasdaman.war process leak when stopping rasdaman
- #2475
- Petascope - set to embedded by default
- #2479
- consistent use of import/ingest in docs
- #2481
- on repeated evaluation fails due to log file permissions
- #2490
- rasdaman should work correctly when disk is full
- #2504
- fix compilation with -DUSE_GRIB=OFF
- #2506
- set JAVA_OPTS to default -Xmx4000m if undefined
- #2544
- rasql - project() supports null value parameter
- #2547
- specifying a wkt string in project leads to bad escaping of double quotes
- #2548
- compile rasdaman on ubuntu 22.04
- #2551
- rasql - different output from project() between centos 7 and ubuntu 22.04
- #2568
- wcst_import: open each file with GDAL only once
- #2572
- automatically run pylint on wcst_import when building rasdaman
- #2577
- improve thread-safety in rasmgr
- #2585
- invalid shell syntax in secore Makefile
- #2597
- Compile rasdaman for newer SIMD CPU extensions
- #2598
- tiling aligned with a point configuration causes a segfault
- #2605
- NEW SORT operator
- #2610
- Flip Operator
- #2616
- extend/subset over non-materialized tiles should be initialized with null values
- #2641
- run systemtest queries in parallel
- #2651
- rasql - invalid exception for subsettings
- #2661
- rasql - wrong error message for interval subsetting
- #2672
- improve errors with more details
- #2690
- add CRS metadata when encoding to netCDF
- #2691
- rasj does not stop rasmgr keep alive thread when no rasql query is submitted
- #2692
- add --queryfile to rasql and support --out formatted
- #2694
- optimize import of Sentinel 2 data when possible
- #2695
- add separate cmake option for generating PDF documentation
- #2696
- wcst_import fails to import files in subdirectories
- #2697
- Add migration guide to newer Ubuntu version
- #2699
- truncates error messages with single quote in them
- #2701
- systemtest logs contain double petascope.log
- #2702
- fails with ingredients file name with spaces
- #2716
- improve precision of scale
- #2732
- FIX - rasql wrong error about tiling in switch case
- #2736
- rasql - FIX - error with Value expression must be either of type atomic or complex
- #2751
- rasql - segfault with SCALE()
- #2755
- FIX - rasql - pow should support integer parameter and parentheses
- #2758
- FIX - dbinfo should add a field to list the null values if exist of a collection
- #2770
- FIX - /opt/rasdaman/etc/log-client.conf should be worldwide readable
- #2775
- NEW - wcst_import should generate a reasonable default tiling
- #2785
- faster import of Sentinel-2 data from S3 storage
- #2794
- Fix - rasservers are all stuck after some importings
- #2804
- NEW - rasql supports overlay in rasql general condenser and supports multiple axis iterators variables
- #2822
- improve wcst_import hooks documentation
- #2827
- wcst_import: close netCDF4 Dataset before it goes out of scope
- #13
- select mr==mr from mr not work
- #15
- condense max and min bug
- #76
- CSV output does not coincide with Hexadecimal output
- #77
- Data exchange format wrong file name extension
- #84
- Petascope expects wrong subset parameter names (WCS-KVP)
- #102
- Petascope WCPS form processing (Java XML parser) has error.
- #119
- casting fails with user-defined types
- #127
- Change datatype of OId to long
- #142
- petascope must not load metadata at startup
- #149
- CASE statement
- #150
- SECORE: disallow and flag nested composition
- #155
- flip operation
- #189
- rasimport: Segmentation fault (core dumped)
- #191
- Petascope response mimetype is text/plain
- #212
- Graphical database schema for petascope
- #222
- WCS/WCPS axes to be requested by NAME, not by TYPE
- #230
- WCPS count() delivers wrong value
- #243
- secore does not install
- #247
- WCPS domain() returns empty
- #277
- using color tables for petascope output
- #281
- WCS GML response when all dimensions of a coverage are sliced
- #282
- PNG encoding does not recognize band labeling
- #287
- gmlcov:metadata not showing up anymore in DescribeCoverage responses
- #288
- WCPS segfaults when using invalid axis name
- #297
- Move the tracnav navigation menu to the left of the home page
- #302
- petascope should use encode() function
- #307
- external names should use rasdaman, not petascope
- #310
- decouple coverage and collection names, determine coverage type dynamically
- #313
- decode() with automatic format recognition
- #318
- SECORE distinct notation to retrieve raw definition of a parametrized CRS
- #327
- lock manager for rasdaman
- #347
- Petascope returns wrong bounds with CRS:1 subsets
- #348
- build general-purpose client based on raswct, in the spirit of rview
- #355
- SECORE issues with parametrized CRSs in a compounding
- #356
- SECORE does not report exception when an invalid parameter name is set on a non-parametrized CRS
- #363
- Enhancement of petascope regression test suite
- #372
- WCPS1.5_Returns Boolean, Binary scalar expressions without encoding
- #373
- Experimental copy of petascope for 9.0 preparation
- #375
- vertical EPSG CRSs missing in SECORE
- #382
- Automated database updates in SECORE
- #385
- Illegal optional parameter read as flattening option
- #386
- Error when a Parametrized CRS targets a CRS via URN
- #387
- Query on coverages with different domains is unusable
- #390
- Compound CRSs with a parametrized CRS
- #401
- OSGeo Live build fails
- #402
- E-mail verification broken after password reset attempt
- #406
- WCPS1.5_Omitting whitespace in expressions sometimes results in errors
- #431
- Update supported base DB to postgres 9.0+
- #433
- relese 8.5beta1 does not build for packaging
- #439
- usage of ps_descriptions table in petascope 8.x
- #442
- Occassional error on rasimport
- #473
- Add textual comparison to systemtests (WCS et al)
- #474
- Trimmed URIs
- #485
- Random RasQL output
- #502
- ORM in petascope with Spring Boot
- #503
- not to duplicate import statements
- #505
- Performance leak for timestamp to numeric coordinate conversion
- #507
- Bash scripts for petascopedb new schema creation and migration
- #509
- WCPS does not distinguish between coverage and CRS axis
- #512
- PostGIS requirement, moved on branch feature_Multipoint
- #519
- Do not hardwire kahlua host in petascopedb init
- #529
- systemtests for server errors with wget
- #534
- to use configured PostgreSQL port
- #537
- "Add a new entry at this level" functionality does not show up anymore
- #546
- rasdaman version in
- #550
- SECORE to ignore GML xmlsd during equality checks
- #551
- WCPS responses do not add EOL at the end of the response
- #554
- Add XML, SOAP and REST tests in WCS systemtests
- #555
- SECORE to encode predefined entities in responses
- #556
- SECORE HTTP exit codes for exception reports not to be 200
- #559
- SECORE to reject queries with almost valid code
- #561
- WCS XML POST body not to be prepended by "request="
- #567
- HTML documentation needs to be integrated
- #573
- SWE metadata from database not to be ignored
- #575
- Check for dblink installation
- #576
- Missing check on sdom response
- #584
- makefile issue in qlparser on oql.hh
- #589
- WCPS cast precedence
- #607
- Scaling extension for XML requests to be inside wcs:Extension
- #610
- Missing mapping between WCPS and RasQL primitive data types
- #619
- secore not found during install
- #636
- Grid origin to be centre of point sample space
- #638
- CSV encoding problem with multiband collections
- #640
- crsSupportedCrs in Capabilities Document
- #641
- crsSupported item shall be instantiatable AbstractCRS
- #658
- Silent division by zero
- #661
- rasgeo constraints to Postgresql >= 9
- #665
- Fix existing Petascope JUnit tests
- #667
- Utility to associated a custom SWE data component to coverages
- #675
- Portability problem with PostgreSQL prior to 9.1 on literals
- #676
- Wrong root document selected when fetching UoM definition
- #677
- Petascope not to rely on a static set of supported naming authorities
- #686
- CellDomain is using lexicographical comparison of int indexes
- #688
- Wrong usage of tuple and coordinate separator in range set
- #699
- Update script for petascopedb to handle user interrupts
- #704
- Document dbinfo() function
- #705
- Web service endpoints not mentioned in Installation Guide
- #707
- log file output too verbose
- #733
- Create a continuous integration for rasdaman
- #741
- WCPS1.5_nodata encode parameter not passed to RasQL from WCPS
- #742
- Coverage metadata overwritten in range constructor
- #745
- Petascope to serve GML in JPEG2000 files
- #749
- publish directql
- #758
- Evaluate the use of fixed number of decimal places in numeric representations
- #777
- QtDecode doesn't provide sufficient result type information
- #779
- inv_tiff can't find result type in the database and fails
- #791
- is not created
- #792
- is not created
- #795
- Connection closed on parallel WCS requests when one query fails
- #805
- EPSG 8.5 release: update SECORE db
- #806
- XML crossrefs do not expand in SECORE
- #874
- rasnet option not in configure help
- #875
- properties files get unduly modified by installation procedure
- #877
- Modulo operation does not respect null values
- #878
- Modulo operation does not respect null values
- #889
- excess data footprint
- #899
- some small WCS client appearance adjustments
- #901
- Trac UI - wrong highlight
- #904
- rasdaman should implement OGC 12-100r1 (GeoTIFF)
- #905
- rasnet compilation, don't build protobuf on every make
- #914
- Refactor petascope ExceptionCodes into Exceptions for WCS-T
- #915
- update clients list
- #922
- Autoconf warns about non-POSIX extensions in makefiles
- #925
- Rasnet server fails when attached to GDB
- #932
- WCPS parser needs blanks in expressions
- #943
- resolve bison conflicts
- #988
- Read time error with Petascope when embedded with Jetty
- #994
- Secore gnomomic CRS missing and errors with add/update CRS
- #1000
- petascope service identification and provider should be configurable in a file
- #1009
- Could not clone rasdaman from rasdaman.git
- #1014
- database corruption if multiple updates are executed
- #1018
- Wrong subset Y with mages without georeferenced
- #1021
- Recognize if an image is geo-referenced or not with GDAL
- #1025
- Patchmanager support for new branching system
- #1029
- wcst_import: more meaningful type names
- #1033
- eassylogging prints message in console in stead of log file
- #1038
- switch java compilation to maven
- #1042
- New protocol testing
- #1046
- start_rasdaman messages
- #1048
- eassylogging log format
- #1050
- lost many configuration after new install
- #1052
- choose wrong directory to import
- #1055
- fix bug when inserting a new coverage id that is the same name as an existing rasdaman collection
- #1056
- Petascopedb is not identical in some tables between imported by wcst_import and testcase_services (
- #1061
- rasmgr behavior when a client requests a server, but not server is available.
- #1065
- WCS-Client new installation is much more difficult and should update sufficient information
- #1087
- Create temporary file for to update when make install
- #1088
- rasdaman logging configuration documentation
- #1090
- Embedded Jetty needs addon to support JSP for SECORE
- #1093
- SECORE support validating GML when update or insert definition
- #1097
- Sort comments inside ticket not work
- #1098
- SECORE - Delete a definition will delete all definitions which contains same pattern
- #1110
- Petascope package java.nio.file does not exist when build
- #1113
- SECORE query incorrect data from GML db
- #1119
- adjust rasql type definition syntax to rasdl syntax
- #1122
- change recommended installation directories
- #1124
- download counter hangs
- #1127
- Testing scenario for rasdaman functionality
- #1132
- Missing detail information in log file of system test (test_wcs, test_wcps,...)
- #1135
- Rasdaman should not compile with -g3 when not in debug
- #1137
- switch to wcst_import
- #1140
- CITE testing VM
- #1141
- An error when collection name starts with number in rasql
- #1146
- should check RASBASE directory exists first
- #1147
- Unable to get a free rasdaman server when ingests hundred files by wcst_import
- #1148
- Failed to connect to raserver by rasnet when insert data concurrently
- #1149
- Error when ingest a coverage same name with existing collection
- #1152
- wcst_import concurrent will have error in petascope
- #1155
- rasmgr does not save dirty configurations when using rasnet
- #1159
- language issue with petascope
- #1160
- documentation
- #1170
- Error in encode 3D NetCDF from rasql
- #1172
- grpc adjustments
- #1177
- Download multipart error in WCSClient
- #1179
- document mod() and div()
- #1181
- Error in GRPC from Petascope
- #1183
- error request should return content instead of empty in system test
- #1184
- Cannot build grpc-java when make due to libstdc++
- #1189
- Log permission in custom_script of system_test
- #1196
- WCPS1.5_parser does not expect a metadata expression in the interval expression in WCPS
- #1202
- WCPS1.5_Slicing with one asterisk is valid and need to be handled
- #1203
- WCPS1.5_Difference values between same interval from coverage[scalar] and coverage[expression]
- #1204
- WCPS1.5_Wrong translation from WCPS interval to Rasql interval
- #1205
- WCPS1.5_Wrong geo-referencing from WCPS query to RASQL query
- #1206
- WCPS1.5_Wrong iterator of coverage constructor from WCPS query to Rasql query
- #1207
- WCPS1.5_Wrong calculation which using boolean expression when creating from coverage constructor
- #1208
- WCPS1.5_Difference matrix values of bands calculation from WCPS 1.0 (Need to update oracle test)
- #1209
- WCPS1.5_Difference between origins of coverages with WCPS1.0
- #1210
- WCPS1.5_Wrong upper bound of geo-axis when translating to Rasql (Need to update oracle)
- #1211
- WCPS1.5_Semantic Exception when slicing at geo-referenced axis
- #1212
- WCPS_Inconsistence when trimming at upper geo-referenced axis
- #1213
- WCPS1.5_Throw correct exception when interval is not valid
- #1214
- Rasql_should returns error if try to encode 1D and 3D in PNG, Tiff
- #1216
- Rasql returns -inf when divide by 0
- #1217
- WCPS1.5_Error when trimming at a point of a axis
- #1218
- WCPS1.5_Inconsitence when query out interval between scalar and expression
- #1219
- WCPS1.5_Handle time interval correctly in coverage expression
- #1220
- WCPS1.5_Inconsistence in parsing float scalar and float expression
- #1221
- WCPS1.5_Parsing error when using count operator to compare the value from scalar expression
- #1222
- Rasql_Throw server GRPC exception when spatial domains are incompatible
- #1224
- Replace signal with sigaction
- #1226
- WCPS1.5_Error when encode output to tiff
- #1227
- Rasql_should throw appropriate exception if encode in unsupported format
- #1228
- WCPS1.5_Error when using abs operator with multiple scalar operands
- #1229
- WCPS1.5_Error when parsing a multiple by a mask
- #1230
- Rasql_Error when scale axis to a slicing point
- #1231
- Rasql_Wrong negative value in calculation
- #1232
- WCPS1.5_Parsing error when calculate average values
- #1233
- WCPS1.5_Error when parsing imageCrsDomain, imageCrs in axis
- #1234
- WCPS1.5_Error when parsing "domain keyword" in axis
- #1235
- WCPS1.5_Returns more values from internal bands when using asterisk in trimming
- #1236
- WCPS1.5_Error when parsing "pow" operator
- #1237
- Rasql_Auto round floating point value can make wrong result
- #1238
- WCPS1.5_Difference value when casting expression
- #1239
- WCPS1.5_Does not convert expression in geo-reference axis to grid coordinate correctly
- #1240
- WCPS1.5_Cannot parse crsset
- #1241
- WCPS1.5_Null exception with trimming time axis
- #1242
- WCPS1.5_Parsing error with scale and trim
- #1243
- WCPS1.5_Cannot parse identifier, max
- #1244
- WCPS1.5_Does not regard "CRS:1" in geo-reference axis
- #1245
- WCPS1.5_Cannot parse count, trim
- #1246
- WCPS1.5_Does not add default intervals when extend and translate slicing wrong value
- #1255
- WCPS1.5_Handle devide (/) operator in interval.
- #1257
- SECORE_Update Secoredb by update scripts
- #1258
- WCPS1.5_Coverage constructor iterator should be convert correctly in geo-referenced axis
- #1259
- WCPS1.5_Convert subset dimension interval to correct grid axis coordinate
- #1262
- WCPS1.0_Missing operator '+' in request from Petascope console
- #1268
- WCPS - Encode geo-reference not correctly when slicing between time and 1 geo-reference axis in GeoTiff
- #1270
- WCPS1.5 - Return single scalar value from slicing coverage without encoding
- #1273
- Petascope ODMG - Wrong return from single boolean value in Rasql query
- #1274
- WPCS1.5 - Error when compare binary coverage expression with scalar value in boolean result
- #1292
- WCPS1.5_Multiple coverages returns from FOR clause
- #1296
- Rasql_Encode in JPEG2000 missing geoference metadata
- #1300
- Rasql_Cannot encode random marray in JPEG2000
- #1302
- WCPS1.5 - Support crsTransform() to reproject coverage
- #1303
- WCPS_Support interpolation argument in crsTransform()
- #1307
- Rasql_project() has different bounding box to GDAL
- #1308
- RasJ_More meaniningful error from Rasql projection() instead of error number 10000
- #1309
- GDAL_missing geo-reference when encode multibands in NetCDF from TIFF file (Know Fails)
- #1310
- Petascope_Error with subsettingcrs GET/KVP of projection
- #1311
- Petascope_outputcrs KVP/GET does not regards the CRS to project
- #1312
- Petascope_Set correct bounding box to Rasql
- #1313
- WCPS_Tranform interval's coordinates in non-native CRS
- #1315
- WCPS1.5_Use http://..../def/crs/OGC/0/IndexND instead of CRS:1
- #1316
- WCS_CRS_Extension Support reproject on distort coverage.
- #1318
- Petacope_CRS_Extension extract 2D CRS from compound CRS (3D, 4D,...)
- #1319
- WCPS_crsTransform() throw correct exception in case of GDAL error with projection.
- #1322
- WCS_ScaleExtent with wrong bounding box
- #1324
- WCS_Wrong bounding box when translate to WCPS
- #1325
- Petascope_Different result in total pixel sizes with GDAL
- #1326
- WCPS1.5_Wrong domain set (slice, trim expression) in Rasql from translated WCPS query
- #1327
- WCPS1.5_Wrong interval with small subsetting
- #1330
- WCPS1.5_Wrong trimming interval in Rasql from axis iterator
- #1331
- WCPS1.5_Error in CoverageBuilder with axis iterator in imageCrsdomain
- #1332
- WCPS1.5_Handle switch case
- #1333
- WCPS1.5_Set CRS for Axis iterator correctly
- #1334
- WCPS1.5_Range constructor error with unhandled domain intervals
- #1335
- Rasql_Range constructor error in 3D coverages and binary expression of ranges
- #1337
- WCPS 1.5_Error with negative values in array constant
- #1338
- WCPS1.5_Incompatible error between constant coverage and existing coverage
- #1339
- Rasql_Throw exception when incompatible casting
- #1340
- Source MDD domain is not within target update MDD domain.
- #1341
- WCPS1.5_Project the bounding box in case of crsTransform()
- #1342
- Petascope_Create correct base type with range fields when create collection
- #1343
- Rasql_Slicing error with multiple slices expression
- #1344
- SECORE_Add multple versions for EPSG
- #1345
- WCST_Import_Change recipe wcst_extract to use imported coverage in local
- #1347
- Rasql_Error when overlay with range constructor
- #1349
- unique_ptr used without header inclusion
- #1350
- Petascope_WCS generate crsTransform invalid axis name
- #1357
- Petascope_Make a XML parser to translate WCPS in XML syntax to abstract syntax
- #1358
- Petascope_Support WCPS 1.0 in XML SOAP
- #1359
- Petascope should use a connection pool instead of a new connection for each request
- #1362
- Differentiate CRS:1 and IndexND in WCPS 1.5
- #1364
- WCST_Import_Create gml for GridCoverage
- #1366
- WCST_Import coverage 3D netCDf with irregular axis
- #1368
- Petascope_Recheck the shift intervals with "dataBound" option in wcst_import general_coverage recipe
- #1369
- Add the optimization for error log with Cmake
- #1371
- WCPS_Only attach the selected bands when encode in netCDF
- #1373
- Rasql_Using only the first set types if have multiple same structure types
- #1376
- SECORE_Missing changes variable names in browse.jsp and need to recheck with functions in this web page
- #1377
- WCST_Import_Import success without deployed Petascope
- #1378
- WMS_Null and empty error due to missing in etc directory
- #1379
- Petascope_Check format type of encoding from WCS
- #1383
- Petascope_Support encoded POST WCPS query
- #1384
- Change gmock URL when build with cmake
- #1388
- Rasql_Memory leak with swith case expression
- #1389
- Rasql_Range constructor does not regard specific scalar values
- #1390
- Rasql_Nodata values with list in GTIFF returns wrong values when shown by gdalinfo
- #1391
- Rasql_Only point to the first ranges's name even if ranges are specified different names
- #1393
- Rasj_Select into is not valid query
- #1394
- SECORE_Update UnixTime to seconds
- #1396
- SystemTest_Add testcases_services/test_open is not included when make check
- #1397
- SystemTest_Add script to clean the data from test_wcst_import, test_wms after make check
- #1398
- SystemTest_Add prefix "test" in test case services
- #1399
- SECORE_Check functionality from index.jsp?query=true to run XQuery
- #1400
- WCPS_Multiple scalar values from coverage condenser has error incompatible axes number
- #1401
- Rasql_Memory leak with Select into when insert with many MDDs
- #1402
- Build_No need to rebuild rasj, petascope, secore with make install
- #1403
- Rasql_Wrong transposition between X and Y axis when encode in netcdf
- #1404
- Petascope_WCS_Check subsettingCrs functionality
- #1406
- WCPS1.5_Fit subsets to sample space
- #1407
- WCS_Set correct values in GML when request with non-native CRS
- #1408
- Rasql_Project() does not work properly with multiband coverages
- #1409
- Test nectdf import + export
- #1410
- Scaling extension should be applied after the projection extension
- #1418
- SystemTest_Cleaning the obsolete and deprecated and incorrect outputs.
- #1419
- Petascope_Adjustment to pass conformance tests
- #1421
- Petacope_Display output in GML/PNG/JPG instead of download
- #1422
- Petascope_Parsing CRS is invalid with "https" in domain and left a invalid crs in ps_crs
- #1423
- WCPS_No throw exception when parse double value as it will slow result multiple times
- #1424
- WCPS_encode in JPEG2000 does not have geo-referenced metadata
- #1425
- SECORE_userdb will be removed after restart Tomcat and multiple requests on CRS come in short time
- #1427
- Petascope_Handle POST request for WCS, WCPS in PetascopeInterface without encoded.
- #1428
- SECORE_Cannot add new CRS by URN
- #1429
- WMS_More meaningful error when request does not have proper parameters
- #1431
- WMS_Wrong request bounding box from QGIS
- #1433
- Petascope_Encode with netCDF the data is shifted
- #1434
- NetCDF_Encode output nilValue shows wrong value
- #1435
- Petascope_NetCDF wrong imported bounding box
- #1436
- WCPS_Supports user defined band names in range constructor
- #1442
- Fix error with netCDF when time axis is set "dataBound=false"
- #1443
- SECORE_Add a manual prefix for domain:host configuration when it is necessary
- #1444
- Uncheck the validation for mismatch axes CRS and grid CRS in Petascope
- #1447
- Petascope_ISO data format required in the Envelope tag
- #1448
- SystemTest_WCST_Import_log only log for failed cases with error message
- #1451
- Petacope_Refactoring AbstractFormatExtension to mantainable methods
- #1454
- WCS_Uncheck GetCapabilities test cases and validate existing xml test case
- #1457
- No geo-reference metadata from custom SECORE CRS when encoding in TIFF
- #1458
- Petascope_Clean petascope.log without unnecessary information and add WCPS log.
- #1461
- WMS_Remove inserted styles from layer
- #1466
- Rasql_Coverage is not deleted when rasserver is ingesting big collection
- #1467
- Test ingesting time from version 9.3.2 and 9.3.1 for big file
- #1469
- WCSClient_Download files instead of displaying non-displayable mime type
- #1470
- SystemTest_Compare binary files with gdalinfo statistic
- #1471
- WCPS_Fixed problem with encoding in json or application/json
- #1472
- Rasql_Cannot encode 0D coverage in JSON format
- #1473
- Rasql_Check jpeg2000 values consistently
- #1474
- WCPS_Cannot encode multiple ranges in netcdf
- #1475
- Rasql_Inconsistent result from coverage condenser/constructor (or convertor)
- #1493
- transpose function not checking indices
- #1494
- Rasql_Nilvalue (nodata) value missing from netCDF metadata and a overflow value for tiff nodata
- #1495
- Fix the mischecking xml output in system tests and refactor the checking process
- #1496
- WCSClient_Show text output in WCPS console instead of downloading file
- #1497
- WCS_Client shows coverage's extents in a dropdown box
- #1498
- wcst_import nil_value is nan and has error
- #1501
- Petascope_TimeUtil count offset using BigDecimal
- #1503
- WCST_Import_Support directPositions when pixelIsPoint:false
- #1504
- WCST_Import_Support directPositions for gribb file
- #1505
- csv output of multidimensional data is missing outer parens
- #1506
- data ingestion with directql has a segfault
- #1507
- WCST_Import_Evaluate ranges's metadata in GRIB/netcdf file
- #1508
- Petacope_AcceptVersions in WCS requests
- #1510
- wrong subset syntax in WCS-T?
- #1511
- with debug parameters, rasdaman experiences a few extra memory leaks
- #1512
- SystemTest_Check some errors from test script
- #1513
- WMS_Increase the size of rasql fragment query in varchar
- #1514
- make unit-check fails to compile and run unit tests
- #1515
- tests fail during make unit-check
- #1517
- unit tests for tiling
- #1518
- WCST_Import check the evaluation expressions metadata result in ingredient file
- #1519
- Petascope_Rollback transaction when SQL query failed
- #1522
- Petascope_Error when WCST_import ingredient file defined crs_resolver with prepending space
- #1523
- Petascope_RasUtil uses port from rasdaman_url config in
- #1524
- WCST_Import validation takes long time with multiple files
- #1525
- WCST_Import sort the files by datetime when possible
- #1526
- Put the crs variable to netCDF output
- #1529
- wcst_import pixelIsPoint:true should be applied internally for netCdf and grib files
- #1532
- Rasql_Null values are not counted
- #1533
- WCST_Import should use the SECORE URL from Petascope
- #1534
- SECORE Check error with unresolvable CRS from URL with different application name
- #1536
- WCST_Import netCDF regular axis's resolution is calculated internally
- #1539
- WCST_Import Progress bar with wrong slice number
- #1540
- WCST_Import Fix error from gdal too many files open
- #1546
- rasserver log error reporting not always informative
- #1547
- data corruption on ingestion
- #1549
- support for inf in rasdaman
- #1550
- WCPS_Nodata value in intervals is error
- #1553
- WCST_Import nilValues as interval for time serie irregular recipe
- #1555
- rasserver crashes or hangs indefinitely when applying min_cells and max_cells to structs with multiple data type sizes
- #1558
- encode to csv and json outputs rounded values for float and double, but not always
- #1559
- WCPS_Check the bbox of output coverage with pixel size is different from original file
- #1561
- building a struct of struct types (as user defined types) should throw an exception for the time being
- #1563
- problem with type assignment while outputting to csv/json from a switch/case query with varying data types in each case
- #1564
- WCST_Import InsertCoverage with first datetime slice as bound on old recipes
- #1565
- WCST_Import Send UpdateWcsLayer request to WMS handler instead of InsertWcsLayer request when layer already existed
- #1566
- wcst_import should support python statements
- #1567
- valgrind for system tests
- #1568
- implement polygon clipping
- #1572
- dbinfo prints the oid in scientific notation
- #1573
- rasdaman does not compile with -DENABLE_STRICT=ON and -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release or _DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- #1574
- WCS-Client error with library when loading a lot of coverages
- #1575
- should rasdaman have sdom intersection?
- #1577
- CSV has incorrect syntax in 1D
- #1579
- binary & unary ops: type validity can be extended
- #1580
- text fixes
- #1581
- rasdaman update fails
- #1583
- earthlook client rasql console does not send request correctly
- #1584
- Test Earthlook web GUI by Selenium
- #1585
- Raswct sends raw POST WCPS request to Petascope
- #1587
- WCST_Import error when a CRS axisDirection has the same name for both X, Y axes
- #1588
- WMS_Support pyramid levels for big coverage as a layer in Petascope
- #1589
- Rasql_Read query from a file when it is too long for bash
- #1590
- WCST_Import_Specification of unit of measurement (uom) for a coverage
- #1591
- Petascope_RasUtil runs Rasql query to update collection by rasj instead of bash
- #1593
- WCST_Import and Petascope_band, dimension metadata for netCDF encoding.
- #1596
- WCPS1.5_Remove the check for applying trimming/slicing in dimensions interval
- #1598
- Petascope_Cannot delete coverage with error in metadata
- #1599
- SECORE_Change to use Spring Boot framework
- #1600
- WCS_Client_WCPS console should log queries and the seconds to request
- #1601
- Petascope_Error with loading GDAL native library when redeploying web application to Tomcat
- #1602
- add correct lat/lon to pixel index transformation in WCPS
- #1603
- SystemTest_Test wcst_import should remove obsolete cases when a new patches are applied
- #1605
- SystemTest_Test scripts inside testcases_services should be skipped when Java configuration is disabled
- #1606
- WCS_Client Add some features for displaying coverage's extents on WebWorldWind
- #1607
- Update WCS_Client in Earthlook to current rasdaman version
- #1608
- Build_GDAL should not be required when -DENABLE_GDAL=OFF
- #1610
- OWS_Client WCS/WMS GetCapabilities should be invoked automatically when user invokes modifying requests from client
- #1612
- Petascope_Error when creating the duplicate type for cell/mdd/set for a coverage to be reinserted after removing it
- #1615
- RASQL_GRIB updates existing collection is really slow
- #1616
- Fix make clean to remove log files properly
- #1617
- WCPS_Enquote CDATA for abstract syntax query in XML for special characters
- #1618
- Petascope_Check if disable_write_operations is enabled in to block delete, add coverage requests
- #1619
- subspace queries with normal vectors that have 0 as the last component sometimes return incorrect results
- #1620
- Petascope_WMS requests are slow in version 9.5
- #1621
- WCPS_Support the encode with MIME type
- #1622
- shapefile support in rasdaman
- #1623
- Petascope_Add more supported GDAL format types
- #1624
- SECORE_Resolve user-defined CRS with non-existent version correctly
- #1625
- SECORE_Add support for URN not-completely-specified objects in REST URI
- #1626
- SECORE_check if directory holding update scripts in $RMANHOME/share/rasdaman/secore is not null
- #1627
- SECORE error with userdb collection not found
- #1629
- SECORE cannot resolve parametertized CRSs inside a CRS definition
- #1630
- residual oracle files in test_select
- #1631
- Petascope should not import coverage which contains "-" as coverage id
- #1634
- coverage preview in the WCS / WMS client
- #1635
- WCS_Client reduce textbox's height for WCPS queries and don't load all covearge's extends by default
- #1636
- and some sample coverages need to be copied when make install and fix java_doc for petascope, secore
- #1638
- Petascope migration should return a message when petascopedb doesn't exist instead of error message
- #1639
- Petascope Coverage's CRS prefix should depend on configuration from
- #1641
- SECORE localhost:8080/def returns null
- #1642
- Petascope writes the exception text to client even when it cannot start
- #1643
- Petascope migration should continue when cannot migrate error coverages
- #1645
- Test package_Start rasdaman service with error message
- #1646
- Petascope don't throw exception from SECORE when it shoud not
- #1647
- update source tree to compile under newer versions of gcc
- #1649
- Petascope should still create petascopedb first time even when rasdaman cannot start
- #1651
- Remove rasimport from rasdaman's repository and rasdaman installer
- #1655
- optimize polygon clipping
- #1661
- improve log readability: less newlines
- #1668
- curtain queries
- #1670
- RasdaPy_Cannot release connection to server by database.close()
- #1671
- RasdaPy_Update collection query should be executed as update query
- #1672
- RasdaPy_Wrong avg_cells() for collection with multiple bands (RGBSet)
- #1673
- RasdaPy_Exception should return error message from rasql
- #1674
- RasdaPy_Error parsing result from array constants
- #1677
- RasdaPy_Error parsing result from count_cells()
- #1678
- RasdaPy_Error parsing result from bit()
- #1679
- RasdaPy_Support for other parameters (-f, --mddomain, --mddtype) besides --query?
- #1680
- RasdaPy_Add source code from github to rasdaman's repository
- #1682
- RasdaPy_Cannot parse the result from sdom()
- #1683
- Generate error messages for rasj, rasdapy from errtxts file
- #1684
- Segfault with output --formated
- #1685
- RasdaPy_Create some other types which corresponds to rasql
- #1686
- WCST_Import Support silence option
- #1689
- Systemtest_rename rasql's test cases homogeneously
- #1692
- WCPS polygon clipping with explicit CRS
- #1693
- Petascope_migration for petascopedb version < 9.5 will not run if SECORE is not running
- #1694
- WSClient_Set default URL to request GetCapabilities correctly
- #1695
- WSClient_Add text boxes for subsettingCrs, outputCrs and clip on WCS GetCoverage tab
- #1696
- rasql_clip with Multipolygon
- #1698
- RasdaPy_Support query with insert into values from file and mdddomain, mddtype
- #1700
- rasdaman should accept GetCapabilities requests without a version parameter
- #1701
- WCPS should automatically detect 2D transposed data and apply a transpose operation
- #1702
- Petascope_Wrong coefficients for irregular time axis when trimming
- #1703
- count_cells produces unexpected results on subsets with null values
- #1704
- Rasql_Segfault from a condenser with mismatching sdom
- #1705
- Rasql_Remove the additional break line for composite output
- #1708
- Rasql_Round float number should have a consistent length for fractional part
- #1709
- WCST_Import error with mock:true for map_mosaic recipe
- #1713
- WSClient_Add POST request to WCS GetCoverage besides default GET request
- #1714
- Petascope_Catch error loading gdal_java native library and throw exception about restarting tomcat
- #1717
- RasdaPy_avg_cells() doesn't work on multiband collection
- #1719
- rasdaman should throw an error when importing array with wrong type
- #1720
- Petascope_Fix null error when enconding WCPS coverage constructor in netCDF
- #1723
- Petascope_Error when clipping LineString with coverage's alias with "$"
- #1727
- Log4j add date to log files
- #1728
- Petascope_Cannot load GDAL JNI on Centos 7 with SELinux enabled
- #1729
- remove rview
- #1730
- QGIS_Plugin_Check WCPS plugin can work with QGIS 3.x
- #1731
- Update Clients wiki page
- #1732
- Petascope_Change rasdaman/admin to rasdaman/ows/admin to update service identification, service provider
- #1733
- WCST_Import supports getting metadata from axes, bands automatically from netCDF
- #1734
- WCST_Import error from Numpy with metadata "auto"
- #1738
- Petascope_Fix the problem with comparison of coefficients from WCST_Import
- #1739
- subsetting by nonintersecting sdom crashes rasserver
- #1741
- Polygon clipping test -- test update on a polygonal region.
- #1742
- Exception for length of collection name overflow
- #1744
- Petascope_Support map mosaic with overlapping tiles
- #1745
- Petascope_WCPS supports encode format case insensitive
- #1747
- WSClient_WCS_ProcessCoverage tab add WebWorldWind widget to display the 2D png output from WCPS request
- #1748
- WSClient_Display WMS overview image as WMSLayer in WebWorldWind
- #1749
- WSClient_Cannot GetCapabilities for WMS from different end point
- #1751
- WCPS_Error with axis iterator when it should be coverage iterator
- #1753
- Petascope_Allow cross origin requests to different controllers than main controller
- #1755
- Petascope_WMS should do extend before scaling for GetMap request result
- #1757
- Petascope WMS Image Pyramid on XY geo-referenced axes
- #1758
- WSClient_Add admin tab to manage petascope
- #1760
- restructuring some clipping code
- #1764
- Test web interfaces should read properties file for petascope/secore configurations
- #1765
- WCPS_Output of CrsTransform() should update all relate metadata from input crs
- #1770
- Petascope_Rasql error message lost from invalid WCPS query
- #1773
- Petascope_URL for ows:HTTP from WCS/WMS GetCapabilities should be set properly
- #1776
- Rasql_Overlay 2 collections with different bands error
- #1778
- Rasql_Update 3d map mosaic doesn't import data properly
- #1780
- Petascope_WCPS add handlers for statistics var_* functions() as in Rasql
- #1782
- WSClient_View 3D+ WMS layers on WebWorldWind as 2D+ layers
- #1786
- WSClient - Add range sliders for dimension axes of 3D+ WMS layers for WMS GetMap request accordingly
- #1789
- WCPS_Fit output geo bounds from WCPS trimming should regard to negative grid origin
- #1790
- Petascope supports GDAL_JAVA version 2.x
- #1795
- WCST_Import register custom user defined recipes from '$RMANHOME/share/rasdaman/wcst_import/recipes_custom' folder
- #1799
- implement a solution for track-line queries
- #1800
- WCS_Prettify coverage's extra metadata in JSON string from DescribeCoverage request
- #1801
- WSClient add rasdaman logo to the right handside
- #1803
- introduce support for discrete trackline queries in rasql
- #1806
- clip operations with general expressions in the point lists
- #1807
- Petascope_WCPS update coverage axes' metadata after scale/extend operators
- #1808
- WCST_Import should send encoded URL to Petascope
- #1809
- SystemTest_testcases_services reduce size for oracles and input test data
- #1810
- WSClient_Iframe URL to load index.html shoud not rely on /rasdaman in context path
- #1811
- Petascope_Error from WCPS should contain cause exception when necessary
- #1812
- Petascope should not ask SECORE when not necessary
- #1815
- WSClient - ProcessCoverages should goto the latest result in the console when execute button is clicked
- #1818
- WCST_Import Change message text to install netCDF4 when it imissing
- #1819
- WSClient_Click on WCS GetCoverage button should send GetCoverage request if a coverage has been chosen
- #1820
- WSClient - Estimate coverage size on WCS GetCoverage tab
- #1821
- WCS_GetCoverage in GML fix sequenceRule element
- #1822
- Petascope_Operators on 0D coverage should throw proper exception instead of null exception
- #1823
- WCPS_Support clip() with curtain on 3D+ coverage with WKT linestring and polygon
- #1827
- memory deallocation ambiguity in clipping handler
- #1829
- WMSClient_Add axes' domain extents for a layer in DescribeLayer tab
- #1830
- WSClient - Validate the trimming, slicing on axes in GetCoverage tab after users input data
- #1831
- Rasql_Server killed with corridor without discrete parameter
- #1832
- Rasql_corridor query hangs server up
- #1833
- WCPS_Support clip() with corridor on 3D+ coverage by polygon/linestring
- #1834
- WSClient - Remove generated main.js and from versioning
- #1835
- WSClient - Set WebWorldWind view distance according to coverage's geo XY axes's resolutions
- #1837
- Petascope_No need to send rasql to get sdom() for clipped output's domain if possible
- #1838
- WCSClient_Add WCPS queries history to ProcessCoverage tab
- #1839
- Petascope_WMS should not use extend before scaling when generating Rasql query
- #1841
- WSClient - WMS DescribeLayer should show default GetMap request with a warning message when layer has 4+ bands
- #1842
- Petascope_Support scaling on irregular axes in WCS/WCPS
- #1843
- WCST_Import add local metadata from each files to coverage's metadata
- #1844
- WCST_Import add color table to coverage's metadata
- #1845
- Rasql_Segfault by mismatch domain extend after scaling
- #1846
- Petascope no shift to [0,0,..,0] in WCS-T
- #1848
- Petascope_WMS should select scaled down collection with the highest resolution when possible
- #1855
- Petascope null exception when axis labels not exist in CRS definition in WCS-T GMLParser
- #1856
- Rasql_hierarchical metadata as extra parameters of encode()
- #1857
- Petascope_filter coverage's local metadata when trimming/slicing and add it when encoding() by WCS/WCPS
- #1860
- WCST_Import no analyze file if it was added to trackfile .resume.json
- #1861
- Petascope add log4j extra dependency to support time based rolling policy
- #1862
- WCST_Import optional parameter to sort coverage slices by datetime in reverse order (newer -> older)
- #1863
- Petascope_Support adding coverage slices at the bottom besides top of coverage
- #1865
- SECORE_add new version 9.4.2 besides 8.5, 8.9.2
- #1866
- WCPS request should enforce encode()
- #1868
- Petascope remove the redundant element <covMetadata> from result of WCS DescribeCoverage & GetCoverage requests
- #1872
- Petascope_Translation to grid indices is wrong when coverage imported in descending order
- #1873
- Rasserver_segfault when MDD domain is not intersected
- #1879
- WCST_Import Add test for importing/updating Coverage from tuple list
- #1881
- Petascope delete coverage with non existing collection without error
- #1882
- Strange difference from crsTransform of subsettings from EPGS:32632 to EPSG:4326
- #1883
- WCSClient_Revert GetCoverage's button to download coverage
- #1884
- metadata reading error on old coverages
- #1885
- Petascope_Result's size of WMS GetMap request should always be set to width and height parameters
- #1889
- WCSClient - WMS view result of clipped layer on globe properly
- #1890
- WCS client changes
- #1891
- WCS_GetCapabilities_Time upper bound is not displayed in datetime format
- #1892
- WMS_Wrong result in GetMap if input CRS is different from native CRS with WCPS style
- #1893
- WMS_Wrong result when request BBox contains layer as a small part of it
- #1894
- WMS_Filling the gaps for project()
- #1898
- WCPS_Subsetting in grid indices (:"CRS:1") on irregular axis is wrong when coverage is imported with reverse time order
- #1901
- Generate rasdaman error messages not found for rasdapy
- #1903
- Petascope_RasImplementation should be singleton in executeRasqlQuery()
- #1904
- Petascope_Log warn instead of throwing exception if metadata is malformed
- #1909
- Petascope_Insert scale level for WMS pyramid error on layer with multibands
- #1910
- Petascope_Clip()'s new parameter WITH COORDINATES
- #1911
- Petascope_Insert scale level requests should resize only XY axes for 3D+ WMS layers
- #1915
- Systemtest_Test deleting coverages should log deleting error to test.log file
- #1916
- Rasql servlet returns correct result for select * from RAS_COLLECTIONNAMES
- #1918
- Rasql_Update should add NULL VALUES parameter from source collection
- #1919
- WCST_Import wcs_extract recipe infinite loop and null error in Rasql servlet
- #1920
- null error in Rasql servlet
- #1921
- WSClient add warning about firefox cannot work with WebWorldWind
- #1927
- Petascope_WMS applies scale() before project() if possible
- #1933
- Petascope parses result from RAS_MARRAY_TYPES properly
- #1934
- rasdapy_Update generated GRPC files from beta version to newer version
- #1936
- Petascope_Allow change path in external Tomcat
- #1937
- Petascope_Allow running embedded tomcat with input path to
- #1957
- Petascope_Improve the check to determine a file for WCS-T is a local file
- #1959
- should be replace by pom.xml with input properties for Maven via CMake
- #1960
- SECORE_version 0 should point to the latest EPSG version underneath
- #1961
- WCST_Import create slice for each file immediately after opening file to reduce number of files opened
- #1962
- WCST_Import reduce opening files for GRIB
- #1969
- Petascope_Supports WCS version 2.1.0 and outputType=GeneralGridCoverage for CIS 1.1
- #1970
- SECORE_Handle multiple duplicate requests at once
- #1972
- SECORE_EPSG versions in secoredb folder which don't exist in def.war should be collected when it starts
- #1973
- Petascope_Use axis's positions in CRS definitions instead of axis labels
- #1974
- WCST_Import axes metadata and band metadata should be added implicitly when global metadata is "auto" in netCDF recipe
- #1977
- Petascope_Update coverage with local metadata will remove coverage's global bands and axes metadata
- #1984
- wcst_import axis type from is unknown
- #1989
- Systemtest_Update test_irr_cube_2 no data to float properly
- #1992
- Petascope_Use daily log strategy for petascope.log
- #1994
- Petascope/SECORE add requesting IP address in petascope/secore.log
- #1995
- wcst_import throws proper exception when it cannot detect CRS from input file's WKT
- #1996
- wrong datatype for multiband netcdf with bands of different type
- #1997
- Check why is slow for 1 test wcst_import
- #1998
- error decoding local metadata
- #2000
- Petascope_Add dependency to render JSP when running as embedded
- #2003
- WMS_Add optional interpolation parameter
- #2004
- wcst_import enable GDAL exception when opening file
- #2008
- wcst_import GDAL general recipe handles an exceptional case when file exists in validating phase but not exist later in processing phase
- #2010
- wcst_import try to open 1 gdal dataset from input files instead of only the first 1
- #2011
- wcst_import resolve relative ingredient input file to absolute ingredient input file
- #2015
- Petascope_Support rasql ready colorPaletteTable from external metadata color palette file
- #2016
- ws_client - WMS with 3D+ layer not regard selected style for the layer
- #2017
- Petascope_Parse struct cell types error
- #2018
- Test web interface on Centos 7 should capture image error if elements not found
- #2020
- wcst_import netCDF axis's variables only exist in dimensions
- #2025
- petascope_WMS should return blank result instead of exception for out of layer's BBox request
- #2026
- wcst_import supports regex in pre hook's replace_path
- #2027
- petascope: read coverage object from database for updating without cache
- #2029
- systemtest_compare XML oracle and output files with no indentation
- #2031
- wcst_import supports 2D dimensions in netCDF file
- #2032
- wcst_import check number of band for grib recipe must be 1 only
- #2038
- petascope_wrong domain extent for regular time axis
- #2043
- wcst_import create a Sentinel 1 GRD custom recipe
- #2046
- Embedded petascope does not read server.port when started with --petascope.confDir
- #2060
- wcst_import: null values specified in the ingredient file are ignored in the general recipe
- #2064
- wcst_import imports original input file path instead of replaced one when using pre-hook
- #2069
- wsclient: Add loading icon for ajax requests
- #2072
- wsclient: Fix WCS GetCoverage RangeSubsetting component
- #2074
- petascope clip should check intersection properly with coverage's subset
- #2075
- Petascope: WCS GetCapabilities coverage envelope should add the optional WGS84BoundingBox
- #2076
- Petascope add Quantity's definition attribute to detect rasdaman data type
- #2077
- Petascope more secuer configuration for write operartions
- #2078
- WSClient removes non-standard GetCoverageExtents request
- #2080
- Petascope: WCS GetCapabilities adds coverages' customized metadata
- #2082
- rasql_project with resample method
- #2083
- WSClient - Add white background for WMS DescribeLayer tab
- #2084
- petascope - use downscaled collections in scale() operator of WCPS
- #2085
- petascope: add more interpolations method for WCS interpolation extension
- #2087
- wcst_import - wrong constraint for default_null_values
- #2088
- Petascope - Remove automatic nillValues to translated Rasql from a WCPS query
- #2090
- wcst_import - error importing with global metadata "auto" and "colorPaletteTable"
- #2093
- Petascope - WCPS: General Condenser's Where clause should support more boolean expressions
- #2094
- petascope: Coverage footprints not appear after petascope starts
- #2095
- wcps: supports domain() in coverage subsetting
- #2097
- Petascope - WCPS: Support .lo/.hi to get lowerBound/upperBound of imageCrsdomain()/domain()
- #2099
- WSClient - count total of coverage/layer sizes
- #2100
- wcst_import - ignore self-singed certificate HTTPS
- #2101
- petascope - Sort coverage/layer ids from GetCapabilities requests
- #2102
- SECORE - show proper error for parameterized AUTO CRS
- #2103
- Petascope serves demo web pages from external resource folder which is out of rasdaman.war
- #2105
- wsclient - Update coverage's metadata in WCS DescribeCoverage tab
- #2107
- WCPS - Use colorPaletteTable from input query instead of existing one in coverage's metadata
- #2109
- WCPS - Wrong translated grid subset on ascending irregular axis
- #2113
- rascontrol cannot start a server manually
- #2116
- rasql - insert complex cint16 and cint32 does not work
- #2117
- rasql - retrieve collection's set type via dbinfo()
- #2119
- Petascope - Fixing for OGC cite testing
- #2121
- valid JSON comments
- #2122
- wcst_import - removes comment lines in ingredient file before processing
- #2126
- make WCS/WMS client more configurable
- #2127
- support for values, interval and ramp color tables in encode
- #2129
- wcst_import - throw exception if multiple bands specified in gdal recipe
- #2132
- support for color tables in WMS styles
- #2134
- TODO in wcst_import documentation
- #2135
- do not recommend user other than rasdaman
- #2140
- wcst_import - pass parameters with --key value format
- #2142
- make / maven problems with Java (version?)
- #2148
- installation fails if tomcat not installed
- #2149
- Petascope - Extends WMS style with multiple layer iterators
- #2151
- Update web login forms to not use POST parameters
- #2154
- rasql - wrong struct type for band subsetting import by gdal driver
- #2157
- Petascope - Extend Coverage/Collection Iterator in WMS styles
- #2163
- the null value in petascope coverages should be obtained from rasql
- #2165
- WCST_Import - Error in gdal general recipe with non datetime irergular axi
- #2166
- wcst_import show grid domains of imported file in log
- #2175
- Petascope_Throw exception for non-valid parameters in WCS request
- #2176
- Report the duplicate tileid when failing to insert data to collection
- #2186
- wcst_import - Import coverage's local metadata from external text files
- #2187
- WCPS switch translates to wrong rasql
- #2189
- WCPS - SubsettingCRS does not work
- #2190
- case evaluation model update
- #2191
- Rasql - wrong error message for encoding
- #2192
- WCPS - Throw exception for unknown casting type
- #2193
- Rasql - segfault for switch case with scale
- #2195
- Petascope - show meaningful coefficient values in case of reversed irregular axis
- #2196
- Rasql - server died with clip by Multipolygon
- #2197
- WCST_Import daemon problem when waiting for importing big files
- #2198
- Catch and ignore coverage exceptions on GetCapabilities
- #2199
- Check coverage exists in test_zero_cleanup before deleting
- #2203
- basic autocomplete for wcps queries
- #2209
- Enhance test web interfaces to run in parallel
- #2212
- WCPS supports interpolation parameter in crsTransform()
- #2217
- WSClient - Hide WCS DeleteCoverage/InsertCoverage tabs by default
- #2218
- WSClient - Select output format based on coverage's dimensions in WCS GetCoverage tab
- #2221
- wcst_import should be able to run on a different host than petascope
- #2223
- WCST_Import - Customized recipe for nested coverages
- #2224
- wcst_import - supports auto option to fetch metadata for general_recipe with slicer gdal
- #2225
- wcst_import - supports metadata option for old recipes
- #2226
- wsclient - problem to display a coverage's footprint with longitude interval greater than 180 degree
- #2227
- wcst_import - creates colorPatetteTable automatically if input tif file contains this metadata
- #2229
- Document examples to use WMS with clients and WSClient introduction
- #2230
- WSClient - Add function to manage WMS layers' downscaled collections
- #2231
- Petascope - wrong error with bounds checking
- #2232
- Petascope - WCS subsettingCRS not throw exception when one XY axis is not specified
- #2235
- Petascope - cannot deploy multiple rasdaman.war in one tomcat because of failed loading gdal-java
- #2237
- Petascope - cannot redeploy on tomcat with error gdal-java JNI
- #2238
- Petascope - translates wrong coefficients for netCDF when selecting a subset on irregular axis
- #2242
- petascope should add parentheses in marray/condense values clause
- #2243
- WSClient - parse the error message in XML exception from petascope
- #2246
- Petascope - CIS 1.1 axisExtent should be changed to AxisExtent
- #2251
- Petascope - loads version from what was built not from rasdaman
- #2252
- should collect non-existing settings in new properties file to the bottom of the new file
- #2253
- wcst_import - old recipes (e.g: map mosaic) does not read colorPaletteTable properly
- #2255
- WMS does not work with two partially overlapping layers
- #2257
- wcps and rasql web console - add text>> widget
- #2260
- rasql - error in encode with colorPalette by PNG format
- #2266
- leading spaces in config cause petascope to not work
- #2267
- wcs_extract recipe should remove files in case of error
- #2268
- wcs_extract - "mock":true does not work
- #2269
- Rasdapy3 Update with file
- #2270
- Rasdapy3 --out string gives error when used with binary data
- #2271
- Condenser with complex numbers do not print output in rasdapy3 systemtest.
- #2273
- rasql - error with > operator in switch case
- #2274
- rasql - place holders in error message are not replaced
- #2277
- rasql - proper error when selecting out of bands
- #2279
- wcst_import - daemon with "track_files": true is stopped by checking daemon status
- #2282
- wrong axes names persisted in RASBASE in INSERT statement
- #2284
- wcst_import - should not allow to import different geo crss from files into a coverage
- #2285
- rasql - error code with no message
- #2286
- rasql - throw exception when it encounters first invalid subsets
- #2287
- WSClient - Update coverage id in WCS DescribeCoverage tab
- #2289
- WCPS - encode coverage constructor with grid axes returns null error
- #2293
- wcst_import - enhancement for importing with large number of input files
- #2294
- WCPS - Supporting .re/.im for complex number
- #2296
- raswct - it should grasp error message from petasope rasql servlet
- #2300
- Petascope - too slow to open connections to SECORE for loading CRS GMLs
- #2301
- WCPS - Wrong error with overlay on 2D slices
- #2302
- Rasql - cannot use DEM as collection alias
- #2303
- document list of tokens in rasql
- #2309
- rasql - server killed with importing wrong grid domains for netCDF / HDF5
- #2310
- rasql - segfault with dem() function
- #2311
- Petascope - collection's tiling doesn't save with all information to database
- #2312
- Petascope - missing 0 for big null float number from importing netCDF file
- #2316
- defining rasql-web-console queries in a different manner
- #2324
- Petascope - Merge OAPI features to current petascope
- #2325
- petascope - gdal version 3 flipped axes orders for projection()
- #2326
- Petascope - coordinates are translated wrong after subsetting
- #2327
- doc - use ${variable} for string place holder
- #2332
- rasql - segfault if width is 0 in project()
- #2333
- WCPS - add non-mentioned axes to domain intervals for scale() implicitly
- #2336
- Petascope - display non-ascii string in coverage's metadata
- #2337
- systemtest - skip SECORE randomly failed test
- #2338
- Petascope - String concatenation is much slower than StringBuilder
- #2340
- Petascope - "type already exists" error message when RASBASE is cleaned up but not petascope
- #2342
- systemtest - test web interface on Centos 7 enhancement
- #2343
- Petascope - Create downscaled collections for Pyramid should regard to source collection's grid domains min and max bounds
- #2344
- rasql - cannot update an empty collection with negative bounds
- #2345
- wcst_import - remove the .resume file if it exists, but the coverage doesn't exist anymore
- #2346
- Petascope - stopping rasdaman in the middle of updating a time slice should not persist the time slice to petascopedb
- #2347
- Petascope - WCPS null value error
- #2348
- Petascope - return better error message when trimming over non-existing coefficients of an irregular axis
- #2349
- rasqlservlet - support the credentials in basic headers from client
- #2350
- Petascope - new feature to delete a layer (but not the associated coverage)
- #2351
- Petascope - write requests from WSClient with petascope admin credentials should bypass allow_write_requests_from configuration
- #2352
- WCPS - change output of crsSet(c) to a CRS result
- #2353
- Petascope - returns rasql error message and rasql query in two different XML error elements
- #2355
- WCPS - change coverage's axis type to grid CRS after subsetting by "CRS:1"
- #2356
- Petascope - WCPS encode regular time axis shifted by 6 days with netCDF encoding
- #2357
- wcst_import - document statements setting for general recipe
- #2358
- petascope - request from rasql servlet should not be recognized as WCPS request
- #2360
- Petascope - Add the list of axis names in the result of each coverage in WCS GetCapabilities request
- #2363
- gdal type Byte should sometimes translate to rasdaman type octet
- #2365
- Petascope - Missing update downscaled levels for collections
- #2366
- Petascope - ignore broken WMS layers with non-existing coverages
- #2367
- Petascope - update coverage's id API endpoint
- #2375
- netcdf/grib - support flipped data on Lat (Y) axis in rasdaman
- #2376
- WCS ProcessingCoverage supports `q` paramater besides `query` parameter
- #2383
- WCPS - problem with grid domain expression
- #2384
- WCPS - supports round(), ceil() and floor() operators
- #2386
- rasql - support round() operator
- #2388
- Petascope - supports output in JSON from CIS 1.1
- #2389
- Petascope - port the existing implementation of experimental OGC API (OAPI) feature to master branch
- #2393
- petascope - throw exception if non-near interpolation is requested in WCS GetCoverage request
- #2407
- petascope - wrong error for scaling if axis label does not exist in coverage
- #2411
- wcst_import - Sentinel 1 custom recipe should filter invalid lat / long bounds from input files
- #2412
- wcst_import - no slices found if some of VRT files are not available
- #2418
- Petascope - netCDF irregular axis with upper -> lower coefficients order
- #2419
- Petascope - add unique constrain to some fileds in petascopedb
- #2420
- WCPS describe() operator
- #2421
- petascope - rasql servlet null error to get the encode format type
- #2422
- wcst_import - support parameter to store the imported files in the ingredients file
- #2424
- Petascope - return null error with avg
- #2425
- should retry if it failed from rasservers
- #2426
- wcst_import - objectExist endpoint should return if a coverage / layer exist as local or remote object
- #2427
- Petascope - add table to store versions
- #2430
- - daemon interval default value
- #2431
- wcst_import - doc about default_null_values
- #2432
- wcst_import - new variables which can be used in hooks
- #2435
- doc - imporve data import document
- #2436
- petascope - WMS request returns incorrect domains without extend()
- #2437
- wcst_import - ${bbox} expression in the ingredients file
- #2441
- wcst_import - check the validity of the band's name in the general recipe
- #2445
- WMS time dimension shouldn't require quotes
- #2446
- Petascope removes wcsXML from the WCPS query posted by raswct
- #2449
- Rasdaman community build error - conversion/
- #2453
- wcst_import - credentials file should be passed to from
- #2455
- wcst_import - check if credentials are needed
- #2460
- petascope - update pyramid layers management in WSClient > DescribeLayer tab
- #2464
- wcst_import - with "retry": true, wcst import should not retry if it cannot write to file
- #2465
- Petascope should run with caches as background threads
- #2467
- #353: petascope should not put new lines in rasql's extra metadata for WMS GetMap request
- #2469
- wcst_import - throws proper exception if petascope is not available
- #2471
- SECORE - add browse.jsp to internal SECORE in petascope
- #2472
- SECORE - allow to build def.war by flag with cmake
- #2473
- SECORE - compare file inside def.jar with target dir
- #2474
- Petascope - multipart/related WCS GetCoverage request missing binary part
- #2475
- Petascope - set to embedded by default
- #2476
- wcst_import - parameter pyramid_bases
- #2477
- wcst_import - check SECORE URL from embedded petascope's port
- #2482
- petascope - error with parsing uom label for Time Axis from https SECORE
- #2483
- WebWorldWind error - when bbox of a WMS layer is out of EPSG:4326 bbox
- #2487
- wcst_import - option import_overviews_only to import only overviews without importing to the base coverage
- #2493
- wcst_import - enhance checking if input file in coverage_id.resume.json
- #2494
- SECORE - try to create /opt/rasdaman/data/secoredb folders
- #2495
- Petascope - write the request besides the time to process the request in
- #2498
- wcst_import - s1 recipe error when the first VRT containing unreadable tiff file
- #2500
- WCPS - error with clip expression in LET clause
- #2508
- Petascope - supports INSPIRE coverages in WCS GetCapabilities result
- #2509
- WMS - WCPS fragment to compute difference between two slices in WMS style
- #2510
- allow_write_requests_from in is set to wrong values due to script
- #2512
- WCPS parser error with band name .Hillshade
- #2513
- wms - SLD parser error for special characters < and >
- #2514
- WCPS - supports mod() operator
- #2515
- Document about supported encodeType in WCPS cheatsheet
- #2518
- remove extra
- #2524
- petascope - log level INFO for incoming requests to petascope
- #2526
- wcst_import - sentinel 1 recipe should write to multiple resume.json files
- #2534
- wcst_import - check if pyramid_bases in the ingredients file caught the error in petascope when base and pyramid member coverages have different band name
- #2535
- wcst_import - throw exception if non-existing settings exists in the ingredients file
- #2538
- wcst_import - support python_cmd to run python command in hooks
- #2541
- add a test for allowing user with admin credentials to bypass allowed IPs
- #2544
- rasql - project() supports null value parameter
- #2550
- systemtest - fix failed tests for ubuntu 22.04
- #2553
- wcst_import - daemon should reimport everything when .resume.json is removed
- #2554
- Petascope - WCS GetCapabilities add metadata for the size of a coverage plus its pyramid sizes
- #2555
- petascope - Default WMS style changed behavior
- #2556
- petascope - legend for WMS styles
- #2557
- wcst_import - set MIME type based on the ingredients file
- #2558
- secore - /def/crs/0/4326 does not work on port 9009
- #2559
- WCPS - fix FROM clause for coverage loops in aliases
- #2560
- wcst_import - fix error with variable not defined
- #2561
- petascope - rasdaman type registries must use rasadmin user to query
- #2565
- petascope - FIX - encoding time subset in netCDF returns invalid values
- #2566
- petascope - use new XMLUtil.formatXMLfor WCS DescribeCoverage / GetCoverage
- #2567
- petascope - enhance petascope.log with rasql / requests id
- #2575
- petascope - add failed rasql queries with log counters
- #2576
- wcst_import - get axes defined in COSMO CRS 101 properly
- #2579
- wcst_import - if track_files is true, it should test if user can create coverageId.resume.json first
- #2582
- petascope with full_stacktraces=false should not log irrelevant logs in the stack trace
- #2583
- wcst_import - if wcst_import is killed, it should add the updated file to .resume.json
- #2586
- wcst_import - if user defines bands with customized names, metadata should belong to these names
- #2587
- wcst_import - 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'axis_subsets'
- #2588
- wcst_import - supports to import one variable from GRIB file with multiple variables
- #2589
- petascope - reduce number of active and idle connections for Tomcat JDBC
- #2592
- wcst_import - all RAM occupied with large GRIB
- #2593
- wsclient - total local volume is incorrect
- #2595
- petascope - WMS GetLegendGraphic request without style should return the image from the default style
- #2600
- Error Codes Clean-up
- #2604
- WCPS - domain(c, axis).lo / hi should return the geo bound for non XY-axes
- #2605
- NEW SORT operator
- #2610
- Flip Operator
- #2611
- WMS - GetCapabilities add namespace wms for Elements
- #2613
- WCPS - NEW - support flip operator
- #2615
- WCPS - NEW - build query tree for optimization before generating rasql query
- #2620
- wcst_import - FIX - select proper GRIB messages per band to import
- #2621
- Petascope - Invalid coefficients when importing data
- #2622
- wcst_import - FIX - "default_null_values": [] should import a coverage will no null values
- #2623
- petascope - FIX - WMS allows to add request subset inside coverage expression in WCPS query fragment
- #2624
- petascope - FIX - sometimes when updating coverage, null error with parsing SECORE URL
- #2626
- wcst_import - FIX - check if python-dateutil exists before it runs
- #2631
- FIX - petascope combines coverages mismatched time coefficients properly
- #2632
- WMS - support non-standard: random parameter to bypass browser's cache
- #2636
- FIX - QGIS doesn't send GetMap requests to Petascope
- #2639
- Fix WCS-T when creating pyramid members, it should not run UPDATE queries from base coverage
- #2640
- wcst_import - timeout for analyzing input files
- #2643
- wcst_import - FIX - "import_order": "none" to disable sorting file paths
- #2644
- Petascope - FIX - Update coverage doesn't update associated WMS layer
- #2647
- FIX - WCS GetCoverage support interpolation shorthand
- #2649
- FIX - WMS should not add non XY axes slices if they already exist in the WCPS query style
- #2650
- FIX - WMS has issue when combining two different coverages in a WMS style
- #2651
- rasql - invalid exception for subsettings
- #2653
- FIX - wcst_import with blocking: false should show the file numbers properly
- #2655
- NEW - WCPS CrsTransform supports geo XY axes' resolutions
- #2656
- WCPS - FIX - add sum as an alias to add operator
- #2657
- FIX - WCPS creates multi dimensional coverage constructor properly
- #2660
- FIX - wcst_import checks axis with type UnixTime properly
- #2662
- WCPS - FIX - Axis label defined in axis iterator should be regarded
- #2663
- FIX - encode in netCDF should ignore if ucar.units cannot parse unit
- #2664
- FIX - WCPS minus coverageVariableName should be handled properly
- #2665
- FIX - wcst_import regular time axis dataBound:false has wrong shifted domain
- #2669
- FIX - Coverage constructor cannot create multibands in netCDF
- #2670
- test_open doesn't work correctly
- #2671
- FIX - Output of flip on irregular time axis is inconsistent
- #2673
- WCPS - keep the grid origin of left-handside operand in crsTransform()
- #2674
- Petascope - Improve performance for WCPS for irregular axis with long list of BigDecimal values
- #2676
- NEW - WCPS supports scaleByFactor
- #2677
- NEW - WCPS supports scaleByFactor
- #2679
- FIX - resume file of wcst_import should be human-readable
- #2680
- FIX - wcst_import continues when a C library has seg fault
- #2684
- FIX - add document about ows4R to doc.rasdaman
- #2685
- NEW - configuration to set logging level of rasj in
- #2686
- FIX - WCPS let clause should come before where clause
- #2687
- FIX - WCPS axisIterator in condenser is not evaluated
- #2693
- NEW - support OGC shorthand style in wcst_import and petascope
- #2698
- petascope - FIX - add JAVA_OPTS for
- #2700
- FIX - improve time to load layers to cache when petascope starts
- #2703
- FIX - Enhance petascope to check which SECORE URLs are running
- #2706
- FIX - WCPS with "%" operator returns error in decoding URL
- #2707
- FIX - many requests to local SECORE EPSG/0/4326
- #2708
- FIX - "execute_if" setting to run hook after import failed in wcst_import
- #2709
- FIX - should retry one more time before reporting failed
- #2710
- NEW - update petascope and SECORE to use spring Boot 2.7.x
- #2712
- FIX - improve the check authisactive in WSClient
- #2713
- FIX - if rasdaman.war is renamed to test.war then secore_urls=internal should work as well
- #2714
- FIX - external petascope failed to start as secore_urls=internal failed to start
- #2715
- FIX - internal SECORE should show the context path from petascope in in results
- #2717
- FIX - WMS on layer with NaN as nill value
- #2718
- FIX - WSclient returns wrong endpoint for GetCoverage if the context path is not /rasdaman/ows
- #2722
- FIX - WSclient adds functionality to add a WMS layer from an existing coverage and allow to add an existing coverage as a pyramid member of a WMS layer
- #2723
- FIX - sort pyramid members by product of scale factors when creating / adding new pyramid member
- #2724
- FIX - if a coverage's set type doesn't exist in rasdaman, petascope should still start
- #2725
- FIX - make petascope work with H2 database
- #2728
- FIX - scale on 3D base coverage with pyramid returns wrong result if expression specified in LET clause
- #2730
- FIX - WCPS multipart does not work with scale()
- #2734
- NEW - wcst_import "skip": "files_that_fail_to_open" to skip files which cannot analyze by wcst_import
- #2739
- FIX - wcs_import enforce `resolution` for regular axes in general recipe
- #2740
- FIX - Update ANTLR4 version in petascope to work with java 11+
- #2741
- FIX - WMS GetCapabilities - Dimension elements need to contains units attribute
- #2742
- FIX - adjust WMS GetCapabilities response with XML schema
- #2743
- FIX - if `random` parameter exists in requests, petascope should not validate them
- #2744
- FIX - WMS returns wrong result for coverage has geo extents less than its pyramid
- #2745
- FIX - WSClient - if coverage's metadata is invalid, DescribeCoverage tab should still show update metadata component for admin to update
- #2746
- FIX - WMS should support CRS:84 CRS
- #2747
- FIX - WMS GetMap should return white background by default
- #2748
- FIX - WMS GetMap supports BGCOLOR paramter
- #2749
- FIX - WMS GetMap on different layers with different extents / resolutions are wrong
- #2756
- FIX - WCPS fixed scale / extend() by a LET clause variable
- #2759
- FIX - WMS should filter null values if they don't belong to range values: [0-225]
- #2760
- FIX - WCS / WCPS supports shorthand style for subsettingCRS / outputCRS / crsTransform
- #2761
- FIX - rasdaman's collection struct types should have band names specified
- #2762
- FIX - support CRS in petascope
- #2767
- FIX - petascope throws exception on regular time axis if time slice is out of extent
- #2768
- FIX - WMS style with fixed time slice in WCPS fragment has error
- #2769
- NEW - Fixed axis aliases in WCPS
- #2771
- FIX - support definition setting in the ingredients file to specify definition URL of a band
- #2775
- NEW - wcst_import should generate a reasonable default tiling
- #2776
- FIX - wsclient should not show if the password for rasdaman_pass in is invalid
- #2779
- FIX - wsclient should not require double logins for admin functions
- #2780
- FIX - petascope cannot handle a lot of requests in parallel
- #2784
- FIX - adds rasdaman_user= even if it has rasdaman_user=someuser already
- #2787
- FIX - validate colorTable in JSON string when creating a new WMS style
- #2789
- Fix - endpoint in petascope to return the version from rasql
- #2791
- Fix - rasql polygonize doesn't work because temp folder doesn't exist
- #2792
- Fix - add authentication_type=basic_header in
- #2793
- Fix - WCPS supports polygonnize() operator
- #2805
- FIX - wcst_import should convert number to datetime string
- #2807
- FIX - Support WCS GetCapabilities with sections parameter and XY axis labels in WCS GetCoverage with subsetting CRS
- #2808
- FIX - coverage's metadata does not show properly when ras namespace prefix is redefined
- #2809
- FIX - colorPalette exists in coverage's metadata should not be in encode's extra parameters if colorMap exists there
- #2810
- FIX - Petascope should not request non-existing UoM CRS from SECORE
- #2811
- FIX - WSclient WMS DescribeLayer is slow if a coverage has many timeslices
- #2812
- FIX - WSClient - if color table type is none then the existing colorMap style should be removed
- #2813
- FIX - WMS style with rasql fragment return null error
- #2814
- FIX - WSClient WMS DescribeLayer time slider does not work with regular UnixTime CRS
- #2815
- FIX - some coverage's metadata has issue with rasdaman:covMetadata
- #2818
- wcst_import - FIX - Implement areasOfValidity with next_slice support
- #2819
- FIX - check if coverage's metadata after updating is wellform before saving to petascopedb
- #2820
- FIX - match multiple input files to defined areasOfValidity in a single ingredients file
- #2824
- NEW - New setting in wcst_import to set wms style + legend
- #2828
- FIX - create doc for
- #2829
- FIX - wcst_import should try to print the failed input sentence to evalulate
- #2830
- FIX - petascope should throw exception when latitude (Y axis) has positive resolution
- #2831
- FIX - wcst_import nested function is not evaluated properly in python list comprehension
- #2832
- FIX - Support to set thumbnail coverage via a file uploaded by curl
- #2833
- FIX - throw exception when < is unescaped in XML and wcst_import should not escape coverage's metadata when importing
- #2834
- FIX - resolution column in axis_extent table must be in String not BigDecimal
- #2835
- FIX - s1 recipe should allow to set the band name in ingredients file
- #2836
- FIX - WMS GetCapabilities should report correct values for regular dimension
- #2837
- FIX - adding external metadata to coverage returned wrong value in DescribeCoverage
- #2838
- FIX - nested non-rasdaman element is not escaped properly when updating coverage's metadata
- #2839
- FIX - embedded SECORE URL is not resolved properly in WCPS subsettingCRS
- #2840
- FIX - wcst_import should ignore failed evaluated metadata expression
- #2841
- FIX - wcst_import should throw error if metadata contains value as an object
- #2844
- FIX - nested subsets return wrong grid indices in WCPS
- #2846
- FIX - wcst_import should only return filename without absolute path for fileReferenceHistory
Opened by me
- #56
- Querying big result datasets
- #59
- Problems on kahlua when postgres is started with an explicit port
- #63
- standard marray operation fails in system test
- #64
- Mixing triming and slicing in WCPS fails
- #81
- Document netcdf/inv_netcdf
- #88
- rasdl type/database deletion doesn't work
- #91
- WCS 1.1 in petascope
- #92
- SOAP support broken
- #93
- Selecting struct component by number fails
- #115
- Document new parameter in TIFF conversion
- #116
- Specify samples to be imported from a multiband TIFF
- #118
- rasdaman debian package
- #119
- casting fails with user-defined types
- #121
- bug in rasdl parser
- #123
- Updating an MDD which intersects with the source array
- #124
- Error when selecting non-materialized parts of an mdd
- #125
- rasgeo expects same user for postgres and rasdaman
- #126
- Create an script for petascope
- #127
- Change datatype of OId to long
- #130
- rasgeo segfault on non-matching types
- #131
- rasgeo imports MDD with wrong spatial domain if nm_meta not present
- #132
- Selecting struct component by name fails
- #134
- rasdl --del* bug when deleting used types
- #152
- XQuery interface
- #156
- make install always overrides rasmgr.conf
- #159
- SECORE: keys should be case insensitive
- #160
- sdom(c)[0].hi returns wrong result
- #161
- Setting tiling layouts/indexes needs testing
- #164
- Export GeoTIFF/JPEG2000 with WCPS
- #166
- RPM: setup database for rasimport
- #167
- Rename to
- #173
- ticket spam
- #175
- WCPS: image CRS should be assumed in subsets when no CRS is specified
- #178
- rasdl doesn't consider the --connect parameter
- #179
- Add possibility to specify connection user/pass in rasmgr.conf
- #181
- systemtest doesn't run properly
- #196
- WMS fill creates several levels of the same size
- #197
- WMS scripts doesn't pass proper options to fillpyramid
- #201
- netCDF should be able to import dimension variables
- #202
- WCPS tests failed
- #204
- WCPS scale fails when there is slicing
- #205
- Alpha channel in png convertor
- #206
- WCS error handling needs cleanup
- #209
- Range constructor in rasql
- #210
- from clause in rasql select statements should be optional
- #211
- Cleanup in servercomm
- #213
- When subsetting in WCS the bbox is not updated
- #215
- Petascope: XML schema validation should be optional
- #221
- Include WCS conformance test into systemtest
- #224
- Petascope WCS returns invalid GetCapabilites response
- #228
- Add function in rasql to rotate objects
- #229
- Include git commit id in rasdaman's version
- #234
- Test rasimport with large file and small server countdown
- #235
- Exporting to JPEG2000 results in SIGABRT
- #237
- Deleting collections should be split into several transactions
- #238
- SELECT INTO in rasql
- #239
- Handling of new client connections
- #240
- Exporting large amounts of data truncates the first ~100 bytes
- #244
- Dashes should be allowed in collection names
- #245
- Update and select rasql queries distinction
- #246
- Getting information about arrays
- #251
- Header files not completely installed
- #252
- Segfault when rasserver is restarted
- #253
- fails when no --tasplit given
- #254
- Regular computed index much slower than R+ tree index
- #255
- Parameters for 'areas of interest' tiling not parsed
- #256
- raswct is limited to one WCPS service
- #264
- petascope should have some memory safeguard
- #265
- WMS fill pyramid fails on large collections
- #266
- Petascope use of sdom
- #267
- Tiling with rasimport
- #268
- Petascope streaming results
- #270
- Deprecate old servlets in petascope
- #271
- Index table allows too small number of entries
- #273
- range subsetting on single band
- #274
- WCS scaling fails when there's subsetting
- #280
- SECORE works only at /def
- #285
- WCPS going through PetascopeInterface fails
- #286
- RasqlServlet - web interface for rasql queries
- #290
- stats() function in rasdaman
- #291
- SECORE performance improvement
- #292
- decode() function in rasql
- #293
- Help function in rasql
- #299
- sometimes fails to start rasdaman properly
- #300
- git commit id wrongly computed
- #301
- Default tiling in rasdaman is only applied on 2D objects
- #304
- Document dbinfo() function
- #305
- Incorrect WCPS test
- #308
- Access control in secore
- #311
- Dynamic re-tiling of arrays
- #312
- Web interface for loading geo-spatial data
- #320
- Adding parameterized definitions doesn't work
- #332
- Support for time in GML coverage output
- #339
- Default compilation of netcdf and hdf
- #364
- expand parameter should be aplicable to ParameterizedCRS
- #365
- expand parameter should expand everything by default
- #367
- Add format parameter to SECORE
- #368
- expand/format parameters should not be allowed in CCRS
- #369
- Systemtest support for SECORE
- #377
- WCPS doesn't consider axis labels in scale operation
- #379
- Regular tiling does not work for 3D+
- #381
- SECORE fails because of different GML namespaces
- #382
- Automated database updates in SECORE
- #397
- rasmgr segfaults when restarting rasserver
- #410
- rasserver silently shuts down when a port is already in use
- #413
- Memory leak introduced by tile cache
- #416
- directql fails to execute update queries
- #417
- tile cache should be more robust
- #424
- Harmonize debug output in rasdaman
- #425
- systemtest check for collection existence is wrong
- #426
- parent incorrectly set in query tree
- #427
- directql has only write access
- #434
- Cast doesn't work for constant mddExpr
- #438
- Compilation of petascope/secore sometimes fails
- #450
- Test rasserver with limited amount of memory
- #451
- Profile petascope regarding RAM usage
- #458
- Test engine for tickets
- #459
- WCS GetCoverage broken
- #475
- Coverage iterator over double/date intervals
- #476
- Null values not shown in coverage description
- #477
- nodata should be 0 by default
- #478
- WCPS switch tests fail
- #479
- Handling of NaN values in rasql
- #482
- Point query on non-materialized data should return 0
- #491
- parsing of parameter variables with rasj is inflexible
- #492
- inv_tiff fails with rasj
- #526
- Error when petascopedb is not updated to ps9
- #528
- release rasdaman 9.0.0-beta1
- #538
- Revert BaseX.jar to pre 7 version
- #541
- Remove psycopg dependency in systemtest
- #544
- WC*S tests with geo binary output encoding fail
- #547
- encode fails for multiband of any type > char
- #548
- Allow compilation with debug symbols only
- #549
- Enable getting rasdaman version in a select query
- #553
- SECORE should not hardcode the host in the def identifiers
- #568
- NullPointerException when axis does not exist in CRS definition
- #574
- Smoother migration from 8.5 to 9.0
- #577
- Remove double transaction warning from rasdaman
- #578
- rasdl fails on CentOS 6.4
- #583
- Add patchmanager code to the rasdaman repo
- #586
- Remove temporary file creation in CSV converter
- #611
- Adapt systemtest to use rasimport instead of rasql/psql
- #616
- petascope Makefile fails to find rasj.jar
- #617
- rasql insert within an MDD object
- #618
- Data ingestion uses more memory than necessary
- #621
- Tile locking performance issue
- #622
- rasdaman 9.0 fails when the database is not update
- #623
- Memory leak in lockmgr
- #624
- rasgeo fails to compile with debug enabled
- #628
- Wiki documentation for different rasdaman versions
- #630
- Enable optional compilation of the lockmanager
- #635
- Document SELECT INTO
- #642
- make check/clean for the systemtest has a bug
- #645
- Improve
- #669
- WCS format extensions should be merged into one class
- #670
- NetCDF format extension is unused
- #683
- Timestamp WCPS tests failing
- #684
- Segfault on aggregation over large composite types
- #685
- initialization problem
- #693
- C++ examples fail to compile
- #694
- Testdata is wrongly dropped on every run
- #695
- Postgis version detection fails on debian
- #696
- WCPS multipoint tests are randomly failing
- #698
- improvement
- #700
- WCS tupleList is in column-major whereas it should be in row-major
- #701
- File extension is unknown when using encode()
- #702
- Postgis is installed but still not found
- #713
- petascope doesn't close database connections
- #714
- SECORE ignores service.url in the secore.conf
- #715
- Update petascope dev slides
- #729
- Miscategorized debug messages in petascope
- #730
- GetCapabilities fails if a coverage is registered in petascope but not in rasdaman
- #734
- Typo in constraint name
- #735
- GetCapabilities pings rasdaman for every coverage
- #736
- WCS test 42 failing
- #737
- unable to connect rasdaman 9 to a remote RASBASE server
- #738
- Compilation fails with bison 3/gcc 4.8
- #743
- Do not set any default nodata value
- #747
- Parsing subtraction bug
- #750
- Check if secore_urls is present in
- #751
- Substitute readline dependency with libedit
- #752
- Dependency on postgres intarray module
- #753
- rasql should check for write permissions
- #760
- Support grid coverages
- #761
- Licenses for petascope libs
- #764
- WCS conformance testing
- #766
- SECORE should have the security constraints commented out
- #771
- RPC server should be disabled by default
- #783
- database object caching is too greedy
- #784
- Control lockmgr via configuration parameter in rasmgr.conf
- #793
- Improve log messages
- #803
- systemtest status on bismuth
- #808
- Move into
- #809
- case_expression test fails
- #810
- Put rasj.jar in a public maven repository
- #811
- Substitute libsigsegv with non GPL code/lib
- #814
- Secore deploy script does not include UserDictionary.xml
- #815
- Port filestorage support with sqlite
- #819
- Resolving hrefs in secore doesn't work across databases
- #820
- pdf manuals are not installed
- #821
- WCPS1.5_Range constructor in WCPS
- #823
- OGC WCS test compliance
- #824
- WCPS1.5_Scaling on irregular axes is not supported
- #828
- Mismatching HTTP status codes returned by petascope
- #831
- Enable rasimport to only populate petascope metadata
- #832
- QGIS WCPS plugin
- #833
- netcdf() cannot encode RGB
- #837
- Parallel ingestion issue
- #838
- Benchmark output regulated by RMANCLIENTOPT
- #839
- INSERT INTO fails in benchmark mode
- #840
- Filestorage driver should be synced with lockmgr changes
- #841
- Update RPM rasdaman.spec to specify filestorage dir
- #842
- rasql should throw a proper exception on empty file
- #851
- Make petascope independent from Tomcat
- #852
- Eliminate PL/pgSQL functions from petascope
- #854
- Docker script
- #855
- autoreconf 2.69 produces warnings
- #856
- rasdaman warnings with gcc 4.9
- #858
- Shifting 1D array fails
- #859
- turn on all warnings when compiling rasdaman
- #860
- Port null values support from rasdaman enterprise
- #861
- avg_cells overflows
- #862
- Implement WMS 1.3
- #863
- decode doesn't import ushort tiff properly
- #868
- gcc optimization flags
- #869
- unused jars in petascope
- #881
- Rasdaman fails to compile with --enable-debug
- #884
- SQLite linking issue on Ubuntu
- #885
- SQLite locking and updates
- #886
- SQLite/Filestorage transaction
- #887
- Partial updates 6D
- #888
- Overflow in parsing mintervals
- #890
- rasimport segfault when reading image information
- #891
- Random error in netcdf converter
- #892
- Homogenize temporary file management
- #898
- WMS fails to load service table
- #900
- Access restriction to updates in WCS client
- #902
- Traffic light example query for CASE fails
- #911
- rasgeo should support filestorage
- #916
- RasdlError class should not have errno member
- #917
- Deleting coverage from petascope fails
- #921
- wcps-console in the wcs-client doesn't work
- #924
- wcst_import should support relative paths
- #927
- struct literal in an marray causes segfault
- #933
- make fails on first run, missing oql.h
- #934
- wcst_import improvements
- #935
- rasdaman dir created by RPMs should have proper permissions
- #937
- WCPS1.5_Support GML output in WCPS
- #938
- WCS-T performance improvement
- #939
- Check compilation against GDAL 2.0
- #940
- WCS-T should use new type management
- #941
- Use wcst_import in OGC systemtest
- #942
- header files should be installed in include/rasdaman subdir
- #945
- Use sqlite by default as a RASBASE backend
- #951
- deprecate wms-import tools
- #952
- DeleteCoverage doesn't delete rasdaman collection
- #958
- script doesn't work for sqlite
- #959
- HSQLDB: alternative backend for petascope
- #960
- embed jetty with petascope
- #961
- petascope relies on opengis CRS URIs
- #963
- wcst_import should not print all files collected
- #964
- wcst_import should throw proper errors
- #965
- wcst_import should handle float null values
- #966
- int null value not supported?
- #967
- Bands of target coverage do not match input coverage
- #968
- wcst_import recipes should allow custom field names
- #969
- Deleting coverage when there is only one in petascopedb fails
- #970
- select query while inserting data bug
- #971
- wcst_import should report time/speed
- #972
- WCPS1.5_aggregated condense fails when subsetting outside coverage bounds
- #973
- induced condense doesn't seem to consider nulls
- #974
- WCPS 2_induced aggregation in WCPS doesn't preserve axis names
- #976
- validation of nil values in petascope is incorrect
- #977
- rasdaman fails to install properly when --prefix is not specified
- #978
- should check for user permissions
- #981
- trying to recreate RASBASE should throw a proper error
- #983
- wcst_import: invalid input files should not cause error maybe
- #990
- invalid struct selector should throw proper error
- #991
- marray iterator syntax not properly supported
- #1020
- fails with ImportError
- #1034
- Test RASBASE durability
- #1036
- tiff produces invalid file
- #1049
- subsetting in rasdaman is inconsistent
- #1054
- rasnet: running directql without specifying connection
- #1058
- rasnet: installation modifies java source files?
- #1059
- rasnet: query fails when executed right after
- #1066
- Add autoreconf command to installation guide
- #1068
- install rasimport connection file on make install
- #1069
- rasimport and wcst_import should not compile/install on --disable-java
- #1070
- rasnet error handling needs improvement
- #1071
- rasj.jar is not installed on make install
- #1073
- Filestorage - divide tile files into subdirectories
- #1083
- Update secore's EPSG database
- #1091
- Document rasdaman top-level directories
- #1092
- rasmgr doesn't shutdown rasserver properly
- #1095
- WCS-T doesn't support CInt16
- #1099
- Remove rasdl
- #1100
- Test aligned tiling with 3D schemes
- #1101
- sdom reports bounds of physical tiles, rather than actual data bounds
- #1102
- Tiling code in rasodmg
- #1106
- secore definitions should not be 'expanded' by default
- #1108
- rasnet prints too much output in nohup.out
- #1109
- Some SECORE definitions are invalid
- #1115
- rasql type management syntax
- #1116
- Update debugging/benchmarking wiki page
- #1117
- Document encode function
- #1126
- Bug in scaling coverages
- #1129
- WCPS test 101 failing on jenkins
- #1131
- TRACE debug doesn't work
- #1139
- Compile rasdaman with libpng15
- #1150
- nohup.out contains a lot of rasnet output
- #1151
- rasnet: rasserver is killed without cleanup?
- #1154
- Evaluation of null values is not safe in QtDomainOperation
- #1158
- rasnet should be default network protocol
- #1164
- Update development dependencies
- #1178
- Can't debug rasserver with gdb
- #1194
- WMS requests do not set the CORS headers
- #1197
- git submodules should not be initialized for rnp
- #1198
- WMS should set nodata=nullvalue
- #1215
- Concurrent queries on client side
- #1223
- WMS doesn't scale requests properly
- #1248
- Remove DE/FR errtxts
- #1249
- Compilation error on master
- #1250
- Can't compile grpc-java on CentOS 7
- #1252
- tiles of 3D object are 1kB when no tiling is specified
- #1264
- switch default use of -fPIC
- #1266
- rasj javadoc
- #1269
- csv output of scalars is wrong
- #1275
- conversion code should be refactored
- #1282
- bug in type checking for struct literals
- #1283
- min/max on structs is incorrect
- #1284
- random behaviour in condense of structs
- #1285
- struct comparison should not be induced
- #1286
- rasserver segfaults when inserting binary data from java
- #1287
- compile error on CentOS 6 / gcc 4.4
- #1290
- compile error on gcc 5.3.1
- #1291
- Log file names
- #1293
- Induced condenser doesn't work with where clause
- #1294
- Port CRS reprojection to community
- #1297
- Extend reprojection tests
- #1298
- CRS reprojection in WMS 1.3
- #1301
- Plus sign is lost in WMS rasql fragment
- #1304
- 3D coverages in WMS
- #1306
- DeleteCoverage should remove the relevant layer from WMS
- #1320
- Embedding netcdf compilation in rasdaman
- #1321
- Preserve metadata and dimension variables in netcdf (rasql)
- #1323
- json format encode
- #1329
- Fail querying from rasj
- #1346
- gcc --std=c++11 should be default compile flag
- #1348
- document json format support
- #1365
- watch script
- #1367
- RPMs should invoke
- #1370
- chunk size in network protocol
- #1372
- memory leak when inserting data
- #1374
- min/max on boolean arrays segfaults
- #1375
- java/petascope fail install --with-docs
- #1385
- case fails on array joins with different tiling
- #1386
- add .editorconfig to rasdaman
- #1411
- Updates should ignore null values?
- #1412
- petascope logs should go in $RMANHOME/log
- #1413
- cleanup warnings in rasnet
- #1414
- should use a temporary log file
- #1415
- petascope and secore configuration files
- #1420
- add wcst_import test for grib data
- #1430
- encode fails if empty format parameters are given
- #1432
- petascope libs check
- #1437
- WCPS metadata propagation in the query tree
- #1438
- systemtest broken on Ubuntu 14.04
- #1439
- Automated testing of web interfaces (SECORE, petascope)
- #1440
- The systemtest should test compiling example C++
- #1441
- random systemtest failure
- #1445
- compilation of third_party/grpc-java fails with java 7
- #1446
- WCPS should use json-style format parameters in rasql encode
- #1449
- Compiling with custom cmake fails
- #1450
- Test coverage deletion in various scenarios
- #1452
- general coverage: should ignore empty expression
- #1453
- Consistent formatting of C++/Java code
- #1455
- wcst_import should detect the null values
- #1456
- problem with duplicate collection names
- #1462
- Failing to return 4.1GB result
- #1463
- encode to format "tiff" doesn't work
- #1476
- Remove GML response building in WCS
- #1478
- raspasswd doesn't exist
- #1479
- help command broken in rascontrol
- #1480
- setting user password containing a $
- #1481
- changing the rasadmin password requires updating RASLOGIN env variable
- #1482
- Problems with etc/rasmgr.auth
- #1483
- Java API memory leak
- #1484
- custom rasmgr port in start/
- #1490
- Support wcpsTransformQuery in WMS InsertStyle requests
- #1491
- WMS style management
- #1492
- Petascope_UploadFileHandler from WCST_import uses filePaths in rasql query
- #1500
- petascope should set up rasql connection once
- #1520
- petascope version needs to be updated
- #1521
- wcst_import silently fails ingestion
- #1527
- DeleteCoverage returns wrong exception
- #1528
- wcst_import should preserve all metadata from netcdf
- #1530
- Support gperftools in rasserver
- #1537
- Profile petascope, rasj for excessive RAM usage
- #1538
- rasdaman cannot be compiled with boost > 1.60
- #1541
- Memory is sometimes not released by free() in libc
- #1542
- rasserver produces too many log files sometimes
- #1543
- rasmgr segfaults when started with port < 1024
- #1544
- Ingesting data that doesn't fit in RAM should report a proper error
- #1545
- pow() doesn't work for negative values
- #1548
- rasmgr could not open rasmgr.auth
- #1552
- Better check for json format parameters
- #1554
- DROP TYPE should throw an error for type in use
- #1556
- arccos/arcsin/arctan -> acos/asin/atan
- #1557
- stddev / var condensers
- #1562
- wait for currently running RASBASE transactions
- #1567
- valgrind for system tests
- #1569
- Ingestion with wcst_import is slow in the systemtest
- #1570
- Temporary problem when reinserting WMS styles
- #1571
- systemtest oracle files are 65MB
- #1576
- rasj requires the remote hostname to be resolvable locally
- #1578
- Make sure we use JSON and not CSV encode in petascope, raswct, etc.
- #1586
- is [not] null in WCPS
- #1592
- Document stddev/var condense functions
- #1594
- regular tiling doesn't work with negative indices?
- #1595
- Tiles on the filesystem are executable
- #1604
- WCS_Client show WMS map of coverage if possible
- #1609
- Compile rasdaman with OpenSSL 1.1.0 on ARM architecture
- #1611
- NetCDF converter doesn't support unsigned types
- #1613
- encode to csv: transpose parameter is not considered
- #1614
- WCS scaling extension: scalefactor is handled wrongly
- #1644
- compile with -DENABLE_STRICT on Ubuntu 16.04
- #1648
- petascope cannot init petascopedb if rasdaman is down
- #1650
- removing a client shouldn't close the database connection
- #1652
- Petascope documentation update
- #1653
- Test if rasdapy works with rasdaman v9.5
- #1654
- should forward to
- #1656
- should be idempotent
- #1657
- Merge rasdaman-geo-migration.jar into rasdaman.war?
- #1658
- petascope demo coverages should not be prefixed test_*
- #1659
- Tomcat warning about "jar not loaded"
- #1660
- petascope log improvements
- #1662
- petascope should not download sqlite, h2, and further drivers
- #1663
- rasodmg and raslib should be installed to $RMANHOME/include
- #1664
- SECORE I/O errors
- #1665
- ncdump errors in systemtest log
- #1666
- Too many petascope/secore properties backup files
- #1667
- petascope and SELinux on CentOS
- #1669
- remove empty javadoc comments
- #1675
- python rasql client using rasdapy
- #1676
- rasdapy: arrays have wrong dimension and wrong sdom
- #1681
- install pdf docs by default
- #1690
- GDAL generated aux files
- #1691
- throw proper exception on invalid hostname in rasmgr.conf
- #1697
- security for secore admin pages
- #1706
- unexpected null values behavior in condensers
- #1707
- ALTER COLLECTION statement to update the type of a collection
- #1710
- Expand tests for wcst_import with breaking cases
- #1711
- avg_cells on area that incompletely intersects physical tiles is wrong
- #1712
- Clipping should support parsing LineStringZ/M/ZM
- #1715
- update petascope version to 9.6
- #1716
- rasql fails if http_proxy env var is set
- #1718
- cmake should properly support -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
- #1721
- Add a test that makes concurrent WCS/WCPS requests
- #1722
- Fix for multiple rasdaman installations
- #1724
- test_wcps: ./ --drop does not work
- #1726
- pygrib / netcdf should not be required by wcst_import by default
- #1737
- <url>/rasdaman/ows/ doesn't work
- #1740
- wcst_import: options should be optional
- #1743
- Petascope cannot run compiled with OpenJDK 10
- #1746
- WMS client - Allow users select style to be applied on WebWorldWind globe
- #1750
- WCPS ANTLR4 parsing error reporting enhancement
- #1752
- WMS style fragments problem with subsetting
- #1754
- Random data in polygon and linestring clipping
- #1756
- QGIS wcps plugin: editing a server doesn't work
- #1759
- FROM clause in UPDATE statement
- #1761
- Problem creating struct type
- #1762
- Petascope struct type management problem
- #1763
- Attach null values to an mdd expression
- #1766
- WebWorldWind in the wcs-client cannot work offline
- #1775
- WSClient should show extents on globe for 3D+ coverages
- #1779
- compiling rasdaman with g++ 8.1 fails
- #1787
- liquibase lock issue on petascopedb
- #1788
- gdal-java not found on Debian Testing
- #1791
- many oracles are different on Debian buster / GDAL 2+
- #1792
- make check doesn't execute test_all_wcst_import first on Debian buster
- #1793
- CMake doesn't properly update pom.xml when is changed
- #1794
- wcst_import test is inconsistent with other systemtests
- #1796
- wcst_import temporary files
- #1797
- rasdapy prints binary data in an exception message
- #1798
- should support floating-point null values
- #1802
- wcst_import should report an error on invalid option
- #1804
- range constructor with scale fails
- #1805
- scale with imageCrsDomain returns wrong rasdaman axis order
- #1813
- C++ example doesn't compile
- #1814
- make should unpack/build in the build directory
- #1816
- Test that the java examples compile
- #1817
- Create set type with nan null values segfaults on debian buster
- #1824
- Check the Java developers guide
- #1825
- Check the C++ developers guide
- #1826
- Add option to enable AddressSanitizer on compilation
- #1840
- wcst_import: optional reproject before import
- #1847
- add tool to print binary output from rasdaman
- #1849
- segfault on exporting 6.6GB array
- #1850
- rasdapy fails on any query resulting in more than 4MB data
- #1852
- update rasql clipping docs
- #1853
- add missing documentation for petascope
- #1858
- rasql should output scalar results to a file on --out file
- #1859
- CREATE TYPE doesn't recognize complex/complexd cell type
- #1864
- Document the project(..) function
- #1867
- update .. from should be documented
- #1869
- more RESTful WSClient
- #1870
- "watch" option in wcst_import
- #1871
- Create recipes for common data
- #1874
- Problem with parallel transactions and usage of LFATAL
- #1875
- how to specify color table/cpt in a WMS request?
- #1876
- wcst_import should check if a coverage exists or not first
- #1877
- remove support for $RASDATA
- #1878
- double transaction abort
- #1880
- invalid band selector
- #1886
- shift should not duplicate tiles
- #1887
- wcs-client: document build steps
- #1888
- drop collection should skip issues in the index
- #1895
- Pre/post-processing hooks in wcst_import
- #1896
- Run wcst_import as a daemon process
- #1897
- Restructure the processing model in wcst_import
- #1899
- Problematic order of db object validation and destruction
- #1900
- Piping RAS_SET_TYPES output to grep --quiet blocks rasserver
- #1902
- Timeseries recipes should import with t/x/y axis order rather than x/y/t
- #1905
- Do not remove third_party built code on make clean
- #1906
- pointer offsets should be size_t
- #1907
- stack traces should not contain absolute paths
- #1908
- test_open has too much output
- #1913
- Test project with range constructor of double arrays
- #1914
- memory leak in clip()
- #1917
- update stmt: if source null values are not specified, take target null values
- #1923
- netcdf: petascope should not add missing_values attribute
- #1924
- WMS: projection should be same level as scale operation
- #1925
- wcst_import: more informative error message
- #1926
- WCPS doesn't set content-disposition
- #1928
- test_wcst_import_daemon fails on centos 7
- #1929
- document wcs_extract recipe
- #1930
- move gdal-java search in a cmake module
- #1931
- do not extract gml.tar.gz on every make
- #1932
- check SQLite error code for extended error codes as well
- #1938
- small improvements in start/
- #1939
- WMS cache limit should be configurable
- #1940
- rasj should throw error if rasdaman result > 2GB
- #1941
- refactor httpserver
- #1942
- remove directql, transfer functionality to rasserver
- #1943
- UnsatisfiedLinkError with gdal-java
- #1944
- rasdaman doesn't compile with -DUSE_NETCDF=OFF
- #1945
- doesn't work when installed from package (e.g. rpm)
- #1946
- gdal-java libs should be copied more precisely
- #1947
- Add documentation at to the rasdaman repo
- #1948
- When petascope fails to parse type from rasdaman it should ignore it
- #1949
- rasdaman produces invalid CREATE TYPE from MDDBASETYPES
- #1950
- Do not rebuild the whole TypeRegistry when new type is created
- #1951
- should not use fuser
- #1952
- is numpy always needed?
- #1953
- wrong secore port
- #1954
- Custom recipe not found
- #1955
- Problem ingesting GDAL subdataset in petascope
- #1956
- Support GDAL subdatasets in wcst_imports
- #1958
- wcst_import wrongly thinks a daemon is already running
- #1964
- Support collected files removal during validation/import
- #1965
- Subset on edge is silently "reduced"
- #1966
- migrate wcst_import to python 3.x
- #1968
- enable section numbers in documentation
- #1971
- Set null values when subsets select non-materialized tiles
- #1975
- selecting marray types bug for "internal" types
- #1976
- WMS should return jpeg if transparency is not required
- #1978
- Default PNG compression level (ZLEVEL) should be 2
- #1979
- allow specifying empty null values
- #1980
- wcst_import should initialize array with null value instead of 0
- #1981
- Updates should properly initialize new tiles with null values
- #1982
- Warnings about compound CRS
- #1983
- Add elapsed time indicator for test_all_wcst_import
- #1985
- extend should support adding dimensions to an array
- #1986
- Cannot find abbreviation for cell data type band0
- #1987
- Add virtual collection RAS_TYPES
- #1988
- support NaNf in rasql as a floating point alternative of NaN
- #1990
- Petascope should log rasql queries with INFO level
- #1991
- wcst_import tests taking a long time
- #1993
- Document RAS_INSTALL_PATH env var
- #1999
- Adapt petascope to use new project() function
- #2001
- sentinel2 doesn't work (MultiImporter)
- #2002
- Support subdataset / levels / crs filtering in sentinel2 recipe
- #2005
- Petascope should get oid returned from INSERT query
- #2006
- Creating coverage with existing cell type fails
- #2007
- Auto-ratio for scale in WCPS for XY axes if only 1 is specified
- #2009
- update grpc (to v1.9.0) and protobuf (to v3.6.1)
- #2012
- rascontrol should list ALL servers
- #2013
- petascope-core.jar is not built properly
- #2014
- petascope should to stricter parameter validation
- #2019
- progress should not be logged to file
- #2022
- show axis resolution in ws-client
- #2023
- wcst_import: validate that number of axis matches CRS
- #2024
- wcst_import: default tmp directory
- #2030
- Complete netcdf ingredients documentation
- #2033
- Check base type compatibility on updates
- #2034
- wcst_import should not allow multiband for grib data
- #2035
- raslib: use local static error text table instead of a global one
- #2036
- uom for sentinel2 recipe should be empty
- #2037
- selecting from RAS_*_TYPES should not throw exception
- #2039
- throw error if resolution is specified and axis is irregular
- #2040
- add sliceGroupSize option for irregular axis with dataBound:False
- #2041
- refactor servercomm
- #2042
- remove rpc and rnp protocol implementations
- #2044
- fix compilation with -DNETWORK_PROTOCOL=rnp
- #2045
- Problem with tmp dir if starting two embedded petascopes
- #2047
- Embedded petascope does not read server.port when started with --petascope.confDir
- #2048
- ws-client makes too many GetCapabilities requests
- #2049
- non-aligned writes in httpserver
- #2050
- GetCoverage tab in WS client hides "tabs"
- #2051
- Compile rasj with Java 9+
- #2052
- Embedded petascope cannot log to file with default log config
- #2053
- Selectively start/stop rasdaman services
- #2054
- wsclient: show axis grid extent on the DescribeCoverage tab
- #2055
- wsclient: axis type shows with delay in the axes table on DescribeCoverage tab
- #2056
- wsclient: estimate coverage size on DescribeCoverage tab
- #2057
- wsclient: "footer" too high on GetCoverage tab
- #2058
- reformat C++ code to common style
- #2059
- starting rasserver without a name leads to segfault
- #2061
- refactor rel* modules
- #2063
- add option to initialize/drop RASBASE in rasserver/directql
- #2067
- min/max do not consider null values properly
- #2068
- induced condenser treats null values different from regular condensers
- #2070
- remove use of rasdl in
- #2071
- wsclient: show null values (if any) in DescribeCoverage tab
- #2073
- Use eccodes instead of grib_api in rasdaman
- #2086
- WCPS: Bad error on invalid slicing on irregular axis
- #2089
- encode to netcdf should consider null values
- #2091
- Update with null values doesn't work for float / short / octet
- #2092
- Petascope installed from Debian 8 nightly package fails to start
- #2106
- don't print warning if java is disabled
- #2108
- Validate colorPaletteTable on coverage insert or metadata update
- #2110
- revert internal png, jpeg, and bmp converters and make them optional
- #2112
- and, must work with /bin/sh
- #2114
- ws-client: option to show only local coverages
- #2115
- range constructor throws invalid error on compatible sdoms
- #2118
- Make and POSIX compliant
- #2120
- rasql --out string runs into a bug for complex scalars
- #2128
- fix doxygen documentation
- #2130
- Petascope - Importing with wcst_import gdal general recipe should allow selecting bands
- #2131
- relblobif should use fcntl instead of flock
- #2141
- Update Sentinel-1 recipe to support SLC products
- #2143
- petascope: remove hard-coded logging file
- #2144
- On Ubuntu 18.04 gdal jar should be version 2.x
- #2145
- Backup before modifies RASBASE
- #2146
- Fix wrong stderr output in
- #2150
- cannot import grib in wcst_import for Ubuntu
- #2152
- installer: fails
- #2153
- Check if war install path is valid
- #2155
- Add a how to update section in installation from source
- #2156
- rasdaman compiled on Ubuntu 18.04 vagrant VM fails to start
- #2158
- systemtest fails on Ubuntu 18.04
- #2159
- remove outdated pdf manuals
- #2160
- Subset on array constant wrongly throws exception
- #2162
- Union of null values is not done correctly
- #2164
- problems with tests in test_open
- #2167
- compilation with -DENABLE_PROFILING fails
- #2168
- exits before running updates
- #2169
- petascope fails to build on Ubuntu 18.04
- #2170
- Problem in induced complex constructor
- #2171
- pow() on struct literal returns random result
- #2172
- overlay of scalar and array causes segfault
- #2173
- Update templated rasql systemtest
- #2174
- Array result query causes infinite loop in directql
- #2177
- Update documentation about VM download and OS support
- #2178
- rasj fails downloading array result on 32-bit systems
- #2179
- bug when scaling to a larger negative target domain
- #2180
- Petascope creates too small updates for pyramid layers
- #2181
- Drop a scale level from petascope when collection is not found
- #2183
- Memory leak in range constructor + case statement
- #2188
- log request processing time in rasserver log
- #2200
- broken links to API docs in installed documentation
- #2201
- positionally-independent subsetting in rasql
- #2202
- document switch in WCPS
- #2204
- Add cheatsheets section in the rasdaman documentation
- #2205
- make unit-check segfaults
- #2206
- wcst_import tests fail on Ubuntu 18.04
- #2210
- Fix type coercion rules
- #2211
- remove oid check from rasql generated by petascope
- #2214
- condense max/min on complex type causes segfault
- #2215
- Add rasql test for concurrent ingestion
- #2216
- Casting from larger to smaller integer type
- #2219
- condense max/min on structs has unusual behavior
- #2220
- Lexicographic struct comparison wrong for <= and >=
- #2222
- support python 3 in rasdapy
- #2228
- Some tests fail if numpy is installed
- #2233
- remove patchmanager plugin from main rasdaman repo
- #2234
- petascope retries failed rasql queries
- #2236
- compilation errors with cmake 3.13
- #2239
- run mvn only if source files changed
- #2240
- export tiling as svg
- #2241
- Add Makefile to build wcs-client
- #2242
- petascope should add parentheses in marray/condense values clause
- #2244
- Submit rasdapy3 to pypi
- #2245
- sync wcst_import util package with installer util
- #2247
- Filter out exception stacktraces from external libraries?
- #2248
- cheatsheet for wcps_rasdaman
- #2249
- Errors in secore log
- #2250
- add documentation for customizing rasdaman service script
- #2254
- Wrong error when subset is not inside of mdd sdom
- #2258
- improve netcdf import (analysis) speed
- #2259
- wcst_import retry does not work
- #2261
- Fix doc section on how to contribute to documentation
- #2263
- add support for foldable code blocks in documentation
- #2264
- make sure rasdaman with postgres compiles and passes systemtest
- #2265
- rasserver extra option in rasmgr.conf is not used by rasmgr
- #2272
- wcst_import cannot handle /vsis3 paths
- #2275
- replace rasdapy with rasdapy3
- #2276
- dbinfo prints invalid json
- #2278
- support gdal /vsi* in wcst_import and petascope
- #2280
- set unlimited message size in grpc on the server object
- #2283
- test_web_interfaces and wcs hooks test needs to be updated
- #2288
- add rasql web console to rasdaman repo
- #2290
- rview should be removed from docs
- #2291
- all executable programs to output version nunmber
- #2292
- systemtest fails with python 3.7
- #2295
- skip is true but wcst_import stopped on missing file
- #2297
- wcs-client - show number of coverages
- #2298
- improve
- #2299
- add license header to json ingredients files
- #2306
- fix building with boost 1.70+
- #2307
- fix on ubuntu 20.04
- #2313
- petascope cannot parse null interval
- #2315
- fix updates of floating point data with interval null values
- #2317
- segfault during mdd insertion when the mdd type is not a domain type
- #2320
- QGIS WCPS plugin doesn't work with https endpoint
- #2321
- Migrate partial updates wiki page to docs
- #2329
- does not report errors
- #2330
- should read db connection string from rasmgr.conf
- #2331
- issues with user management in rasmgr
- #2334
- add instructions on how to start C++ development
- #2335
- instructions for petascope development and jenkins
- #2341
- rascontrol help needs to be improved
- #2354
- should for free disk space before backing up RASBASE
- #2361
- Tile merging on client side is inefficient
- #2364
- use std::vector in r_Minterval for the r_Sintervals
- #2370
- Add types table in WCPS cheatsheet
- #2387
- unset http_proxy in
- #2391
- document aggregation behavior when all input cells are null
- #2394
- Update rasdapy tutorial
- #2398
- RRasdaman does not work with latest rasdaman
- #2399
- Add R to Clients list in the rasdaman Cheatsheets
- #2400
- fix start/ when USER env variable is not defined
- #2402
- should create log dir if it does not exist
- #2403
- Fix secore_urls
- #2404
- nightly package on centos 7 fails testing
- #2405
- wrong import of gdal in wcst_import?
- #2406
- do not start embedded apps if they are not installed
- #2413
- should exit if executed by root
- #2416
- wcst_import should parse XML error from petascope and show in better format
- #2417
- failed locking file due to resource temporarily unavailable error
- #2423
- document clipping in WCS and WCPS
- #2428
- configuration files should be readable only by owner/group
- #2438
- add options for controlling csv/json output
- #2442
- improve encode/decode documentation
- #2443
- add support for openOptions in format parameters
- #2444
- Give guidance in the docs on how to backup rasdaman
- #2447
- Document how to uninstall rasdaman
- #2448
- problem with configuring H2
- #2450
- Remove stable package repo for Ubuntu 20.04 from doc
- #2451
- Nullpointer on invalid request
- #2461
- Embedded rasdaman.war process leak when stopping rasdaman
- #2478
- rename before/after_ingestion hooks to before/after_import
- #2479
- consistent use of import/ingest in docs
- #2480
- systemtest fails on centos 7 nightly package
- #2481
- on repeated evaluation fails due to log file permissions
- #2486
- wcst_import resume files should be documented
- #2490
- rasdaman should work correctly when disk is full
- #2491
- rasdaman logs should not be world-readable
- #2496
- wrong error in wcst_import
- #2497
- unclear error in wcst_import
- #2502
- Script for automating issue reporting
- #2503
- MOD operator missing in WCPS
- #2504
- fix compilation with -DUSE_GRIB=OFF
- #2506
- set JAVA_OPTS to default -Xmx4000m if undefined
- #2507
- improve documentation of the slicer ingredients options
- #2523
- improve checking of user credentials in petascope
- #2540
- Improve hooks documentation
- #2542
- missing details in documentation
- #2547
- specifying a wkt string in project leads to bad escaping of double quotes
- #2548
- compile rasdaman on ubuntu 22.04
- #2568
- wcst_import: open each file with GDAL only once
- #2571
- wcst_import object has no attribute evaluator_slice
- #2572
- automatically run pylint on wcst_import when building rasdaman
- #2574
- configurable size of gdal datasets cache in wcst_import
- #2577
- improve thread-safety in rasmgr
- #2580
- wcst_import wrong error cannot create resume file
- #2585
- invalid shell syntax in secore Makefile
- #2591
- wcst_import should not print a warning if all paths were already imported
- #2597
- Compile rasdaman for newer SIMD CPU extensions
- #2598
- tiling aligned with a point configuration causes a segfault
- #2616
- extend/subset over non-materialized tiles should be initialized with null values
- #2641
- run systemtest queries in parallel
- #2667
- add details about libgdal-java on Ubuntu 22.04
- #2672
- improve errors with more details
- #2690
- add CRS metadata when encoding to netCDF
- #2691
- rasj does not stop rasmgr keep alive thread when no rasql query is submitted
- #2692
- add --queryfile to rasql and support --out formatted
- #2694
- optimize import of Sentinel 2 data when possible
- #2695
- add separate cmake option for generating PDF documentation
- #2696
- wcst_import fails to import files in subdirectories
- #2697
- Add migration guide to newer Ubuntu version
- #2699
- truncates error messages with single quote in them
- #2701
- systemtest logs contain double petascope.log
- #2702
- fails with ingredients file name with spaces
- #2716
- improve precision of scale
- #2752
- add polygonize function to rasql
- #2753
- improve QGIS WCPS plugin
- #2757
- Support updating the tiling of existing arrays
- #2763
- implement support for function atan2
- #2773
- Visual query editor tab in QGIS plugin
- #2774
- rasperf - a tool for testing and comparing performance between patches
- #2777
- should not fail if it cannot write to log file
- #2778
- add support for atan2 / arctan2 function in WCPS
- #2781
- add ArcGIS WMS guide to docs
- #2782
- wcst_import disabling file logging
- #2785
- faster import of Sentinel-2 data from S3 storage
- #2795
- petascope fails to start when recompiling with make
- #2797
- wcst_import adds to resumer file despite error
- #2798
- Support a ~/.raspass credentials file in rasql
- #2799
- wcst_import should not do anything if filepaths is empty
- #2800
- wcst_import give hint when no credentials specified an petascope requires them
- #2802
- rasql stuck when executed with user without any rights
- #2803
- resumer for sentinel1 recipe has wrong coverage id
- #2806
- Add --analyze option to wcst_import
- #2816
- add test for service_is_local: false in wcst_import tests
- #2817
- secore_urls=internal does not work for custom petascope path
- #2822
- improve wcst_import hooks documentation
- #2827
- wcst_import: close netCDF4 Dataset before it goes out of scope
- #2842
- return correct headers for plain text WCPS results
- #2845
- Add support for polygonize() in WCPS
Last modified
9 years ago
Last modified on Dec 18, 2015, 1:37:42 PM
See TracWiki
for help on using the wiki.